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A model of sediment transport under the influence of surface bioturbation: generalisation to the facultative suspension-feeder Scrobicularia plana 5
Orvain, Francis.
Flume experiments were designed to study how sediment erodibility was modified by the facultative suspension-feeder Scrobicularia plana living at different densities in sediment beds of various degrees of compaction. Two separate erosion phases were identified from the resuspension kinetics: (1) erosion of an unconsolidated surficial layer (i.e. fluff layer) and (2) the subsequent bed erosion. S. plana were found to influence both erosion phases: (1) erosion rates of the fluff layer were controlled by bioturbation activities, the extents of which were influenced by bivalve density and the degree of compaction of the sediments, and (2) critical thresholds of the subsequent bed erosion decreased as clam density increased, likely due to depressions in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Resuspension; Model; Functional groups; Sediment transport; Bioturbation; Scrobicularia plana; Intertidal mudflat.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Cartographie du Middelkerke Bank: dynamique sédimentaire, structure géologique, facies sédimentaires 27
Lanckneus, J.; De Moor, G.; Berné, S.; Chamley, H.; De Batist, M.; Henriet, J.-P.; Terwindt, J.; Trentesaux, A..
The paper analyses the first results obtained in the framework of the RESECUSED project (MAST) whose objectives are the detailed analysis of the behaviour of sediments and bedforms of and on the Middelkerke Bank (Belgian Continental Shelf) and the study of the interaction between water movement, sediment transport and bedform mobility. The results include a preliminary analysis of the residual bottom load transport paths deduced from side scan sonar registrations, a map of the sandwaves on the bank, the first grain-size results of the superficial sediment and a study on the internal structure of the bank.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bed forms; Continental shelves; Grain size; Granulometry; Sand waves; Sediment dynamics; Sediment transport; Shelf facies; Side scan sonar.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Comparación de la tasa anual de transporte de sedimentos de playa en la Isla Jambelí, utilizando formulación sugerida por varios autores 20
Vera, L..
En este trabajo, además de este texto se ha revisado información de publicaciones de los últimos 10 años en las cuales se utilizan formulaciones antiguas, modificadas o nuevas con el propósito de establecer comparaciones entre y definir la que mejor se adapte a la costa seleccionada.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sediment transport; Mathematical models; Annual variations; Mathematical models; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Degradation of the riparian wetlands in the Lake Victoria basin - Yala swamp case study 20
Thenya, Thuita; Wassmann, Reiner; Verchot, Louis; Mungai, David.
Land degradation is as a result of broad range of scales and factors, which include biophysical, climatic, demographic and socio-economic. The aim of this paper was to provide an analysis of wetland utilisation, ecosystem degradation and their effect on the Lake Victoria (Kenya) ecosystem. This involved analysis of socioeconomic and remote sensed data. The main sources of wetland degradation in the Lake Victoria basin were identified as (1) farming activities, (2) grazing and macrophyte harvesting and (3) coupled with catchment degradation-deforestation. These factors were closely related to the demographic dynamics and unsustainable land utilisation practices. Socio-economic data provided valuable insight on the pattern of wetland utilisation and possible...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Riparian environments; Degradation; Wetlands; Inland waters; Catchment area; Remote sensing; Environmental effects; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource development; Sediment transport; Silting; Water pollution; Wetlands; Deforestation; Natural resources; Utilization; Land use; Pollutants.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Devenir de l'atrazine dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron. Approche par la modélisation hydrodynamique, hydrosédimentaire et biogéochimique 5
Vanhoutte Brunier, Alice.
Atrazine is the most widely used herbicide on cultured areas. This pesticide is degraded during its transport in rivers and streams, to the coastal area. Marennes Oléron is the main french oyster farming area, receiving the fresh water from the Charente river and ail the drainage coming from the coastal cultivated marshlands. Agriculture is thus claimed to be responsible for shellfish mortality in the aquaculture area. To simulate the changing fate of atrazine in the environment, a modelling strategy has been selected. a) First, using a two-way hydrodynamic model developped by IFREMER, the atrazine dilution trail in the Marennes Oléron area was simulated.Combined with larvae bioassays of Crassostrea gigas (Japanese oyster), the results show atrazine rates...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Produits phytosanitaires; Atrazine; Cycle biogéochimique; Modélisation; Dynamique sédimentaire; Vasières intertidales; Pesticides; Atrazine; Biogeochemical cycle; Models; Sediment transport; Intertidal muflats.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Devenir de l'atrazine dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron (France) - Approche par la modélisation hydrodynamique, hydrosédimentaire et biogéochlmique 5
Vanhoutte Brunier, Alice.
Atrazine is the most widely used herbicide on cultured areas. This pesticide is degraded during its transport in rivers and streams, to the coastal area. Marennes Oleron is the main french oyster farming area, receiving the fresh water from the Charente river and all the drainage coming from the coastal cultivated marshlands. Agriculture is thus claimed to be responsible for shellfish mortality in the aquaculture area. To simulate the changing fate of atrazine in the environment, a modelling strategy has been selected, a) First, using a two-way hydrodynamic model developped by IFREMER, the atrazine dilution trail in the Marennes Oleron area was simulated.Combined with larvae bioassays of Crassostrea gigas (Japanese oyster), the results show atrazine rates...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Produits phytosanitaires; Atrazine; Cycle biogéochimique; Modélisation; Dynamique sédimentaire; Vasières intertidales.; Pesticides; Atrazine; Biogeochemical cycle; Models; Sediment transport; Intertidal muflats..
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Efectos directos e indirectos de la bioturbación producida por el cangrejo cavador Chasmagnathus granulata en ambientes estuariales 20
Botto, F..
