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A agricultura familiar em Portugal: rupturas e continuidades Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
Carmo,Renato Miguel do.
Em Portugal, as ciências sociais têm estudado a agricultura familiar a partir de um modelo de interpretação dualista que acentua as diferenças inter-regionais, marginalizando, até certo ponto, o significado sociológico de algumas continuidades que se estabeleciam (e se estabelecem) entre as zonas do Norte e do Sul ou entre o Litoral e o Interior. O presente estudo pretende, assim, construir uma perspectiva diferente sobre as modalidades de agricultura familiar em Portugal, procurando identificar, num primeiro momento, uma série de proximidades sociológicas entre os diferentes modos de organização (tradicionais e modernos) das famílias agrícolas e, consequentemente, traçar os eixos para um modelo mais complexo na análise dessas mesmas modalidades.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rural; Pluriactividade; Agricultura familiar; Portugal.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A difusão de tecnologia no CNP-Algodão. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Difusão; Adoção; Extensão; Rural; CNPA; Diflusion; Adaption; Extension; Agricultural; Tecnologia; Technology.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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A economia de ser pobre. Infoteca-e
Erro dos economistas; A terra e superestimada; A qualidade dos agentes humanos e subestimada; Empresários; A inevitabilidade dos desequilíbrios; Conquista na melhoria qualitativa da população; Investimentos na saúde, na educação.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Rural; Agricola; Food; Quality; Alimentação; Alimento; Agricultura; Baixa Renda; Educação; Pobreza; Qualidade; Saúde; Agriculture; Education; Rural poverty; Small farms.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Eze, Christopher C.; Lemchi, J.I.; Ugochukwu, Albert I.; Eze, V.C.; Awulonu, C.A.O.; Okon, A.X..
The study examined the agricultural financing policies of the government of Nigeria and effects on rural development .The study found that though the government has made serious efforts at making good agricultural policies through schemes, programmes and institutions, it has not been able to back them up with adequate budgetary allocation and financing coupled with corruption in the execution of the policies. It is recommended that for the government agricultural financing policies to achieve its target of rural development, Nigeria will need an adequate level of strategically targeted investment in agriculture, upgrade rural infrastructure, boost productivity, and increase competitiveness of the farm output, in addition to fighting corruption.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural financing; Policies; Institutions; Rural; Development; International Development.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Tweeten, Luther G.; Amponsah, William A..
This paper briefly outlines a topology of small farms and then considers the role of the government versus the market in key public policies such as commodity income support, environment, stability, research, and rural development. A number of options are explored for public policy to better serve small farms, including drastic alternatives such as graduated property taxes on farmland, with exemptions or lower rates for small farms. These and other alternatives are not necessarily recommended. Improved extension education and human resource development offer some of the most promising public policy opportunities to help small farmers.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Government; Limited resource; Market; Programs; Research; Rural; Scale; Small farm; Farm Management.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Allen-Smith, Joyce E.; Wimberley, Ronald C.; Morris, Libby V..
This study focuses on the longstanding impoverishment of the rural South and three of its subregions-Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, and the Black Belt. The poor quality of life in rural Appalachia and along the Mississippi Delta has been publically acknowledged by programs and commissions for improving conditions. However, the more comprehensive Black Belt subregion that links parts of Southern Appalachia and the Southern Delta has not received such regional policy attention. While the South as a whole is more rural and impoverished than other U.S. regions, this is largely due to the poor conditions in the Black Belt. In addition to region and rurality, a third feature of the pattern is race. It is in the Black Belt that the South's poor socioeconomic...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Appalachia; Black Belt; Mississippi Delta; Policy; Poverty; Quality of life; Rural; South; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Analysis of Vocational and Residential Preferences of Rural Population: Application of an Experimental Technique to Rural Slovenia AgEcon
Zanni, Alberto M.; Davidova, Sophia; Bailey, Alastair.
This study represents the first application of Choice Experiments to the analysis of the monetary and non-pecuniary determinants of vocational choice and spatial labor supply. It identifies the determinants of individual’s choice of jobs and place of residence, and provides a better understanding of the process of rural labor adjustments in a country in transition, Slovenia. The results indicate that the effect of wages, as the main factor influencing employment choice, is counterbalanced by other determinants affecting working conditions and residence. A considerable degree of immobility in terms of migration and commuting has been revealed. As a result, a rapid urbanisation process is unlikely to happen in the near future, according to individuals’...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Choice experiments; Labor supply; Migration; Rural; Slovenia; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Labor and Human Capital; J0; P0; C0.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Broadband Internet's Value for Rural America AgEcon
Stenberg, Peter L.; Morehart, Mitchell J.; Vogel, Stephen J.; Cromartie, John; Breneman, Vincent E.; Brown, Dennis M..
