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Ammonium chloride as an alternative source of nitrogen for sugarcane during two consecutive cycles 86
Megda,Michele Xavier Vieira; Mariano,Eduardo; Leite,José Marcos; Megda,Marcio Mahmoud; Trivelin,Paulo Cesar Ocheuze.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the application of ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source for sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) on the development of the crop’s shoot and roots during two consecutive cycles. The experiment was conducted on a Typic Hapludox in the first and second sugarcane ratoons. The treatments consisted of four N doses (50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1) applied as ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), besides a control, without the application of N. The increase in the NH4Cl dose increased in up to three times soil electrical conductivity in the layer of 0.0-0.2 m, with a consequent increase in the concentration of chlorine in leaves. In the second cycle, the contents of chlorine increased in 1,900 mg kg-1 in the leaf with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saccharum; Electrical conductivity; Nitrogen fertilization; Root system; Stalk productivity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Anatomical and histochemical comparison of the primary and adventitious roots of Attalea microcarpa (Arecaceae) at the initial growth stage 36
CORRÊA,Marcos Melo; ARAÚJO,Maria Gracimar Pacheco de; MENDONÇA,Maria Sílvia de.
ABSTRACT We describe the anatomical structure of roots originating from the apocole of Attalea microcarpa compared to the primary root, by means of usual methods for optical microscopy. The adventitious roots are differentiated in the apocole associated to vascular bundles, and can remain as a single structure or branch. They have the basic root structure characteristic of Arecoideae palms, without schizogenous spaces, which are observed in the primary root, in addition to few air spaces. Mucilages, starch and proteins were present in both types of roots. Adventitious roots of the apocole are described for the first time in Arecaceae.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Amazon; Anatomy; Germination; Palm tree; Seedling; Root system.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Characterization of the soil fertility and root system of restinga forests 90
Bonilha,Rodolfo Martins; Casagrande,José Carlos; Soares,Marcio Roberto; Reis-Duarte,Rose Mary.
The Restinga vegetation consists of a mosaic of plant communities, which are defined by the characteristics of the substrates, resulting from the type and age of the depositional processes. This mosaic complex of vegetation types comprises restinga forest in advanced (high restinga) and medium regeneration stages (low restinga), each with particular differentiating vegetation characteristics. The climate along the coast is tropical (Köppen). Of all ecosystems of the Atlantic Forest, Restinga is the most fragile and susceptible to anthropic disturbances. Plants respond to soil characteristics with physiological and morphological modifications, resulting in changes in the architecture (spatial configuration) of the root system. The purpose of this study was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Base saturation; Root system; Edaphic vegetation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Controlled traffic and soil physical quality of an Oxisol under sugarcane cultivation 63
Souza,Gustavo Soares de; Souza,Zigomar Menezes de; Cooper,Miguel; Tormena,Cássio Antônio.
Machinery traffic in sugarcane (Saccharumsp.) plantations reduces soil physical quality, and hinders both root development and crop yield. We evaluated the physical quality of an Oxisol and the development of sugarcane roots under controlled traffic. The treatments assessed were: without controlled machinery traffic (WCT), controlled traffic by adjusting the tractor and infield wagons to a 3.0 m track width with the operator guiding the machinery (CT1) and the previous treatment using real time kinematic / global positioning system (RTK / GPS) precision auto steer (CT2). Soil samples were collected from the planting rows, seedbed and inter-row center to determine the least limiting water range (LLWR) and soil porosity from scanned 2-D images. The root dry...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Least limiting water range; Soil compaction; Machinery traffic; Root system.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Efeito do manejo do solo na compactação e produção de melancia irrigada. 14
Determinar os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de preparo de solo sobre a compactacao e produtividade da melancia. Foi instalado no submedio Sao Francisco, em latossolo vermelho amarelo um experimento de blocos ao acaso em quatro repeticoes e com os tratamentos de aracao, aracao e gradagem, gradagem, subsolagem e gradagem. Os resultados mostram que um manejo racional desse solo proporciona boa produtividada, alem de evitar degradacao.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Preparo do solo; Compactação; Management system; Compactation; Citrulus vulgaris; Root system; Natural resource; Recurso natural; Irrigação; Manejo; Melancia; Sistema Radicular; Solo; Soil.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Effects of sowing depths on growth and rooting patterns of cowpea and mungbean in a deep sand with shallow water table 106
Budsaba Buakum; Viriya Limpinuntana; Nimitr Vorasoot; Krirk Pannangpetch; Bell, Richard William.
