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Characterising the temporal variability of the spatial distribution of animals: an application to seabirds at sea ArchiMer
Certain, Gregoire; Bellier, E; Planque, Benjamin; Bretagnolle, V.
Understanding the patterns of spatial and temporal variations in animal abundance is a fundamental question in ecology. Here, we propose a method to quantify temporal variations in animal spatial patterns and to determine the spatial scale at which such temporal variability is expressed. The methodology extends from the approach proposed by Taylor (Taylor, L. R. 1961. Aggregation, variance and the mean. Nature 189: 732-735) and relies on models of the relationship between temporal mean and variance in animal abundance. Repeated observations of the spatial distribution of populations are used to construct spatially explicit models of Taylor's power law. The resulting slope parameters of the Taylor power law provide local measures of the temporal variability...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Temporal variability; Taylor's Power Law; Spatio temporal distribution; Seabirds; Scale dependence; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Toward a Panther-centered View of the Forests of South Florida Ecology and Society
Kerkhoff, Andrew J; University of New Mexico;; Milne, Bruce T; University of New Mexico;; Maehr, David S; University of Kentucky;
Anthropogenic habitat degradation and loss is the single largest threat to the endangered Florida panther, Puma concolor coryi. Conservation of the subspecies must be undertaken on the scale of the entire landscape. Thus, a view of the forested landscape of South Florida must be developed that is meaningful with reference to the panther. We approach this problem by analyzing the spatial interactions of panthers and forests at multiple scales. We apply tools derived from fractal geometry to the analysis of 12 years of telemetry observations of panthers and remotely sensed forest cover imagery. A fractal characterization extends conventional scale-dependent measures of forest density and relates intuitively to panther ecology. To move toward a...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Puma concolor coryi; Florida panther; Anthropogenic disturbance; Conditional mapping; Controls on distribution; Fractal analysis; Habitat selection; Landscape conservation; Organism-centered landscapes; Scale dependence; Telemetry.
Ano: 2000
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Vertical Interplay among Scale-dependent Environmental and Resource Regimes Ecology and Society
Young, Oran; Bren School, University of California, Santa Barbara;
Environmental and resource regimes, operating at different levels of social organization, vary in terms of factors such as the sources of actor behavior, the knowledge available to actors, the operation of compliance mechanisms, the use of policy instruments, and the nature of the broader social setting. Cross-level interactions among scale-dependent regimes can result in patterns of dominance, separation, merger, negotiated agreement, or system change. The mechanisms that determine which of these patterns will occur include authority/power differentials, limits of decentralization, dueling discourses, cognitive transitions, and blocking coalitions. Recurrent linkages or syndromes occur in this realm, e.g., limitations of authority and power regularly...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Cross-level interaction; Institution; Jurisdiction; Regime; Scale; Scale dependence; Vertical interplay.
Ano: 2006
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