As broadband—or high-speed—Internet use has spread, Internet applications requiring high transmission speeds have become an integral part of the “Information Economy,” raising concerns about those who lack broadband access. This report analyzes (1) rural broadband use by consumers, the community-at-large, and businesses; (2) rural broadband availability; and (3) broadband’s social and economic effects on rural areas. It also summarizes results from an ERS-sponsored workshop on rural broadband use, and other ERS-commissioned studies. In general, rural communities have less broadband Internet use than metro communities, with differing degrees of broadband availability across rural communities. Rural communities that had greater broadband Internet access had...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Internet; Broadband; High-speed Internet; Rural economies; Rural economic growth; Digital economy; Telemedicine; Rural; Urban; Census data; June Agricultural Survey; Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS); ERS; USDA; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Caracterización de la Producción de Frijol (Vigna sp.) en los Municipios Turén y Santa Rosalía del Estado Portuguesa (2000-2005) AgEcon
Torres, Andrew; Paredes, Franklin.
En esta investigación se caracteriza la producción de frijol (Vigna sp.) en los Municipios Turén y Santa Rosalía del estado Portuguesa. Se aplicó una encuesta a los productores de la Unidad de Estudio, luego se determinaron diversas estadísticas descriptivas. Se aplicó un Análisis Factorial de Componentes Principales (AFCP) a fin de identificar variables subyacentes. Entre los resultados destacan: 1) los productores consideran importante la integración empresarial, sugiriendo que existe una gran oportunidad en este sentido; 2) los productores están dispuestos a recibir adiestramiento; 3) las familias de los productores consideran que el Frijol puede ser mejor aprovechado; 4) hay una actitud positiva hacia la innovación, lo que posibilita elevar el valor...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural; Competitividad e integración.; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Commercialization of Food Consumption in Rural China AgEcon
Gale, H. Frederick, Jr.; Tang, Ping; Bai, Xianhong; Xu, Huijun.
Rural households in China have traditionally consumed food mostly grown on their own farms. While they continue to rely on self-produced grains, vegetables, meats, and eggs for a large portion of their diet, rural households are now purchasing more of their food as they enter the mainstream of the Chinese economy. Cash purchases of food by rural Chinese households increased 7.4 percent per year from 1994 to 2003. Consumption has shifted from self-produced to purchased food at a rate faster than can be explained by income growth or changes in other household characteristics. The move away from self-produced food is associated with lower consumption of staple grains, the most important self produced food in rural Chinese diets. Food consumed away from home...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: China; Food; Consumption; Expenditures; Rural; Commercialization; Subsistence agriculture; Engel analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Comportamiento y formas de organización de la maquila agrícola en una región de agricultura altamente tecnificada Colegio de Postgraduados
Palacios Rangel, María Isabel.
La contratación en el valle de Culiacán, Sinaloa, de los servicios de mecanización, mejor conocida con el nombre de maquila agrícola, es una actividad utilizada por un sector significativo de productores agrícolas, tanto los de tipo empresarial como los de carácter campesino. Así, si bien los grandes productores generalmente poseen maquinaria, algunos utilizan la maquila regularmente, ampliándose el número de contratantes de los servicios de maquila agrícola entre los medianos y, aún más, entre los pequeños productores, aunque sea en actividades mínimas y puntuales dentro del ciclo agrícola. La maquila agrícola se presenta como un mecanismo de integración de los productores al mercado, el cual les obliga a operar su escala productiva. Para...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Territorio; Rural; Modernidad; Culiacán; Maquila; Doctorado; Desarrollo rural; Capacitación agrícola; Sector agrario; Características morfológicas del suelo; Complejos agroindustriales; Agroindustria; Maquinaría para manejo del suelo; Land; Modernity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Congregations and rural development The case of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland AgEcon
Pesonen, Heikki; Vesala, Kari.
Approximately 84 percent of Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Most of the Church’s 562 congregations are located in rural areas. In local communities Church congregations typically play a significant role, providing job opportunities, offering various services and promoting social and mental welfare. This paper examines the role that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and its congregations have in rural development. The activities of the rural congregations are examined, firstly, from the point of view of rural development on the whole. What is the potential of the congregations in rural development? Secondly, the role of congregations in rural development is examined by taking into consideration the religious motivations and...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Religion; Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland; Congregations; Rural; Development; Community attachment; Social sustainability; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Considerações acerca de teses recentes sobre o mundo rural brasileiro Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
Este artigo apresenta uma análise crítica das sete teses sobre o rural brasileiro. Depois de expor cada uma das referidas teses é feita uma análise crítica detalhada mostrando as inconsistências e até mesmo as contradições dessas teses. Finalmente, são apresentadas algumas considerações gerais, ressaltando­-se a importância desse debate, porém entendendo que o mesmo deveria ser feito de acordo com a complexa realidade rural brasileira e sem a exclusão de determinados segmentos sociais.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Brasil; Rural; Teses; Críticas.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Cotacoes de mercado e demais indicadores economicos relativos ao algodao: situacao nacional. Infoteca-e
Situacao nacional.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Precos; Agricola; Classificacao; Price; Production; Comercialization; Exportation; Importation; Agricultural; Market; Rural; Abastecimento; Algodão; Comercialização; Crédito; Exportação; Importação; Gossypium Hirsutum; Mercado; Política; Produção; Credit; Classification; Cotton; Politics; Supply.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Da Regulamentação à Promoção - o rural nos planos nacionais de turismo (1985-2011) Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
Carneiro,Maria João; Silva,Diogo Soares da; Brandão,Vítor; Figueiredo,Elisabete.
