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The cyst-theca relationship of the dinoflagellate cyst Trinovantedinium pallidifulvum, with erection of Protoperidinium lousianensis sp nov and their phylogenetic position within the Conica group 5
Mertens, Kenneth; Gu, Haifeng; Takano, Yoshihito; Price, Andrea M.; Pospelova, Vera; Bogus, Kara; Versteegh, Gerard J. M.; Marret, Fabienne; Turner, R. Eugene; Rabalais, Nancy N.; Matsuoka, Kazumi.
We establish the cyst-theca relationship of the dinoflagellate cyst species Trinovantedinium pallidifulvum Matsuoka 1987 based on germination experiments of specimens isolated from the Gulf of Mexico. We show that the motile stage is a new species, designated as Protoperidinium louisianensis. We also determine its phylogenetic position based on single-cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of a single cell germinated from the Gulf of Mexico cysts. To further refine the phylogeny, we determined the large subunit (LSU) sequence through single-cell PCR of the cyst Selenopemphix undulata isolated from Brentwood Bay (Saanich Inlet, BC, Canada). The phylogeny shows that P. louisianensis is closest to P. shanghaiense, the motile stage of T. applanatum, and is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Micro-FTIR; Selenopemphix undulata; Wadden Sea; Lake Saroma; Saanich Inlet; Gulf of Mexico.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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