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Benefits of swath mapping for the identification of marine habitats in the New Caledonia Economic Zone ArchiMer
Van De Beuque, Sabrina; Auzende, Jean-marie; Lafoy, Yves; Grandperrin, René.
The ZoNeCo programme is devoted to the evaluation of the marine resources of the Economic Zone of New Caledonia. The results are essentially dependent on the quality of the seafloor mapping. From 1993 to 1996, four geological and geophysical surveys using the EM12 DUAL multibeam echosounder provided swath-mapping and acoustic imagery data of the seafloor of selected sites on the northern and southern parts of the Norfolk ridge, the Loyalty basin, around the Loyalty islands and in the westernmost part of the Economic Zone of New Caledonia. The accuracy of these documents shows the morphology of the seafloor in detail and allows rocky substratum to be differentiated from muddy bottom. It allows favorable emplacements of future exploratory fishing surveys to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ressources marines; Habitats marins; Cartographie multifaisceaux; Nouvelle Calédonie; Sud Ouest Pacifique; Marine resources; Marine habitats; Swath mapping; New Caledonia; SW Pacific.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Crustal structure of the basin and ridge system west of New Caledonia (southwest Pacific) from wide-angle and reflection seismic data. ArchiMer
Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Lafoy, Y; Collot, Julien; Cosquer, Emmanuel; Geli, Louis; Nouze, Herve; Vially, R.
[1] During the Zoneco 11 marine geophysical survey (September 2004), two deep reflection seismic profiles recorded by ocean bottom seismometers were acquired in the offshore domain west of New Caledonia. The northern profile crosses the New Caledonia Basin, the Fairway Ridge, the Fairway Basin, and the Lord Howe Rise. The southern profile crosses the Norfolk Rise south of New Caledonia, the New Caledonia Basin, the Fairway Ridge and Basin, and ends at the foot of Lord Howe Rise. On the northern profile the Lord Howe Rise has a crustal thickness of 23 km and exhibits seismic velocities and velocity gradients characteristic of continental crust. The crust thins to 12-15 km in the neighboring Fairway Basin, which is interpreted to be of thinned continental...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crustal structure; SW Pacific; Wide angle seismic.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The impact of easily oxidized material (EOM) on the meiobenthos: Foraminifera abnormalities in shrimp ponds of New Caledonia; implications for environment and paleoenvironment survey ArchiMer
Debenay, J.p.; Della Patrona, Luc; Herbland, Alain; Goguenheim, H.
This study was carried out in shrimp ponds from New Caledonia, in order to determine the cause of the exceptional proportion of abnormal tests (FAI) (often >50%, sometimes >80%). FAI was positively correlated to the quantity of easily oxidized material (EOM) deposited on the bottom of the ponds and to the sediment oxygen demand, and negatively correlated to redox. These results suggest that a very high FAI is a potential indicator for great accumulations of native organic matter, leading to a high sediment oxygen demand. When studying ancient sediments in core samples, exceptional abundances of abnormal tests may indicate periods of high accumulation of EOM, and therefore of oxygen depletion. This finding should help in better management of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SW Pacific; Bioindicators; Organic matter; Shrimp ponds; Deformations; Foraminifera.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Volcanic and hydrothermal processes in submarine calderas: the Kulo Lasi example (SW Pacific) ArchiMer
Fouquet, Yves; Pelleter, Ewan; Konn, Cecile; Chazot, Gilles; Dupre, Stephanie; Alix, Anne-sophie; Cheron, Sandrine; Donval, Jean-pierre; Guyader, Vivien; Etoubleau, Joel; Charlou, Jean-luc; Labanieh, Shasa; Scalabrin, Carla.
The study area is located at the transition between the northern end of the Tonga Trench and the North Fiji fracture zone, where tectonic movements are reputed to be the fastest in the world. To the southeast of Futuna Island, a broad area of volcanism occurs within a region characterized by a change in the tectonic fabric between a NE-SW oriented volcanic graben and the N-S oriented Alofi ridge. In 2010, the active volcano Kulo Lasi, which represents the most recent volcanic episode in the Futuna area, was discovered in the center of this extensive volcanic zone. Kulo Lasi is a 20 km diameter shield volcano that rises 400 m above the seafloor. It is composed of basaltic to trachy-andesitic lava with no obvious geochemical affinity with the Tonga...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subaqueous volcanism; Hydrothermal activity; Kulo Lasi caldera; Sulfides; SW Pacific.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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