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Abordagens metodologicas do projeto dinamica sazonal do carbono em campo umido do cerrado. 14
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: ECFLOR600; Campo umido; CO2; Carbono; Cerrado; Metano; Variação Sazonal; Carbon; Seasonal variation.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Análise do comportamento sazonal do abacaxi comercializado na Central de Abastecimento de Rio Branco, Acre, entre 2010 e 2015. 14
ANDRADE NETO, R. de C.; SÁ, C. P. de; OLIVEIRA, J. R. de; MUNIZ, P. S. B..
Este documento apresenta a análise do comportamento sazonal dos preços e volumes de abacaxi comercializado na Central de Abastecimento de Rio Branco, entre 2010 e 2015, com informações de interesse de produtores e atacadistas para auxiliar o fortalecimento da cadeia produtiva e no processo de tomada de decisão.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Comercialización; Variación estacional; Precios; Piñas; Abacaxi; Ananas comosus; Comercialização; Preço; Variação sazonal; Pineapples; Commercialization; Prices; Seasonal variation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Análise do comportamento sazonal dos preços e volume de melancia comercializada em Rio Branco, AC, no período de 2010 a 2015. 14
ANDRADE NETO, R. de C.; SA, C. P. de; OLIVEIRA, J. R. de; MUNIZ, P. S. B.; ALMEIDA, U. O. de.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a sazonalidade e o comportamento dos preços de melancia nos últimos seis anos (2010-2015) em Rio Branco, Acre.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Rio Branco (AC); Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Precios; Variación estacional; Comercialización; Sandías; Melancia; Citrullus lanatus; Comercialização; Preço; Variação sazonal; Watermelons; Commercialization; Prices; Seasonal variation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Annual and seasonal dynamics of deep-sea megafaunal epibenthic communities in Barkley Canyon (British Columbia, Canada): a response to climatology, surface productivity and benthic boundary layer variation 5
Chauvet, Pauline; Metaxas, Anna; Hay, Alex E.; Matabos, Marjolaine.
Understanding the impact of the environment on temporal trends in the composition and abundance of deep-sea species is essential for forecasting evolution of the community in the context of climate change. The recent development of deep-sea observatories enables multidisciplinary studies of long duration and high temporal resolution. We used a platform at the Ocean Networks Canada NEPTUNE Observatory located in the axis of Barkley Canyon between June 2012 and January 2015 to: (1) characterize the megabenthic community and the environmental conditions in the canyon; (2) investigate temporal patterns in the faunal community; and (3) determine the influence of environmental conditions on the observed patterns. The megafaunal epibenthic community, which...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea observatory; Inter-annual variation; Seasonal variation; Deep-sea canyon; Zoobenthos; Oxygen minimum zone; Canada; British Columbia; Barkley Canyon.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Characterization of summer mortalities of C. gigas oyster in France in relation to environmental parameters 5
Soletchnik, Patrick; Ropert, Michel; Bedier, Edouard; Costil, K. S.; Dubois, Brice; Degremont, Lionel; Bouget, Jean-francois; Martin, Jean-louis; Enriquez-diaz, M.; Faury, Nicole; Le Moine, Olivier; Renault, Tristan; Gagnaire, Beatrice; Huvet, Arnaud; Moal, Jeanne; Samain, Jean-francois.
Field characterization of summer mortality was performed in France in the frame of the Morest project. Natural and hatchery spat were compared between three oyster production areas in France. Regardless of the natural or hatchery origin, oysters died during the reproduction period after temperature reaches 19 degree C. Thus, in southern areas, temperature accelerated gametogenesis of small spat (10mm) as well as adults, and mortality appeared for the two age classes. In contrast, sexual maturation proceeded more slowly in northern where spat mortality was lower compared to 18 months old oysters. However, critical gametogenesis and temperature were not sufficient to induce mortalities, as observed in examples with stable environment. Alternatively sediment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonal variation; Oyster culture; Mortality causes; Hatcheries; Gametogenesis; Environmental factors; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Comparison of C and N stable isotope ratios between surface particulate organic matter and microphytoplankton in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) 5
Harmelin Vivien, M; Loizeau, Veronique; Mellon-duval, Capucine; Beker, B; Arlhac, D; Bodiguel, Xavier; Ferraton, Franck; Hermand, R; Philippon, Xavier; Salen Picard, C.
