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A Dynamic Decision Model of Technology Adoption under Uncertainty: Case of Herbicide-Resistant Rice AgEcon
Annou, Mamane Malam; Wailes, Eric J.; Thomsen, Michael R..
Herbicide-resistant (HR) rice technology is a potential tool for control of red rice in commercial rice production. Using an ex ante mathematical programming framework, this research presents an empirical analysis of HR rice technology adoption under uncertainty. The analysis accounts for stochastic germination of red rice and sheath blight to model a profit maximization problem of crop rotation among HR rice, regular rice, and soybeans. The results demonstrate that risk attitudes and technology efficiency determine adoption rates and optimal rotation patterns.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Herbicide resistance; Mathematical programming; Profit maximization; Rice; Risk; Rotation; Technology; Adoption; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q16; Q18; O33; C61.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Stark, C. Robert, Jr.; Dowler, C.C.; Johnson, A.W.; Baker, S.H..
A study of irrigated strip-till soybean production compared gross margins over nematicide expense for a continuous triticale-soybean system versus a two-year rotation system alternating triticale-soybean with triticale-cotton. Half of the replicated plots under each system received nematicide treatment. Gross margins were calculated using recorded yields and Georgia average market prices by marketing years. Mean gross margins for untreated plots were not significantly different between crop-sequence systems. Within each system, however, mean gross margins were significantly higher for plots not receiving nematicide treatment versus treated plots, even when treated plots produced greater yields.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Gross margin; Irrigation; Meloidogyne incognita; Root-knot nematode; Rotation; Soybean; Triticale; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Aspectos econômicos em sistemas de produção com culturas alimentares para agricultores de baixa renda na Microrregião Bragantina, Pará. Infoteca-e
FRAZAO, D. A. C.; HOMMA, A. K. O.; ANDRADE, E. B. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pequeno agricultor; Caupi; Cultivo; Consorciacao; Rotação; Pará; Zona Bragantina; Brasil; Production systems; Economy; Maize; Cowpea; Culture; Rotation; Economia; Mandioca; Mão-de-Obra; Milho; Sistema de Produção; Amazonia; Cassava; Intercropping; Labor force; Small farms.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Cultura da mandioca. Infoteca-e
Recomendações técnicas sobre a cultura da mandioca (Esculenta crantz) na Amazônia Oriental. Resultados das pesquisas realizadas pelo IPEAN.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Cultivo; Consorciação; Rotação; Cultivar; Brasil; Cultivation; Spacing; Cultural practices; Rotation; Harvest; Pest; Variety; Colheita; Espaçamento; Mandioca; Plantio; Praga; Pratica Cultural; Amazonia; Cassava; Intercropping; Planting.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Estrutura de produção de malva no Nordeste paraense. Infoteca-e
HOMMA, A. K. O..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sistema; Consorciacao; Rotacao; Tipificacao; Pará; Capitao-poco; Irituia; Ourem; Sao Domingos do Capim; Mallow; Production; Maize; Bean; Rotation; Economy; Tipification; Algodão; Arroz; Economia; Feijão; Malva; Mandioca; Milho; Pequeno Produtor; Produção; Cotton; Cassava; Intercropping; Small farms; Rice.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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MALAGON,Juan Nicolas; KHAN,Waleed.
Allometric studies measure the scaling changes between different body parts and these often have implications on understanding ecology and evolution. Although most work on allometry has described its importance during phenotypic evolution, few studies have focused on studying how entrenched developmental processes can affect allometric changes. To explore this problem, here we used the sex comb, a male-specific group of bristles with a spectacular morphological diversity among Drosophila species. By combining morphometric analysis in wild type and genetically perturbed Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila species, we studied the allometric changes that occur in leg length and other bristle rows in concert with sex comb radiation. We show that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rotation; Sex combs; Transverse rows.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Mandioca. Infoteca-e
Pesquisas do IPEAN. A cultura em grandes zonas agrícolas do estuário amazônico.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Cultivo; Cultivar; Consorciação; Rotação; Classificação; Utilização; Brasil; Pará; Cultivation; Disease; Pest; Variety; Fertilizer; Rotation; Spacing; Plantation date; Yield; Production; Utilization; Adubação; Botânica; Espaçamento; Época de Plantio; Doença; Mandioca; Pesquisa; Plantio; Produtividade; Praga; Produção; Tecnologia; Amazonia; Classification; Botany; Cassava; Intercropping; Research; Planting; Technology.
Ano: 1970 URL:
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Mobility of the forearm in the raccoon (Procyon lotor), raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and red panda (Ailurus fulgens) OAK
KAMIOKA, Minao; SASAKI, Motoki; YAMADA, Kazutaka; ENDO, Hideki; OISHI, Motoharu; YUHARA, Kazutoshi; TOMIKAWA, Sohei; SUGIMOTO, Miki; OSHIDA, Tatsuo; KONDOH, Daisuke; KITAMURA, Nobuo; 佐々木, 基樹; 押田, 龍夫; 近藤, 大輔; 北村, 延夫.
