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A multiproxy study of past environmental changes in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last 1.5 Ma 5
Lattaud, Julie; Lo, Li; Zeeden, Christian; Liu, Ya-jun; Song, Sheng-rong; Van Der Meer, Marcel T.j.; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S.; Schouten, Stefan.
Long-chain diols have been detected in a wide range of environments and have been used to reconstruct past environmental changes, however only a few long-term records exist to date. Here we reconstructed past environmental changes in the central Sea of Okhotsk over the last 1.5 million years, covering the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT). Sea surface temperatures (SST) reconstructed using the Long-Chain Diol Index (LDI) reflects glacial/interglacial changes. However, when compared with other organic paleothermometers (Uk’37 and TEXL86) the LDI-SST is lower during interglacials and similar or higher during glacials, possibly suggesting a shift of diol production season during interglacials. The LDI-SST does not change in periodicity around the MPT as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea of Okhotsk; Mid-Pleistocene Transition; LDI; TEX86; U-37(K)'; Biogenic opal; Long-chain diols.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Environmental change in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last 1.1 million years 5
Nurnberg, D; Tiedemann, R.
On the basis of two sedimentary records from the central Sea of Okhotsk, we reconstruct the closely coupled glacial/interglacial changes in terrigenous flux, marine productivity, and sea ice coverage over the past 1.1 Myr. The correspondance of our sedimentary records to the China loess grain size record ( China loess particle timescale, CHILOPARTS) suggests that environmental changes in both the Sea of Okhotsk area and in SE Asia were closely related via the Siberian atmospheric high-pressure cell. During full glacial times our records point to a strong Siberian High causing northerly wind directions, the extension of the sea ice cover, and a reduced Amur River discharge. Deglacial maxima of terrigenous flux were succeeded by or synchronous to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea of Okhotsk; Paleoproductivity; Terrigenous flux; Sea ice dynamics; Stratigraphy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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On the classification of Corallimorphus (Anthozoa: Corallimorpharia): the ratio of discal and marginal tentacles 16
Hartog, J.C. den; Grebelnyi, S.D..
Since the study of the genus Corallimorphus was started, the main taxonomic character used to separate species has been the ratio of the number of marginal tentacles to that of the discal ones. Polyps with a marginal:discal (m:d) tentacle ratio of 2:1 and 4:1 collected by the “Challenger” expedition were described as two distinct species, Corallimorphus rigidus and Corallimorphus profundus respectively (Moseley, 1877a, 1877b; Hertwig, 1882, 1888). This feature remained important in the taxonomy of the genus. For example, Fautin et al. (2002) subdivided the genus Corallimorphus into two groups of species: Corallimorphus rigidus, C. ingens, C. atlanticus, C. denhartogi (ratio of marginal: discal tentacles 2:1) were referred to the «rigidus» group. C....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Corallimorpharia; Corallimorphus; Nematocysts; Ontogeny; Distribution; North Pacific; Sea of Okhotsk; 42.79.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Sea surface temperature across the Subarctic North Pacific and marginal seas through the past 20,000 years: A paleoceanographic synthesis 5
Davis, Catherine V.; Myhre, Sarah E.; Deutsch, Curtis; Caissie, Beth; Praetorius, Summer; Borreggine, Marisa; Thunell, Robert.
Deglacial sea surface conditions in the subarctic North Pacific and marginal seas are the subject of increasing interest in paleoceanography. However, a cohesive picture of near-surface oceanography from which to compare inter and intra-regional variability through the last deglaciation is lacking. We present a synthesis of sea surface temperature covering the open North Pacific and its marginal seas, spanning the past 20 ka using proxy records from foraminiferal calcite (δ18O and Mg/Ca) and coccolithophore alkenones (Uk’37). Sea surface temperature proxies tend to be in agreement through the Holocene, though Uk’37 records are often interpreted as warmer than adjacent δ18O or Mg/Ca records during the Last Glacial Maximum and early deglaciation. In the Sea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea surface temperature; North Pacific; Bering sea; Sea of Okhotsk; Deglaciation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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