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A secure and economical system for caging venomous snakes 80
Powell,R. L..
This paper describes an inexpensive and secure cage system for housing venomous snakes. The cages are easily constructed from commercially available plastic containers and are lightweight and can be stacked, minimizing the area needed to house numerous animals. They allow easy access to the animal and can be adequately disinfected. These cages can be individually locked and also allow for full viewing of the animal.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cage system; Venomous snakes; Security; Lockable; Lightweight.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Changes of Villagers’ Welfare and Security in the Reconstruction of Urban Villages -— A Case of Guangzhou Province, China 31
Yu, Xue-feng.
In the paper, the connotations of welfare are briefly outlined from the broad and narrow aspects and the changes of villagers’ welfare of urban villages in city are analyzed. In economic welfare terms, at the same time of losing their lands, villagers have obtain certain amount of land compensation after the expropriation of lands. In non-economic welfare terms, the social status, lifestyle, environmental conditions and psychological state of the reallocated villagers have changed obviously. The status quo of the urban villages is outlined. Besides, the main problems in the urban villages of Guangzhou are probed into, which covering the ubiquitous illegal utilization of lands and illegal construction, poor public order, low public quality, imperfect public...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Villagers’ welfare; Security; Reconstruction of urban villages; Security system; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Convention locale pour une gestion durable des ressources halieutiques dans la zone de Toubacouta (contraintes et solutions) 20
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Fisheries resources; Sustainable management; Mollusc fisheries; Security; Fishery conflicts; Mangrove swamps; Fisheries regulations.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Diagnostic des pêcheries du poulpe (octopus vulgaris) dans les eaux sous juridiction sénégalaise. Rapport définitif 20
Les seiches, poulpes, calmars et nautiles forment la Classe des Céphalopodes de l’Embranchement des Mollusques de grande taille, exclusivement marins. Leur croissance est rapide, leur arrivée à la maturité sexuelle précoce et leur durée de vie courte. Le poulpe a une très large aire de distribution incluant les eaux maritimes tropicales. Elle abonde surtout en Méditerranée, dans les eaux japonaises (Océan Pacifique) et dans l’Atlantique Centre-Est qui s’étend du Maroc à l’Angola. La pêche du poulpe s’est développée au large du Sahara dans les années 1960. Son importance dans la zone du COPACE notamment, au Maroc, en Mauritanie et au Sénégal, s’expliquerait par la raréfaction de ses prédateurs potentiels (Serranidés, Sparidés). Au Sénégal, elle est...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Octopus fisheries; Fishery legislation; Trade; Sexual reproduction; Fishing effort; Fishing fleet; Security; Fishing licenses; Habitat (natural); Agreements.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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El efecto del contagio en sistemas de información por medio de tarjetas inteligentes. 32
Hernández Ruiz, Javier.
Las tarjetas inteligentes se utilizan cada vez más en algunos sistemas de información. En especial se aprovechan las posibilidades que ofrecen para procesos de autenticación del titular, y para autorizaciones para ciertas actividades o accesos a áreas restringidas. Su uso como medio de pago es cada vez más difundido, aunque en algunos casos no se trata de tarjetas PVC sino de otros dispositivos en los cuales se inserta un chip. Finalmente, se usan como una base de datos móvil: los datos que se graban pueden ser leídos o actualizados en otras computadoras; probablemente la aplicación más común sean los sistemas de salud. Se concibió otro uso de las tarjetas: transferir información entre computadoras. Lo que se ha llamado efecto de contagio consiste en que...
Palavras-chave: Bases de datos distribuidas; Computación móvil; Seguridad; Integridad y protección; Sistemas; Tarjetas inteligentes; Distributed databases; Mobile computing; Security; Integrity and protection; Smartcards; Systems; Maestría; Cómputo Aplicado.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Intrahousehold Allocations: A Review of Theories, Empirical Evidence and Policy Issues 31
Strauss, John; Beegle, Kathleen.
Review of the collective household model, which encompasses some game-theoretic approaches as well. Discusses empirical evidence on a variety of issues related to human resource outcomes and investments, using both the household production model and the collective model.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Security; Food policy; Intrahousehold allocation; Labor and Human Capital; Downloads July 2008-July 2009: 25; D13.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Sécurité en mer: bilan de l'opération "gilet mooy banxaasu geej" 20
Mboup, D..
Le Minitère de l'Economie Maritime et des Transports Maritimes Internationaux, a initié en 2005 un vaste programme de sensiblisation et de dotation en gilets de sauvetage avec une opération intitulée "gilet mooy banxaasu geej". Le Directeur de la Protection et de la Surveillance des Pêches (DPSP) revient dans cet articles sur le bilan trés encourageant de cette opération.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Security; Artisanal fishing; Marine accidents.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Zhang, Xiaobo.
Since the early 1990s, Uganda has been one of Africa’s fastest growing countries. However, at the sub-national level, growth has been uneven due to civil conflict in the northern region. Using a panel of household and community level data, this paper examines the links between security and economic growth. It is found that security is a pre-condition for successful economic development and that there is in fact a threshold level of security below which public investments in infrastructure and education have little impact on growth. Only when security exceeds this threshold do public investments stimulate economic growth. Economists and policy advisors living in peaceful countries often prescribe economic policies that hinge on the assumption of good...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Security; Civil Strife; Growth; Poverty; Uganda; Africa; International Development; Political Economy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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