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A seasonal dipolar eddy near Ras Al Hamra (Sea of Oman) 5
L'Hegaret, Pierre; Lacour, Leo; Carton, Xavier; Roullet, Guillaume; Baraille, Remy; Correard, Stephanie.
Trajectories and hydrological data from two Argo floats indicate that warm and salty water at 200–300-m depths was ejected from the coast of Oman, near Ras al Hamra, in spring 2008, 2011, and 2012. This warm and salty water, Persian Gulf Water (PGW), once ejected from the coast, recirculated cyclonically in the western Sea of Oman, but also flowed eastward along the Iranian and Pakistani coasts. There, it was expelled seaward by mesoscale eddies as shown by other float data. Seasonal maps of salinity were computed from all available Argo floats; they showed that, in spring, PGW is present in the middle and north of the Sea of Oman, contrary to fall, when the salinity maxima lie southeast of Ras al Hadd. The ejection of PGW from Ras al Hamra is related here...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea of Oman; Outflow; Eddies; Argo floats.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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