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in surface water and 63-200 mu m-sized microphytoplankton collected at the fluorescence maximum were studied in four sites in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), a marine area influenced by the Rhone River inputs, in May and November 2004. Some environmental (temperature, salinity) and biological (POM, Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments contents, phytoplankton biomass and composition) parameters were also analysed. Significantly different C and N isotopic signatures between surface water POM and microphytoplankton were recorded in all sites and seasons. Surface water POM presented systematically lower delta C-13 (similar to 4.2 parts per thousand) and higher delta N-15 (similar to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonal variation; PON/Chl a; C/N ratio; Stable isotopes; Fluorescence maximum; Phytoplankton composition; Particulate organic matter.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Considerações limnológicas sobre um lago da planície de inundação amazônica (lago Catalão – Estado do Amazonas, Brasil) - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i4.4641 3
Almeida, Fabiane Ferreira de; Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Água Doce e Pesca Interior; Melo, Sérgio; Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia.
Este estudo aborda a variação temporal (sazonal, semanal e nictemeral) e espacial de algumas variáveis limnológicas na região limnética do lago Catalão, um lago da planície de inundação do rio Amazonas. Foram analisados os valores de temperatura, zona eufótica, zona de mistura, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, transparência, nitrogênio e fósforo total, amostrados em quatro estações, em escala semanal, durante um mês no período de seca de 2006 e um mês no período de cheia de 2007. Regressões simples foram realizadas para testar a hipótese da homogeneização de ambientes aquáticos em função da inundação. Foram analisados, também, os valores de temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido e condutividade elétrica em um perfil vertical ao longo de um ciclo...
Palavras-chave: variáveis limnológicas; Variação nictemeral; Planície de inundação; Variação sazonal; Pulso de inundação; Amazônia Brasileira Ecologia de Ecossistemas (Limnologia) limnological variables; Diel variation; Flood plain lake; Seasonal variation; Flood pulse; Brazilian Amazon.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Machado, Andre Grossi; Figueiredo, Reginaldo Santana; Neto, Odilon Jose De Oliveira.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o padrão de variação sazonal dos preços de hortifrutigranjeiros comercializados no atacado em Goiás, e com isso, subsidiar o processo de construção de um calendário de comercialização para o CEASA-GO. O conhecimento da variação sazonal de preços de hortifrutigranjeiros, que são produtos caracterizados por uma grande variabilidade no comportamento de preços e quantidade ofertada ao longo do ano, pode contribuir para evitar desperdícios de alimentos e danos financeiros ao produtor e consumidor, na medida em que facilita a programação da produção e do consumo. Para a determinação do padrão de variação sazonal, utilizou-se o método da média geométrica móvel centralizada. Para 44 produtos selecionados a análise...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Variação sazonal; Preços; Hortifrutigranjeiros; Atacado; Calendário de comercialização; Seasonal variation; Prices; Perishable foods; Wholesale; Commercialization calendar; Goias; Brazil; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Daily activity and microhabitat use of sympatric lizards from Serra do Cipó, southeastern Brazil 76
Filogonio,Renato; Del Lama,Fernanda S.; Machado,Leonardo L.; Drumond,Michelle; Zanon,Isabella; Mezzetti,Nathália A.; Galdino,Conrado A. B..
We studied the influence of seasonality on the daily activity pattern and microhabitat use of three sympatric lizard species, Cnemidophorus ocellifer Spix, 1825 (Teiidae), Tropidurus montanus Rodrigues, 1987 and Eurolophosaurus nanuzae (Rodrigues, 1981) (Tropiduridae), in an area of campos rupestres (rocky fields) habitat in state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cnemidophorus ocellifer exhibited low density and activity concentrated within the hottest hours of the day, and was observed mainly on shaded rocks. Tropidurus montanus and E. nanuzae had similar activity patterns that did not vary between seasons. Activity of T. montanus was related to environmental temperatures. However, we did not find such relationships for E. nanuzae during the dry season. Both T....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Activity patterns; Seasonal variation; Cnemidophorus ocellifer; Tropidurus montanus; Eurolophosaurus nanuzae.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Dairy Product Manufacturing Costs at Cooperative Plants 31
Ling, K. Charles.
