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Alelopatia de sorgo-sacarino na soja cultivada em sucessão. Infoteca-e
GARCIA, R. A.; SUTIER, G. A. da S..
Os resíduos do sorgo-sacarino, pela liberação de substâncias alelopáticas, podem afetar negativamente o desenvolvimento da cultura em sucessão. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos resíduos de duas cultivares de sorgo-sacarino na soja Semeada em sucessão, em função de intervalos para semeadura após o manejo do sorgo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, em Dourados, MS, em vasos com capacidade de 14 litros. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x4, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por duas cultivares de sorgo (BRS 506 e BRS 511) e quatro intervalos para semeadura da soja após manejo da gramínea (0, 3, 6 e 9 dias). As plantas de sorgo...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Crescimento radicular; Agroenergia; Sorgoleone; Root; Growth; Palhada; Bioenergy; Straw.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Anatomia da raiz de espécies de Dyckia Schult. f. e Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) da Serra do Cipó (Minas Gerais, Brasil), com especial referência ao velame Rev. Bras. Bot.
O estudo anatômico da raiz em espécies de Dyckia e Encholirium mostra, como característica marcante, a presença de uma epiderme pluriestratificada, constituindo um velame. No epivelame, encontram-se os pêlos radiculares. A hipoderme é formada por células mortas de paredes espessadas e algumas células de passagem vivas de paredes não espessadas. Em diferentes níveis, apresenta-se uni ou plurisseriada e totalmente lignificada. Observa-se, também, o espessamento e a lignificação das paredes celulares de outras regiões do córtex em maior ou menor profundidade, dependendo do nível considerado (mais próximo do caule, mais espessado). Excluindo a raiz primária da planta jovem, todas as demais são adventícias, com medula ampla.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bromeliaceae; Root; Anatomy; Velamen.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Anatomical and ultrastructural aspects of root and mycorrhiza of Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg. var. falcata (Benth.) Altschul (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) Rev. Bras. Bot.
Gross,Eduardo; Cordeiro,Lázara; Caetano,Flávio H..
A. peregrina var. falcata form mutualistic symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. An anatomical and ultrastructural study was carried out to analyze some aspects of this simbiotic association as well as some root features. The results evidenced the presence of fibers with non-lignified thicked secondary walls in the stele and sparse papillae on root surface. A. peregrina var. falcata mycorrhizas presented features of Arum-type (intercellular hyphae) and Paris-type (extensive coils) arbuscular mycorrhiza. Their general appearance with extraradical hyphae, intracellular coils, intercellular hyphae and arbuscules, is in agreement with arbuscular mycorrhizas of several plants. The ultrastructural observations showed that in intercellular hyphae and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata; Anatomy; Mycorrhiza; Root; Ultrastructure.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Anatomy of the root of eight species of emergent aquatic macrophytes from the upper Paraná river, Paraná State, Brazil floodplain - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v32i3.5509 Biological Sciences
Marques, Angela Maria Marques Sanches; Universidade Estadual de Maringá; Moscheta, Ismar Sebastião; Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
The upper Paraná River floodplain is characterized by the existence of several aquatic and transitional habitats between the aquatic and terrestrial environment, influencing the presence and distribution of aquatic macrophytes. Samples were taken from different places and permanent slides were prepared for analysis and capture of images with the objective of comparing the anatomy of the roots of eight species of emergent aquatic macrophytes. The species feature uniseriate epidermis with narrow and long cells, cortex composed of uniseriate or biseriate exodermis, with or without thickening, aerenchyma with great gaps, uniseriate endodermis, with or without thickening, continuous or interrupted pericycle, and central cylinder with variable number of xylem...
