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Coproductive capacities: rethinking science-governance relations in a diverse world Ecology and Society
van Kerkhoff, Lorrae E.; The Australian National University;; Lebel, Louis; Chiang Mai University, Thailand;
Tackling major environmental change issues requires effective partnerships between science and governance, but relatively little work in this area has examined the diversity of settings from which such partnerships may, or may not, emerge. In this special feature we draw on experiences from around the world to demonstrate and investigate the consequences of diverse capacities and capabilities in bringing science and governance together. We propose the concept of coproductive capacities as a useful new lens through which to examine these relations. Coproductive capacity is “the combination of scientific resources and governance capability that shapes the extent to which a society, at various levels, can operationalize relationships between...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Capacity development; Coproduction; Environmental governance; Environmental policy; Knowledge; Scale; Science-policy interface; Sustainable development.
Ano: 2015
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Landscape Scenarios and Multifunctionality: Making Land Use Impact Assessment Operational Ecology and Society
Helming, Katharina; Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF);
Ex ante impact assessment can help in structuring the analysis of human-environment interactions thereby supporting land use decision making for sustainable development. The contributions to this special feature focus on some of the challenges of making land use impact assessment operational for policy making. A total of nine papers deal with the needs and uses of assessment tools for policy making at the European level, with the value-based influence in scenario development, and with ex ante impact assessment studies in different contexts, spatial systems, and for different purposes and user groups. The concept of landscape multifunctionality was implicitly or explicitly employed as an integrating entity between socioeconomic and biogeophysical features...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Impact assessment; Landscape; Land use; Multifunctionality; Science-policy interface.
Ano: 2011
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Mussels and Yachts in Loch Fyne, Scotland: a Case Study of the Science-Policy Interface Ecology and Society
Tett, Paul; Scottish Association for Marine Science;; Valcic, Branka; Scottish Association for Marine Science;; Potts, Tavis; Scottish Association for Marine Science;; Whyte, Callum; Edinburgh Napier University;; Culhane, Fiona; Edinburgh Napier University;; Fernandes, Teresa; Heriot-Watt University;
We report an application of the Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment (SPICOSA) Systems Approach Framework (SAF) to Loch Fyne, a fjord in western Scotland. The issue was the potential for conflict between shellfish aquaculture and recreational use for yachting. This was investigated by building an ecological-economic model to simulate: (1) release of modern anti-fouling compounds by recreational boats; (2) dilution of these in the upper layers of the loch by exchange with the sea; (3) their effects on photosynthesis by phytoplankton; (4) the role of phytoplankton (along with non-algal particulate matter) in providing food for mussels; (5) the growth of seeded mussels to harvest, determining (6) the cash input to farms, offset by...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Antifouling toxicity; Firth of Clyde Scotland; Governance Scotland; Loch Fyne Scotland; Mussel aquaculture; Science-policy interface; SPICOSA; Systems Approach Framework.
Ano: 2012
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The Use of Impact Assessment Tools to Support Sustainable Policy Objectives in Europe Ecology and Society
De Smedt, Peter; Research Centre of the Flemish Government;
Sustainable development has become an overall policy objective in Europe. The sustainability transition is seen as the process of coming to terms with sustainability in all its ecological, social, economic, and institutional dimensions. This challenging process is as much about new ways of knowing as it is about resource management and product innovation. I analyzed how scientific tools such as environmental, socioeconomic, and integrated models have been developed and used to provide a solid foundation for sustainable policy objectives. I used a scoping study to compare current impact assessment exercises and research policy cases within the European Commission (EC). Although the EC is recognized as having supported environmental policy integration for...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Impact assessment; Science-policy interface; Sustainability.
Ano: 2010
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