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Behavior of Salmonella heidelberg and Salmonella enteritidis strains following broiler chick inoculation: evaluation of cecal morphometry, liver and cecum bacterial counts and fecal excretion patterns 58
Borsoi,Anderlise; Santos,Luciana Ruschel do; Rodrigues,Laura Beatriz; Moraes,Hamilton Luiz de Souza; Salle,Carlos Tadeu Pippi; Nascimento,Vladimir Pinheiro do.
Over the years, Salmonella Heidelberg (SH) has gained prominence in North America poultry production and in the poultry production of other countries. Salmonella Heidelberg has been isolated and reported from poultry and poultry products in Brazil since 1962, whereas Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) has only emerged as a serious problem in poultry and public health since 1993. These strains of Salmonella can cause intestinal problems in newly hatched chicks, and infection may persist until adulthood. Upon slaughter of chickens, Salmonella can contaminate carcasses, a condition that poses a threat to human health. The aim of this study was to compare the fecal excretion of Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Heidelberg in newly hatched chicks (orally...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salmonella Heidelberg; Salmonella Enteritidis; Fecal Excretion; Villus/crypt ratio; Broiler.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evaluation of a Probiotic and a Competitive Exclusion Product Inoculated In Ovo on Broiler Chickens Challenged with Salmonella Heidelberg 89
Silva,IGO; Vellano,IHB; Moraes,AC; Lee,IM; Alvarenga,B; Milbradt,EL; Hataka,A; Okamoto,AS; Andreatti Filho,RL.
ABSTRACT The present study evaluated a probiotic and a competitive exclusion product injected in ovo on day 18 of incubation together with Marek's disease vaccine in eggs of 56-week-old broiler breeders. Three experiments were carried out. The first trial evaluated the effect of treatments on hatchability, cecal colonization of Salmonella Heidelberg (SH), and intestinal mucosa immunity (immunoglobulin A levels in the intestinal fluid). The second trial evaluated the viability of the microorganisms in the products inoculated in a solution containing diluent and Marek's disease vaccine. The third trial evaluated the colonization of the cecal microbiota in non-challenged chickens during first four days of life by culturing cecal samples under aerobic and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chickens; Competitive exclusion; In-ovo inoculation; Probiotic; Salmonella Heidelberg.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Penetration time of Salmonella Heidelberg through shells of white and brown commercial eggs 89
Raghiante,F; Rocha,TS; Rossi,DA; Silva,PL.
This study aimed at determining the minimum time required for the penetration of Salmonella Heidelberg inside the eggs after contact with contaminated material. Recently-collected brown and white eggs from laying hens between 45-50 weeks of age, reared in a commercial poultry house, were artificially contaminated by contact with wood shavings moistened with liquid inoculum of Salmonella Heidelberg in stationary-growth phase (10³-10(4) CFU g-1). According to type (white or brown), eggs were distributed into three different groups, with four replicates each: negative control group (no artificial contamination), positive control group (analyzed externally immediately after contamination and internally after the maximum storage period of the test group) and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Eggs; Penetration time; Salmonella Heidelberg.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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