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Projet CELSELEC. Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers hauturiers en mer Celtique 5
Lamothe, Julien; Larnaud, Pascal; Fiche, Marion; Robert, Marianne; Morandeau, Fabien; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Scavinner, Marion; Simon, Julien.
In the context of the new European Common Fisheries Policy and in particular the Landing Obligation, this report synthesizes the trials which were carried out between 2014 and 2016 on French bottom trawlers operating in the Celtic Sea and Western Channel, to decrease their discards. All the detail of the experiments and their results are attached in the voluminous appendices. After a state of the art and various workshops organized in partnership between fishermen, equipment manufacturers and scientists, 3 basic devices were selected for the trials, according to the main fisheries: - 100 mm square meshes cylinder - SMC - (in addition to the mandatory 100mm and 120 mm square mesh panels - SMP) with or without scaring floats ; - Extension + codend in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sélectivité; Mer Celtique; Cylindre à mailles carrées; T90; Grille à baudroie; Rejets; Églefin; Merlan; Sanglier; Selectivity; Celtic Sea; Square mesh cylinder; T90; Monkfish grid; Discards; Haddock; Whiting; Boarfish.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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