Cost data are summarized for 14 plants manufacturing cheese, butter, and powder and average costs are presented for each product. Average cost curves are estimated for each plant. The scale of plant for least-cost operations is identified for plants of each product type. Plant capacity utilization and seasonal volume variation and their impacts on manufacturing cost are delineated.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Cooperatives; Dairy; Average cost curve; Productivity; Capacity utilization; Seasonal variation; Economies of scale; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Diet of the ichthyofauna associated with marginal vegetation of a mangrove forest in southeastern Brazil 76
Corrêa,Michéle de O. D. A.; Uieda,Virgínia S..
The objective of this study was to analyze the diet of fish species that use the mangrove vegetation for shelter and feeding in a river southeastern Brazil. The fieldwork, including collecting and underwater observations, was carried out in the dry (July and August 2004) and in the rainy season (February and March 2005) in order to assess the existence of seasonal variation in the diets. Seven kinds of food items were consumed, two of plant origin and five of animal origin. Crustaceans predominated in the diet of most species, either in the form of unidentified fragments or discriminated in eight groups. The predominance of species using mainly a single food source (crustaceans, principally Ostracoda and Tanaidacea) and the existence of seasonal variation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feeding habit; Seasonal variation; Ontogenetic variation; Niche breadth.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Dieta de um grupo de mico-leão-preto, Leontopithecus chrysopygus (Mikan) (Mammalia, Callitrichidae), na Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus, São Paulo 104
Passos,Fernando de Camargo.
In this study carried out in the Caetetus Ecological Station, Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, a wild group of black lion tamarins was accompanied during 1989 to 1991, to analyse the dietary habits of the species. The scan sampling method was used to gather data. A total of 961 behaviors were recorded, of which feeding occupied 23.3% of the time involved in the behaviors. The major dietary components observed in the black lion tamarins were fruits, tree exudates and animal preys (67.9%, 22.8% and 8.9% respectively). Fruits varied monthly from 47.4 to 97.1 %, being consumed more during the rainy season, while tree exudates varied from 0 to 54.7%, and were consumed mainly during the dry season. The animal prey accounted for 0 to 15.8% of the diet. The most...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Callitrichidae; Diet; Feeding behavior; Seasonal variation; Black lion tamarin.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Dieta y disponibilidad de forraje del vendo cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus thomasi) en Campeche, México. 32
Granados Rivera, Lorenzo Danilo.
En el estado de Campeche no existen estudios sobre la composición botánica de la dieta de Odocoileus virginianus; de 1999 al 2010 se conformaron 122 Unidades de Manejo Ambiental, ocupando una superficie de 761,690 ha (SEMARNAT 2011), es decir, el 13 % del territorio Campechano realiza algún tipo de aprovechamiento de fauna silvestre, incluyendo al venado cola blanca. Los objetivos fueron estimar la composición botánica de la dieta y su cambio estacional, la disponibilidad de forraje y la capacidad de carga de Odocoileus virginianus thomasi en Campeche, México. El trabajo se realizó de octubre 2010 a mayo 2012 en el campo experimental del Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Campeche. La composición botánica de la dieta se determinó mediante análisis...
Palavras-chave: Hábitat tropical; Variación estacional; Dieta; Cérvido silvestre; Capacidad de carga; Tropical habitat; Seasonal variation; Diet; Cervid wild; Carrying capacity; Ganadería; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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DINÂMICA sazonal do carbono em campo úmido do cerrado. 14
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Campo úmido; CO2; Carbono; Cerrado; Metano; Química do Solo; Variação Sazonal; Carbon; Seasonal variation; Soil chemistry.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Dinâmica sazonal do carbono em campo úmido do cerrado. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Ecologia Vegetal; Variação Sazonal; Plant ecology; Seasonal variation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Diurnal and seasonal variability in bird counts in a forest fragment in southeastern Brazil 104
Antunes,Alexsander Z..