In some dry-season cropping areas of northeast Thailand, farmers can grow selected annual legumes without irrigation by deep seeding. This cropping system seems to depend on capillary water rising from a shallow water table and seems to be suitable for peanut and cowpea but not other legumes. Seedlings planted by deep seeding might produce more roots under the seed position and could facilitate plants to absorb more water in deep soil because their roots were closer to water table. The present experiment was set up to investigate the differences of growth and rooting patterns between cowpea and mungbean planted at different sowing depths in a sandy soil with a shallow water table. Cowpea and mungbean seeds were sown in soil columns either shallow (~5 cm)...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Seeding depth; Root system; Legume; Receding soil moisture; Seeding depth; ถั่วพุ่ม; ถั่วเขียว; ระดับความลึก; ระบบการปลูกพืช; รูปแบบรากพืช; ความชื้นในดิน; ดินทราย; การเจริญเติบโต.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Effects of traffic control on the soil physical quality and the cultivation of sugarcane 90
Souza,Gustavo Soares de; Souza,Zigomar Menezes de; Silva,Reginaldo Barboza da; Barbosa,Ronny Sobreira; Araújo,Fernando Silva.
The cultivation of sugarcane with intensive use of machinery, especially for harvest, induces soil compaction, affecting the crop development. The control of agricultural traffic is an alternative of management in the sector, with a view to preserve the soil physical quality, resulting in increased sugarcane root growth, productivity and technological quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical quality of an Oxisol with and without control traffic and the resulting effects on sugarcane root development, productivity and technological quality. The following managements were tested: no traffic control (NTC), traffic control consisting of an adjustment of the track width of the tractor and sugarcane trailer (TC1) and traffic control...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural mechanization; Soil compaction; Root system; Technological variables; Saccharum sp.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Environmental physiology of the bananas (Musa spp.) 61
Turner,David W.; Fortescue,Jeanie A.; Thomas,Dane S..
The bananas are thought to be particularly sensitive to changes in the environment. This review considers some historical and recent investigations into the response of the leaf, root and reproductive system to the environment. Monteith's analysis of the response of plants to intercepted radiation is appropriate for analyzing the productivity of bananas and plantains. The banana is sensitive to soil water deficits, and expanding tissues such as emerging leaves and growing fruit are among the first to be affected. As soil begins to dry, stomata close and leaves remain highly hydrated, probably through root pressure. Productivity is affected because of the early closure of stomata. We find the common belief that bananas use large amounts of water does not...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crop yield; Leaf system; Light; Photoperiod; Photosynthesis; Reproductive system; Root system; Temperature; Water supply.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Grapevine root distribution in drip and microsprinkler irrigation 63
Bassoi,Luis Henrique; Hopmans,Jan W.; Jorge,Lúcio André de Castro; Alencar,Cristina Miranda de; Silva,José Antonio Moura e.
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) yield and its quality are dependent of the status of the root system. Root distribution information is also valuable for soil and water management. An analysis of methods to evaluate the root distribution of grapevines for both, drip and microsprinkler irrigation in a Typic Acrustox is presented for the table grape cv. Italia grafted on the rootstock IAC-313, in northeastern Brazil. Measured root parameters using the monolith method were root dry weight (Dw) and root length density (Lv), while root area (Ap) was estimated using the soil profile method in combination with digital image analysis. For both irrigation systems, roots were present to the 1 m soil depth and extended laterally to 1 m distance from the trunk, but...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis vinifera L.; Root system; Digital image.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Growth and development of soybean roots according to planting management systems and irrigation in lowland areas 65
Sartori,Gerson Meneghetti Sarzi; Marchesan,Enio; David,Ricardo De; Nicoloso,Fernando Teixeira; Schorr,Márcio Renan Weber; Filho,Alberto Cargnelutti; Donato,Gabriel.