Os Planos Nacionais de Turismo (PNT) constituem documentos importantes para uma melhor compreensão das representações e dos significados sociais do rural e do turismo rural em Portugal. O presente artigo, procurando debater estas questões, tem por base a análise de conteúdo detalhada dos PNT ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, designadamente, os PNT dos períodos de 1985-1988 e 1989-1992 e o Plano Estratégico Nacional do Turismo (PENT) dos períodos de 2007-2010 e 2011-2015. A análise de conteúdo efetuada teve como suporte uma grelha de análise exaustiva, contendo múltiplas categorias (e valores correspondentes) identificadas a partir da revisão da literatura nacional e internacional sobre o mundo rural, as suas representações e significados, assim como sobre o...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Planos Nacionais de Turismo; Representações do rural; Rural; Significados do rural; Turismo rural.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Gale, H. Frederick, Jr.; Huang, Kuo S..
As their incomes rise, Chinese consumers are changing their diets and demanding greater quality, convenience, and safety in food. Food expenditures grow faster than quantities purchased as income rises, suggesting that consumers with higher incomes purchase more expensive foods. The top-earning Chinese households appear to have reached a point where the income elasticity of demand for quantity of most foods is near zero. China’s food market is becoming segmented. The demand for quality by high-income households has fueled recent growth in modern food retail and sales of premium-priced food and beverage products. Food expenditures and incomes have grown much more slowly for rural and low-income urban households.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: China; Food; Consumption; Demand; Income; Elasticities; Engel curve; Households; Rural; Urban; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Guanziroli, Carlos Enrique.
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a idéia de desenvolvimento territorial chamando a atenção para alguns trade off desse conceito: a) entre a ênfase no econômico ou no social-institucional, b) entre participação e eficácia, c) entre representatividade e inovação, d) entre coesão social e conflito e, e) entre rendas agrícolas e rendas rurais multifuncionais.---------------------------------The main purpose of this article is to discuss the notion of territorial development highlighting some tradeoffs of this concept: a) between economic or social emphasis, b) between participation and efficacy, c) between representation and innovation, d) between social cohesion and conflict and e) between agricultural income and rural multifunctional incomes.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento; Rural; Território; Agricultura Familiar; Development; Rural; Territory; Family Farming; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Determinants of off-farm participation decision of farm households in Ethiopia AgEcon
Beyne, A.D..
This study analyses the determinants of off-farm work participation decisions of farm households in Ethiopia. A bivariate probit model is applied to account for the simultaneity of participation decisions of both male and female members of farm households. The results of the analysis show that human capital variables such as health and training on non-farm activities have a positive effect on the off-farm participation decisions of male members of farm households. The education status of the head has no significant impact on the participation decisions of the members of the family as most of the off-farm activities do not require formal education. The availability of credit and transfer income is the other factors that have a positive impact on the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Off-farm; Participation; Bivariate; Rural; Ethiopia; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Discussion: Human Capital and Rural Economic Development AgEcon
Barefield, Alan.
One of the most critical elements of a nation’s social infrastructure is its system of education. Concerns with accessibility, achievement, and choice are significant elements in determining the quality of life for all communities, but most especially for rural communities where resources, and in many cases, opportunities, are perceived to be less plentiful than for their urban and suburban counterparts.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Education; Pre-kindergarten; Discipline; Community colleges; Rural; Economic development; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Labor and Human Capital; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; I21; R11.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Do Rural Community Colleges Supply Unique Educational Benefits? AgEcon
Mykerezi, Elton; Kostandini, Genti; Mills, Bradford F..
Community colleges likely draw to college individuals who would otherwise not attend due to their low costs and open admission requirements. This is labeled as the democratization effect. They may also divert individuals away from 4-year to terminal 2-year college degrees (the diversion effect). This study estimates democratization and diversion effects separately for nonmetropolitan and metropolitan youth using nationally representative data and models that account for endogenous institution selection. We find the democratization effect to exceed the diversion effect of community colleges for both metro and nonmetro youth. The democratization-diversion ratio is slightly higher for urban youth.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural; Colleges; Education; Diversion; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; I21; R0.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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