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Sea-level change and free gas occurrence influencing a submarine landslide and pockmark formation and distribution in deepwater Nigeria ArchiMer
Riboulot, Vincent; Cattaneo, Antonio; Sultan, Nabil; Garziglia, Sebastien; Ker, Stephan; Imbert, Patrice; Voisset, Michel.
A series of pockmarks observed at the seabed matches well the perimeter of a large submarine landslide, called NG1, located on the outer shelf and continental slope of the Eastern Gulf of Guinea. NG1 extends over 200 km2, is covered by a 120-m thick sedimentary layer which tapers downslope, and has an internal structure clearly identified in 3D seismic data consisting of three adjacent units on the upper continental slope. The pockmarks above NG1 have a diameter of several tens of meters and reveal distinct origins: (1) linked to >500 m deep fluid reservoirs, (2) rooted in NG1 internal discontinuities between NG1 units, and (3) well above NG1, superficially rooted in a regional conformity (D40), which marks the lowest sea level of the Marine Isotope...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pockmarks; Fluid seepage; Submarine landslide; Sea-level changes; Piezocone; Niger Delta.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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