Tipo: Estudo anatômico Palavras-chave:; Aerenchyma; Root; Alismataceae; Cyperaceae; Polygonaceae; Pontederiaceae Anatomia Vegetal Aerenchyma; Root; Alismataceae; Cyperaceae; Polygonaceae; Pontederiaceae.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Armazenamento de raízes frescas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta, Crantz ) após a colheita. Infoteca-e
KATO, M. do S. A..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Armazenagem; Deterioração fisiológica; Root; Conservation; Physiological deterioration; Conservação; Manihot Esculenta; Mandioca; Raiz; Cassava; Storage.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Comportamento do sistema radicular de fruteiras cultivadas em áreas irrigadas do Submédio São Francisco. Infoteca-e
O objetivo do trabalho é determinar a distribuição do sistema radicular das fruteiras, em solos arenosos irrigados.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Nordeste; Submedio Sao Francisco; Root; Northeast; Sao Francisco Sub-Middle; Fruit; Fruticultura; Irrigação; Fruta; Raiz; Fruits; Irrigation.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Consideracoes e recomendacoes tecnicas sobre os principais fatores envolvidos no enraizamento e diferenciacao de estacas caulinares de algodoeiro arboreo. Infoteca-e
NOBREGA, L. B. da; BELTRAO, N. E. de M.; VIEIRA, D. J.; AZEVEDO, D. M. P. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Arboreo; Praticas; Culturais; Perennial cotton; Root; Algodão; Enraizamento; Gossypium Hirsutum.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Consumption of ferulic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids by soybean root tips BABT
Silva,Hélio Cândido da; Herrig,Vanessa; Ferrarese,Maria de Lourdes L.; Ferrarese-Filho,Osvaldo.
Depletion method was used to describe how soybean root consumed ferulic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids in nutrient culture. The results showed that excised cultured soybean roots consumed these allelochemicals very rapidly. At concentrations between 0.1 and 1.0 mM, roots consumed 50% or more of ferulic acid after 6-h depletion. Although consumption started only after 3 h, similar behavior was verified with p-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max L. Merr.; Root; Absorption; Allelochemicals.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Contaminant Fate, Dynamics and Bioavailability: Biochemical and Molecular Mechanism at the Soil: Root interface R.C. Suelo Nutr. Veg.
Naidu,R; Kim,K.R.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Environmental contamination; Contaminant bioavailabihty; Root; Soil interface.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Distribuição radicular da tamareira irrigada em latossolo Vermelho Amarelo. Infoteca-e
BASSOI, L. H.; ALENCAR, C. M. de; SILVA, J. A. M. e.
Outros parâmetros, como densidade e comprimento radicular, encontram-se em fase de análise e completarão este trabalho de pesquisa.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Distribuicao radicular; Date palm; Root; Distribution; Soils; Fruit; Irrigação; Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo; Phoenix Dactylifera; Tâmara; Irrigation.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Diversity of metaxylem vessel elements in three Syagrus palms (Arecaceae) of different habits Acta Botanica
Pace,Marcelo Rodrigo; Botânico,Marli Pereira; Angyalossy,Veronica.
Vessel elements in Monocotyledons present morphological differences according to the organ where they occur. Usually such diff erences have been explained from an evolutionary perspective, with few data on how the vessel elements could be infl uenced by the diff erent functions of organs and the growth habits of the plants. To address this question, three vegetative organs of palms of the same genus, Syagrus, growing in similar environments, but with different habits, were analyzed. Accordingly, we aimed to detect whether the vessel elements would present similar features in all species or whether the vessel elements would change according to their different habits. We found that the width and type of perforation plates varied in the same way among all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Monocotyledons; Tracheary elements; Vegetative organs; Growth habit; Root; Stem; Leaf.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Ecological aspects of Langsdorffia hypogaea (Balanophoraceae) parasitism in the Pantanal wetlands Acta Botanica
Lehn,Carlos Rodrigo; Salis,Suzana Maria; Mattos,Patrícia Póvoa.