The ranges of pronation/supination of forearms in raccoons, raccoon dogs and red pandas were nondestructively examined. Three carcasses of each species were used for CT analysis, and the left forearms were scanned with a CT scanner in two positions: maximal supination and maximal pronation. Scanning data were reconstructed into three-dimensional images, cross-sectional images were extracted at the position that shows the largest area in the distal part of ulna, and then, the centroids of each cross section of the radius and ulna were detected. CT images of two positions were superimposed, by overlapping the outlines of each ulna, and then, the centroids were connected by lines to measure the angle of rotation, as an index of range of mobility. The...
Palavras-chave: Forearm; Raccoon; Raccoon dog; Red panda; Rotation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Optimizing nitrogen rates in the midwestern United States for maximum ecosystem value Ecology and Society
Ewing, Patrick M; University of Minnesota, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics ;; Runck, Bryan C; University of Minnesota, Department of Geography, Environment and Society;
The importance of corn production to the midwestern United States cannot be overestimated. However, high production requires high nitrogen fertilization, which carries costs to environmental services such as water quality. Therefore, a trade-off exists between the production of corn yield and water quality. We used the Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment for Shallow depths and Crop Environment Resource Synthesis-Maize models to investigate the nature of this trade-off while testing the Simple Analytic Framework trade-offs featured in this Special Feature. First, we estimated the current levels of yield and water quality production in northeastern Iowa and southern Minnesota at the 1-square-kilometer, county, and regional scales. We then constructed an...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Agroecology; Corn belt; DSSAT; Fertilization rate; Frontier analysis; Groundwater nitrate; GWAVA-S; Land use; Nitrogen; Rotation; Row crops; Simple Analytics Framework; Yield.
Ano: 2015
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Speaking Stata: Graphs for all seasons AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
Time series showing seasonality—marked variation with time of year—are of interest to many scientists, including climatologists, other environmental scientists, epidemiologists, and economists. The usual graphs plotting response variables against time, or even time of year, are not always the most effective at showing the fine structure of seasonality. I survey various modifications of the usual graphs and other kinds of graphs with a range of examples. Although I introduce here two new Stata commands, cycleplot and sliceplot, I emphasize exploiting standard functions, data management commands, and graph options to get the graphs desired.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cycleplot; Sliceplot; Seasonality; Time series; Graphics; Cycle plot; Rotation; State space; Incidence plots; Folding; Repeating; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Choice of Tillage, Rotation, and Soil Testing Practices: Economic and Environmental Implications AgEcon
Wu, JunJie; Babcock, Bruce A.; Lakshminarayan, P.G..
Which management practices farmers adopt has a significant effect on agricultural pollution. Research has analyzed factors influencing adoption of a single management practice. But often adoption decisions about many practices are made simultaneously, which suggests use of a polychotomous-choice model to analyze decisions. We apply such a model to the choice of alternative management practices on cropland in the Central Nebraska Basin and control for self-selection and the interaction among alternative practices. We use the results of the choice model to estimate the economic and environmental effect so adopting alternative combinations of management practices. Our results suggest that crop rotation and soil N testing are complementary practices, perhaps...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Rotation; Soil N testing; Corn yield; Fertilizer use; Soil erosion; The polychotomous-choice selectivity model; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Trends in Pulse and Oilseed Crops in Winter Cereal Rotations in NSW AgEcon
Brennan, John P.; Sykes, John D.; Scott, J. Fiona.
The key aims in this study are to assess the current level of importance of pulse and oilseed (broadleaf) crops in winter cereal rotations in NSW, and to identify recent trends. The production of broadleaf crops has increased in each region of NSW, but different crops have been favoured. Canola has played a key role in southern regions, and chickpea in the northern regions. In many areas, pulse crops have been grown more because of rotational benefits than their direct gross margins. If recent trends continue, the role of broadleaf crops will increase to 25% of the area sown to field crops in NSW by 2020. However, that will only be achieved with a focussed effort in both research and extension activities.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Broadleaf crop; Oilseed; Pulse; Production; Rotation; NSW; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q160.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Tuberosas feculentas. Infoteca-e
Noções gerais sobre as culturas. As culturas na Amazônia.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Planta tuberosa; Cultivo; Batata-doce; Cara; Propagação; Consorciação; Rotação; Tuberous plant; Cultivation; Sweet potato; Propagation; Plantation; Rotation; Harvest; Disease; Pest; Yam; Araruta; Botânica; Colheita; Doença; Historia; Maranta Arundinacea; Melhoramento; Plantio; Praga; Taioba; Taro; Valor Nutritivo; Dioscorea; Xanthosoma violaceum; Arrowroot; Botany; Breeding; Intercropping; Nutritive value.
Ano: 1970 URL:
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