ABSTRACT: The presence of a compacted soil layer near the ground surface in paddy fields may limit the growth and development of soybean roots. The objective of this study was to evaluate different planting management systems and irrigation on growth and development of soybean root systems in lowland area. The experiment was carried out in 2013/14 and 2014/15 crop seasons in randomized complete block design with factorial treatment (3x2), with four replications. The treatments consisted of different planting management systems: sowing with double disc (A1); sowing with shank (A2) and deep tillage + sowing with double disc (A3), and irrigation: irrigated (D1) and non irrigated (D2). Planting management systems and irrigation influenced the growth of soybean...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max L.; Compacted layer; Shank; Deep tillage; Root system.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Influence of irrigation on wheat crop 70
Flumignan,Danilton L.; Lena,Bruno P.; Faria,Rogério T. de; Scholz,Maria B. dos S.; Medina,Cristiane de C..
The use of irrigation has been increased significantly in wheat crops in Brazil. This study aims to evaluate the effect of irrigation on the productivity, on flour technological quality and on the wheat root system. In a field experiment conducted at IAPAR, in Londrina -state of Paraná (PR), Brazil, the IPR 118 cultivar was grown under sprinkler irrigation (Irrigated Treatment) and without irrigation (Non-irrigated Treatment). The productivity was determined by harvesting three samples of 25 m² per treatment. The same samples were used to evaluate the flour technological quality, considering, among other parameters, gluten strength (W). The evaluation of the root system was performed after the harvest, considering a profile of 0 to 45 cm of soil depth, and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Triticum aestivum L.; Spinkler; Productivity; Alveograph; Root system.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Influência do preparo do solo na produção de melancia e na compactação em latossolo vermelho-amarelo irrigado. 14
Foram testados os efeitos de dois sistemas de preparo de solo sobre a producao e sistema radicular da melancia (Citrullus vulgaris) e compactacao do solo em condicoes de irrigacao. Empregou-se um delineamento de blocos ao acaso.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Latosolo; Compactação; Preparo; Soil preparation; Compactation; Root system; Watermelon; Melancia; Irrigação; Manejo; Produção; Watermelons.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Kinetics of phosphorus uptake and root morphology of local and improved varieties of maize 63
Machado,Cynthia Torres de Toledo; Furlani,Ângela Maria Cangiani.
Interspecific and intraspecific differences in the efficiency of utilization of soil phosphorus (P) are explained, in part, by plant morphological and physiological variations, which characterize the plant for nutrient acquisition. As part of a study on maize genotypes characterization for P-uptake and use efficiency, kinetic parameters of P uptake and root morphological characters were evaluated for six local and improved maize varieties, grown in nutrient solution. The kinetic parameters related to P influx were: maximal transport rate (Vmax), the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km), and the external concentration when net uptake is zero (Cmin). Measured root morphological characters were: root length, radius, and surface area. Shoot and root dry matter yield...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genetic variability; Phopshorus acquisition; Kinetics parameters; Root system; Nutritional efficiency.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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O problema da queda acidental de mangueiras em Belém. 14
Publicação não convencional.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Ausência de pivotante; Belém; Pará; Brasil; Mango; Root system; Tree; Fruit; Árvore; Envelhecimento; Fruta; Manga; Raiz; Sistema Radicular; Amazonia.
Ano: 1969 URL:
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Phosphorus fertilization and growth of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliares L.) cultivars 91
Giongo,Vanderlise; Salviano,Alessandra M.; Santos,Betina R. C. dos; Leal,Emylly F..
Phosphorus (P) plays an important role in the growth of root system as well as the tillering grass, being fundamental to increase the productivity of these species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of buffel grass cultivars and establish critical values of P in plant and soil. The experimental set up was a 4 x 5 factorial scheme (four Cenchrus ciliaris cvs.: Biloela, Aridus, CPATSA 7754 and Pusa Giant, and five doses of P2O5 - 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1) with four replications. After 90 days of cultivation, dry mass of shoot (DMS) and root (DMR) production and the P accumulation (Pacc) were determined. Soil samples to determine the P content and determination of the critical level (CriLev) were also collected. The cv. Biloela...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Critical level; Root system; Pasture.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Public-domain software for root image analysis 90
Costa,Mirian Cristina Gomes; Cunha,Isabela Maria de Lima; Jorge,Lúcio André de Castro; Araújo,Isabel Cristina da Silva.