Most studies on holoparasitic plants have focused on taxonomic or systematic issues. The objective of this study was to examine the ecological aspects of parasitism of Langsdorffia hypogaea (Balanophoraceae) in the Pantanal wetlands. Individuals of L. hypogaea were dug out by hand and the host trees were identified. Eighty-eight percent of host trees exhibited zoochory dispersal syndrome. Protium heptaphyllum and Cordiera sessilis represented 50% of the sampled trees. Both species are evergreen and are preferentially shade-tolerant species growing under the canopy of other trees. Fecal sample of collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) had seeds from both the host tree (Protium sp.) and the parasite L. hypogaea. We therefore propose the hypothesis that P. tajacu...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Host specificity; Pantanal; Parasite; Root; Savanna.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Efeito do ácido indol butirico no enraizamento de tocos enxertados de raiz nua em seringueira (Hevea spp). Infoteca-e
Foi avaliado o efeito do ácido indol butirico no enraizamento de tocos enxertados de raiz nua de Hevea spp.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Raiz nua; Brasil; Amazonas; Rubber tree; Species; Root; Grafting; Plant growth substance; Ácido Giberélico; Enraizamento; Espécie; Enxerto; Hormônio Vegetal; Hevea; Seringueira.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Effect of water stress on the growth of Arachis pintoi plants under different nitrogen levels R. Bras. Zootec.
Sales,Rita Manuele Porto; Fries,Daniela Deitos; Bonomo,Paulo; Pires,Aureliano José Vieira; Campos,Cleide Nascimento; Brito,Paulo Henrique Rodrigues; Pereira,Iracema Souza; Santos,Joelma da Silva.
The objective was to evaluate the growth of Arachis pintoi fertilized with nitrogen and water deficiency conditions. The study was developed in a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement with four nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha) and four irrigation levels (25, 50, 75 and 100% of field capacity), in a completely randomized experimental design, with four replications. High doses of N benefited the production of root shoots while the root increased its production at a dose of 40 kg N/ha. The number of green and senescent leaves were influenced by N fertilization and the water regime, where higher doses of N provided greater total number of green leaves (364 leaves/pot) and the limitation of water resulted in a greater number of senescent leaves (78...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Legume; Morphogenesis; Root; Water.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Estructura del esporofito vegetativo joven (sistemas radical y aéreo) del guanábano (Annona muricata L.) Colegio de Postgraduados
Aguilar Luna, Jesús Mao Estanislao.
El guanábano en Quintana Roo presenta problemas para su cultivo debido a lo calcáreo de los suelos y a su propagación sexual. En este trabajo se evaluaron el crecimiento radical y aéreo de plántulas de guanábano provenientes de semilla; desarrolladas en siete tipos de suelo: gleysol, luvisol, vertisol crómico, cambisol lítico, rendzina, fluvisol eútrico y premier pro-mix VFT®. Se realizaron dos experimentos: E1 (Quintana Roo) y E2 (Estado de México). Se utilizaron 49 unidades experimentales (plántulas de 10 a 14 cm de longitud, creciendo en minirrizotrones). Siete tratamientos con siete repeticiones conformaron cada experimento. Semanalmente y durante 95 días se registraron las variables: longitud (LR) y diámetro (DR) de la raíz principal; número de raíces...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Calcáreos; Climas tropical y templado; Crecimiento y desarrollo; Minirrizotrón; Raíz; Maestría; Fruticultura; Calcareous; Tropical and temperate climates; Growth and development; Minirhizotron; Root.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Estructura del esporofito vegetativo joven (sistemas radical y aéreo) del guanábano (Annona muricata L.) Colegio de Postgraduados
Aguilar Luna, Jesús Mao Estanislao.
El guanábano en Quintana Roo presenta problemas para su cultivo debido a lo calcáreo de los suelos y a su propagación sexual. En este trabajo se evaluaron el crecimiento radical y aéreo de plántulas de guanábano provenientes de semilla; desarrolladas en siete tipos de suelo: gleysol, luvisol, vertisol crómico, cambisol lítico, rendzina, fluvisol eútrico y premier pro-mix VFT®. Se realizaron dos experimentos: E1 (Quintana Roo) y E2 (Estado de México). Se utilizaron 49 unidades experimentales (plántulas de 10 a 14 cm de longitud, creciendo en minirrizotrones). Siete tratamientos con siete repeticiones conformaron cada experimento. Semanalmente y durante 95 días se registraron las variables: longitud (LR) y diámetro (DR) de la raíz principal; número de raíces...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Calcáreos; Climas tropical y templado; Crecimiento y desarrollo; Minirrizotrón; Raíz calcareous; Tropical and temperate climates; Growth and development; Minirhizotron; Root.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Ferulic acid depletion by cultured soybean seedlings under action of glucose and methionine BABT
Herrig,Vanessa; Silva,Hélio Cândido da; Ferrarese,Maria de Lourdes Lucio; Ferrarese-Filho,Osvaldo.