Diurnal variation in detection can influence bird census results. I measured variation in daily and seasonal detections of birds in a forest fragment at Barreiro Rico ranch, Anhembi, state of São Paulo. Birds were recorded on transects of unlimited distance, sampled one day per month, dawn to dusk, between December 2000 and March 2001 (rainy season) and between May and August 2001 (dry season). Significant daily variation in detection occurred during the rainy season, with most detections between dawn and 9 h. In the dry season detections declined for total numbers of individuals and species and most detections occurred during late morning and mid afternoon. Detection patterns might reflect seasonal variation in bird behavior rather than seasonal variation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Census; Detection; Seasonal variation; Transects.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effect of the density of the culture and the depth on the seasonal variation of the biochemical composition of Crassostrea virginica in patuxent river (Chesapeake Bay) 5
Prou, Jean; Heral, Maurice; Goulletquer, Philippe; Forget, Maïté; Bougrier, Serge; Razet, Daniel.
The project of cultivation of oyster has been designed to evaluate the growth rate, the mortality, the reproductive effort, production and biochemical composition of the oyster function of the density and the depth. This plan was intended: - to build model of growth rate, - to demonstrate the action of the different parameters on growth rate (temperature, food effect...), - to evaluate the density effect to see if the available food could be a limiting factor, - to estimate the effect of the depth joined to the impact of the high turbidity near the bot tom, - to detect the mortality related to the prevalence of diseases. The project began in July 1989 by dredging 20 000 small oysters at the mouth of the Patuxent River near Cove Point. Three experimental...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physiology; Seasonal variation; Biochemical composition; Density; Crassostrea virginica; Cheseapeake Bay.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Estudos mesoclimáticos: variação termopluviométrica em campos experimentais da EMBRAPA-CPATU no Estado do Pará. 14
BASTOS, T. X.; DINIZ, T. D. de A. S.; KOBAYASHI, L. T.; SANTOS, A. R. A. dos.
O estudo visa a obtenção e análise de dados meteorológicos na região amazônica em Unidades de Pesquisa da EMBRAPA e em áreas agrícolas sob pressão de ocupação, carentes de informações climáticas. O objetivo é contribuir para a expansão da rede meteorológica regional e conhecimento das condições climáticas e sua variabilidade para a orientação a programas de pesquisa e de desenvolvimento ligados à agropecuária ou a outras atividades humanas notadamente saúde, transporte e construção civil.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Climatologia agrícola; Pará; Brasil; Precipitation; Precipitação Pluvial; Variação Sazonal; Amazonia; Climatology; Seasonal variation.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Fish assemblages in a tidal flat 52
Vendel,Ana Lúcia; Lopes,Sabine Granado; Santos,César; Spach,Henry Louis.
Studies were carried out on fish assemblages in a tidal flat. Samples were obtained monthly at low tide of the half moon in the tidal flat of Paranaguá Bay, Brazil, with two seine nets, one with a 1 mm mesh, 30 m in length and 3 m in height and another with a 10 mm mesh, 65 m in length and 2 m in height. A total of 8,890 fish were captured, comprising 24 families and 53 species. The most abundant species were Harengula clupeola and Atherinella brasiliensis, which represented 63.4% of the total, capture. A seasonal tendency was observed in the abundance of fishes, with less fishes being captured during winter and part of spring. The number of species showed a seasonal pattern, with the gradual decrease through winter and a marked increase in summer. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tidal flat; Fish assemblages; Seasonal variation; Brazil.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Fish biomarker responses to perturbation by drought in streams 83
Ondei,Luciana de Souza; Teresa,Fabrício Barreto; Garcia,Danielly Pereira; Felício,Andréia Arantes; da Silva,Danilo Grünig Humberto; de Almeida,Eduardo Alves.
ABSTRACT Drought can be viewd as a perturbation in running waters and fish are often trapped in isolated pools, where deterioration of water quality may be stressful. We investigated how this extreme condition influences response of oxidative stress biomarkers. The response of the characid Astyanax elachylepis was assessed during the dry and rainy seasons in intermittent and perennial (control) sites in streams from Brazilian savannah (Cerrado). We predicted that the biomarkers would be enhanced in the dry season in intermittent streams only due the environmentally harsh conditions in the few isolated pools that remain filled with water. As predicted, fish from the intermittent stream in the dry season presented higher gill MDA values, indicating greater...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Astyanax elachylepis; Antioxidant response; Brazilian savanna; Preparation for oxidative stress (POS); Seasonal variation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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