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Avaliacao tecnica do Projeto Padre Cicero: Prefeitura Municipal de Petrolina- PE, segmento: cisternas rurais. Infoteca-e
Avaliacao tecnica de cada cisterna em particular no municipio de Petrolina, levantando informacoes referentes ao impacto da tecnologia a nivel de produtos: populacao atingida; disponibilidade de recursos hidricos; construcao; manejo e qualidade da agua.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Projeto Padre Cicero; PAPP; Agua de chuva; Captacao; Armazenagem; Construcao; Consumo humano; Pernambuco; Petrolina; Cistern; Rural community; Recurso natural; Abastecimento; Comunidade Rural; Cisterna; Tecnologia; Harvesting; Rain; Technology; Water.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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CAMPANHA nacional: produção de sementes de milho variedade em comunidades rurais: cartilha do produtor. Infoteca-e
Uma variedade de milho é um conjunto de plantas com características comuns, sendo um material geneticamente estável. Por essa razão, o agricultor pode reutilizar a semente colhida sem nenhuma perda na produtividade. Tal fato não ocorre quando o agricultor reutiliza sementes colhidas de um híbrido plantado no ano anterior. Nesse caso, há uma queda mínima na produtividade de 20% . Isso se deve à perda do "vigor híbrido. " Esta publicação tem como objetivo orientar a produção de sementes de milho variedade em comunidades rurais. Seguindo essas instruções, os produtores terão sementes melhores, mais produtivas e não precisarão todo ano adquirir novas sementes de milho.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Maize; Variety; Seed; Production; Rural community; Comunidade Rural; Milho; Produção; Semente; Variedade.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being: a Participatory Study in a Mountain Community in Portugal Ecology and Society
Queiroz, Cibele; Universidade de Lisboa;; Pereira, Henrique Miguel; Universidade de Lisboa;; Vicente, Luis; Universidade de Lisboa;
Ecosystem services are essential for human well-being, but the links between ecosystem services and human well-being are complex, diverse, context-dependent, and complicated by the need to consider different spatial and temporal scales to assess them properly. We present the results of a study in the rural community of Sistelo in northern Portugal that formed part of the Portugal Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The main purpose of our study was to assess the linkages between human well-being and ecosystem services at the local level, as perceived by the community. We used a range of tools that included participatory rural appraisal and rapid rural appraisal as well as other field methods such as direct observation, familiarization and participation in...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Human well-being; Participatory rural appraisal; Rapid rural appraisal; Participatory study; Biodiversity; Rural community; Land abandonment; Mountain landscape; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
Ano: 2005
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Evaluating Multifunctional Activities as Rural Institution in Japan AgEcon
Ohe, Yasuo.
The relationship between multifunctionality and the roles of rural communities has not been discussed fully although the connection between the two is an essential issue in the rural policy arena. Pursuing this issue, this paper considers that multifunctional hamlet activities are generated as institutional joint products within the hamlet. Also evaluated is the connection between multifunctional activities and institutional hamlet conditions under the Japanese direct payment program for less favored areas. Results of conceptual considerations and empirical evaluations reveal that specific multifunctional hamlet activities depend on hamlet conditions; those on the least favorable level tend to perform land preservation activities while those under the most...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Multifunctionality; Rural community; Institution; Jointness; Diversification; Human resources; Direct payment; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Q19; R0; Z13; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Health Disparities in Rural Georgia: A Case Study of Liberty, Long, and McIntosh Counties AgEcon
Amponsah, William A.; Fuller, Whitney; Gibbison, Godfrey.
Health disparities can be defined as differences in the health status among distinct segments of the population including differences that occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, or living in various geographic localities. When populations are disproportionately unhealthy, they are likely to be unable to maintain steady employment, and are more likely to rely on government assistance and support from others. We conduct a case study of three rural counties; Liberty, Long, and McIntosh to explore what factors explain the incidence of health disparities manifested in high blood pressure and heart disease. We test the hypotheses that older individuals are more likely to experience illness at a higher rate than the rest of the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Health disparities; High blood pressure; Heart disease; Rural community; Logistic model; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Health Economics and Policy; I100; I120; I180.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Farmers in America's Heartland are paying increasing attention to emerging trends of consolidation of farm firms, contractual and ownership linkages across input suppliers/processor and farm firms, and strategic partnering across the stages of food production, processing, and the firms that do business with farmers. The papers contained in this conference proceedings provide an overview of industrialization, and addresses its causes and consequences for producers, rural communities, food firms, and their customers. Industrialization holds different meaning, implications, and opportunities for different people.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Industrialization; Rural community; Public policy; Strategic alliances; Vertical coordination; Industry structure; Agribusiness; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Prevalence and risk factors for human toxoplasmosis in a rural community J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Marques,JM; da Silva,DV; Correia,NAB; Velásquez,G; da Silva,RC; Langoni,H; da Silva,AV.
Toxoplasma gondii infection may lead to important pathological questions, especially in rural areas, where several sources of infection exist. Therefore, it is important to determine risk factors in order to establish adequate prophylactic measures. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors involved in human toxoplasmosis infection in a rural community, in Eldorado, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. This community was composed of 185 farms - with 671 inhabitants - from which 20 were randomly chosen. In these farms, blood samples were collected from rural workers, who also answered a risk factor questionnaire. Serum samples were analyzed by means of direct agglutination test for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Toxoplasma gondii; Prevalence; Risk factors; Rural community.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Síntese dos métodos de pesquisa de avaliação de recursos naturais e sócio-econômicos ao nível de regiões, comunidades e de unidades de produção de pequenos agricultores. Infoteca-e
Trata sobre: pesquisa de avaliacao de recursos naturais e socio-economicos ao nivel regional; pesquisa de avaliacao da agricultura ao nivel regional; pesquisa de avaliacao de sistemas de exploracao e de sistemasde producao em uso; pesquisa para subsidiar algumas politicas agropecuarias do governo para a regiao Nordeste e avaliacao de tecnicas e tecnologias.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Socioeconomia; Recursos naturais; Avaliação; Agricultor baixa renda; Farming resource; Valuation; Rural community; Comunidade Rural; Desenvolvimento Rural; Pesquisa; Sistema de Produção; Rural development; Research.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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