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L'appertisation des produits de la mer - Quelques facteurs importants ArchiMer
Nicolle, Jean Pierre; Knockaert, Camille.
This document is designed for people interest both in the theory and the process of starilizing canned foods. This study concerns mainly the transformation of sea products. Time and money are often wasted because basic rules are ignored or not applied properly...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stérilisation des conserves; Produits de la mer; Sterilizing canned foods; Sea products.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Le fumage du poisson de la théorie à la pratique ArchiMer
Knockaert, Camille.
This document intends to initiate in the sea products smoking any people wishing to set up a factory as well as to recall sorne basic rules. First a study of the manufacturing methods aims at making the reader aware of the care to be taken at each step. After the theoretical interest , practical aspects and examples are given. The processing times and the outputs vary accor ding to equipments, handling and raw material. The last part is a guide to any processing plant study . The examples given are relevant to existing equipments in France and overseas. Their output depends on various factors . Advice is given about hygiene together with possible interpretation of product analysis.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fumage; Fabrication; Atelier; Hygiène; Produits de la mer; Smoking; Manufacturing methods; Smoking-plant; Hygiène; Sea products.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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The seafood markets in the northern mediterranean countries ArchiMer
Paquotte, Philippe; Guillard, Valerie.
A brief survey of the sea-food markets for the northern Mediterranean countries is presented, i.e. for Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Then a comparative study between the markets belonging to the European Union is completed. Three of these countries (France, Italy and Spain) are characterised by a huge deficit in their external sea-products trade. Greece is almost balanced, but Portugal has been importing increasingly more over the last few years. About 45% of the imports come from the European Union. After many years of increasing value, we can now see a stabilisation in the fish price. Since 1977, the consumption of fresh products has been receding in favour of frozen and processed products. Cultured salmon and shrimp which...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economics; Consumption; International trade; Sea products; SEM; Economie; Consommation; Commerce extérieur; Produits de la mer.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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