In the search for high efficiency in root studies, computational systems have been developed to analyze digital images. ImageJ and Safira are public-domain systems that may be used for image analysis of washed roots. However, differences in root properties measured using ImageJ and Safira are supposed. This study compared values of root length and surface area obtained with public-domain systems with values obtained by a reference method. Root samples were collected in a banana plantation in an area of a shallower Typic Carbonatic Haplic Cambisol (CXk), and an area of a deeper Typic Haplic Ta Eutrophic Cambisol (CXve), at six depths in five replications. Root images were digitized and the systems ImageJ and Safira used to determine root length and surface...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Root length; Root surface area; Image processing; Root system.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Rapid root assimilation of added phosphorus in a lowland tropical rainforest of French Guiana 5
Van Langenhove, Leandro; Janssens, Ivan A.; Verryckt, Lore; Brechet, Laetitia; Hartley, Iain P.; Stahl, Clement; Courtois, Elodie; Urbina, Ifigenia; Grau, Oriol; Sardans, Jordi; Peguero, Guille; Gargallo-garriga, Albert; Peñuelas, Josep; Vicca, Sara.
Theory states that tree growth in lowland tropical forests on old, weathered soils is limited by low phosphorous (P) availability. However, evidence for P limitation from nutrient manipulation experiments remains unclear, which raises the question whether trees are taking up added P. In French Guianese lowland rainforest, we measured changes in nitrogen (N) and P availability before and up to two months after N and P addition. We measured in soils with intact root systems and soils excluding roots and mycorrhizal fungi with root exclusion cylinders. When the root system was excluded, P addition increased P availability to a much greater extent and for a longer time than where the roots remained undisturbed. N dynamics were unaffected by root...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tropical forest; Phosphorus; Nitrogen; Fertilization; Root system; Plant root simulator probes.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Resposta de cultivares de tomateiro para processamento industrial a fertirrigacao por gotejamento subterraneo. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Tomate para processamento; Gotejamento; Processing tomato; Drip irrigation; Root system; Fertirrigação; Lycopersicon Esculentum; Sistema Radicular; Fertigation.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Rice root growth and development in competition with weedy rice 87
E. Schaedler,Carlos; U.M. Taborda,Célio; A.P. Goulart,Francisco; M. Chiapinotto,Diego; Pinho,Paulo J..
Abstract Background: Weedy rice belongs to the same taxon as irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.), and is the main weed of the crop. However, it exhibits different traits that produce greater competitive capacity using solar radiation. In competition for light, plants invest in photoassimilates for the shoots and can reduce their root development. Objectives: The objective of this work is to evaluate the initial growth of weedy and cultivated rice roots in response to light competition. Methods: The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse (hydroponic system), using a completely randomized design, arranged in a 2x2x6 factorial scheme, with five replications. Factor A consisted of the weedy rice biotype Q35B and the rice cultivar IRGA 424; factor B of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Solar radiation; Root system.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Root distribution of irrigated grapevine rootstocks in a coarse texture soil of the São Francisco Valley, Brazil 94
An experiment was carried out to determine the root distribution of four grapevine rootstocks (Salt Creek, Dogridge, Courdec 1613, IAC 572) in a coarse texture soil of a commercial growing area in Petrolina County, São Francisco Valley, Brazil. Rootstocks were grafted to a seedless table grape cv. Festival, and irrigated by microsprinkler. Roots were quantified by the trench wall method aided by digital image analysis. Results indicated that roots reached 1 m depth, but few differences among rootstocks were found. All of them presented at least 90 % of the roots distributed until 0.6 m depth, with a greater root presence in the first 0.4 m. The upper 0.6 m can be taken into account as the effective rooting depth for soil and water management.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Grapevine; Root system; Digital image analysis.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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