Cultured soybean seedlings were used to investigate how glucose or methionine influenced depletion of ferulic acid. Three-day-old seedlings were grown in hydroponic solution containing ferulic acid plus glucose or methionine, and the level of the phenolic acid were monitored in the nutrient culture. The results showed that ferulic acid depletion was more rapid in the presence of those compounds. After 6 h, the increase caused by glucose (0.01 and 0.05 mM) was more pronounced than methionine in the same concentrations. On the other hand, methionine (0.1 and 0.2 mM) increased depletion more significantly than glucose. Results suggested that both compounds might to increase the allelopathic effects of ferulic acid in the seedlings.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max L. Merr.; Root; Phenolic acid; Carbohydrate; Aminoacid.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Green ear yield and grain yield of maize cultivars in competition with weeds Planta Daninha
Silva,P.S.L.; Silva,K.M.B.; Silva,P.I.B.; Oliveira,V.R.; Ferreira,J.L.B..
The reduction in herbicide use is one of the greatest interests for modern agriculture and several alternatives are being investigated with this objective, including the adoption of cultivars that suppress weeds. The objective of this study was to verify if maize cultivars develop differently, in competition with weeds, to produce green ears and grain. Randomized complete block design was used, with split-plots and five replications. Cultivars DKB 390, DKB 466, DKB 350, AG 7000, AG 7575 and Master, were evaluated in the plots, without weeding and two weedings (at 22 and 41 days after sowing) in sub plots. Twenty-one species were identified in the experimental area, the most frequent being Gramineae (Poaceae), Euphorbiaceae, Leguminosae (Fabaceae) and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays; Green corn; Leaf; Root; Tolerance to weeds.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Growth and nutrient concentration in coffee root system under weed species competition Planta Daninha
Ronchi,C.P.; Terra,A.A.; Silva,A.A..
The effects of competition of six weed species on growth, nutrient concentration and nutrient content of coffee plant root system under greenhouse conditions were evaluated. Thirty days after coffee seedling transplantation into 12 L pots with soil level area of 6.5 dm². Weeds were transplanted or sowed in these pots, at densities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 plants per pot. The duration of competition (or weedy periods) from weed transplantation or emergence until plant harvesting, at the weed preflowering stage, were (in days): 77 (Bidens pilosa), 180 (Commelina diffusa), 82 (Leonurus sibiricus), 68 (Nicandra physaloides), 148 (Richardia brasiliensis) and 133 (Sida rhombifolia). Dry matter of coffee plants was linearly reduced with increasing B. pilosa and S....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coffea arabica; Weed density; Interference; Mineral nutrition; Root.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Growth and regrowth of tough lovegrass (Eragrostis plana Nees) R. Bras. Zootec.
Scheffer-Basso,Simone Meredith; Favaretto,Adriana; Felini,Vanderleia; Cecchin,Kalinca.
This study evaluated the morphological development of two populations of tough lovegrass during 120 days of continuous growth (Experiment I), and the regrowth of one population under the combination of cutting height (5 cm and 10 cm) and phenological stage at the first cutting (vegetative and beginning of flowering; Experiment II). In Experiment I, plants were harvested at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of growth; in Experiment II, three cuttings were carried out at every 30 days, and the plants were harvested four weeks after the previous one. In Experiment I, the populations did not differ for morphological development, showing a linear increase in height and tiller number, and a quadratic trend for root and shoot dry matter (DM). At 120 days of growth, plants...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cutting height; Phenological stage; Root; Stubble.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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