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (Argentina)
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Bioturbation; Sediment analysis; Sediment transport; Comparative studies; Detritus; Population number.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Estudio de las características sedimentológicas del estero Santa Rosa en la Provincia de El Oro, Ecuador 20
Soledispa, B..
En este artículo se determina los tipos de sedimentos predominantes en el área de estudio, su distribución aproximada en el mismo, así como su posible proveniencia. Determinar la carga de sedimentos en suspensión del estero en una determinada época del año.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sediments; Sediment distribution; Sediment composition; Sediment transport; Marshes; Marshes; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Estudio de los sedimentos del sector donde convergen los ríos Daule y Babahoyo, y las posibles causas que están formando un nuevo islote en ese sector 20
Soledispa, B..
Los objetivos de este artículo son: - Caracterizar el área de estudio en base a los tipos de sedimentos que predominan en el sector, a su distribución aproximada en el mismo, así como a su posible proveniencia. - Determinar la carga de sedimentos en suspensión que transportan los ríos. - Determinar las posibles causas que están originando la formación de una nueva isla en la desembocadura del Río Daule.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sediments; Granulometry; Sediment transport; Silt; Rivers; Sand; Sediment analysis; Rivers; Sand; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Evaluation des apports fluviatiles dans l''estuaire de la Seine 5
Avoine, J.
Economic activities and urbanization along the Seine watershed, are the main factors of increased river discharge with natural deposits. A long term supervision of this river has allowed the assessment of the liquid flow rate, the solid load, and the metallic pollution.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonal variations; Trace metals; Sediment transport; Fluid flow; Brackishwater pollution; Estuarine sedimentation; River discharge.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Fortnightly tidal asymmetry inversions and perspectives on sediment dynamics in a macrotidal estuary (Charente, France) 5
Toublanc, Florence; Brenon, Isabelle; Coulombier, T.; Le Moine, Olivier.
Tidal asymmetry is a phenomenon that characterises estuarine hydrodynamics and has a strong impact on sediment dynamics. Extensive research has been dedicated to studying tidal dynamics in semidiurnal macrotidal estuaries, highlighting several general principles. The ratio of flood to ebb peak velocities and differences in ebb and flood durations are often used to characterise the asymmetry encountered in estuaries. In the Charente estuary (French Atlantic coast), water surface elevation data obtained using an ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and a tide gauge show that the duration asymmetry undergoes inversions during the spring-neap tidal cycle. A two-dimensional hydrodynamics model is used to investigate the connection between spring-neap...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estuary; Tidal asymmetry; Duration asymmetry; Ebb/flood dominance; Morphology; External/internal overtides; Sediment transport.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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High-Resolution Morphobathymetric Analysis and Evolution of Capbreton Submarine Canyon Head (Southeast Bay of Biscay—French Atlantic Coast) over the Last Decade Using Descriptive and Numerical Modeling 5
Mazieres, Alais; Gillet, Herve; Castelle, Bruno; Mulder, Thierry; Guyot, Corentin; Garlan, Thierry; Mallet, Cyril.
In this study, the Capbreton canyon head, just off the coast, is investigated using high-resolution multibeam bathymetry datasets, sediment samples and numerical modeling. The HR bathymetry analysis reveals a morphological connection between the longshore trough and the head of the canyon. The analysis of recent sediment samples shows a clear correlation between the sediment of the canyon head and that of the nearshore. Hydrodynamic modeling (a coupled wave-flow model) shows that for high-energy waves, the rotational nature of surf-zone circulation reverses and wave-induced currents have the potential to transport large quantities of nearshore sands toward the canyon head. All these arguments support the assumption that the canyon head captures a part of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Longshore drift; Submarine canyon; Capbreton; Hydrodynamic modeling; Sediment transport.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Hydrosedimentologic disturbance index applied to watersheds of Minas Gerais state 64
Durães,Matheus Fonseca; Mello,Carlos Rogério de.
Ecological indicators have become important tools for assessment and monitoring of natural resources, being the understanding of the relationship between antropic activities and the environmental response essential for their structuring. Although the development of potential indicators may prove sensitive to many variables, they must demonstrate their ability to take the surrounding conditions, from those relatively preserved to those highly disturbed. Based on this premise, the development of the Hydrossedimentological DisturbanceIndex (HSDI) for environmental assessment at watersheds in Minas Gerais state, emerges as a potential tool to support decisions which should be focused on the improvement of natural resources management. A HSDI proposal was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental indicators; Water resource; Soil erosion; Sediment transport.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Impact of natural (waves and currents) and anthropogenic (trawl) resuspension on the export of particulate matter to the open ocean Application to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean) 5
Ferre, B; De Madron, X; Estournel, C; Ulses, C; Le Corre, Gildas.
Modern sediment deposits on continental margins form a vast reservoir of particulate matter that is regularly affected by resuspension processes. Resuspension by bottom trawling on shelves with strong fishing activity can modify the scale of natural disturbance by waves and currents. Recent field data show that the impact of bottom trawls on fine sediment resuspension per unit surface is comparable with that of the largest storms. We assessed the impact of both natural and anthropogenic processes on the dispersal of riverborne particles and shelf sediments on the Gulf of Lion shelf. We performed realistic numerical simulations of resuspension and transport forced by currents and waves or by a fleet of bottom trawlers. Simulations were conducted for a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean; Trawling; Fisheries; Shelf slope exchanges; Sediment transport; Sediment dynamics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Impact of winter storms on sediment erosion in the Rhone River prodelta and fate of sediment in the Gulf of Lions (North Western Mediterranean Sea) 5
Dufois, Francois; Verney, Romaric; Le Hir, Pierre; Dumas, Franck; Charmasson, Sabine.
In this study a three-dimensional sediment transport model was developed. The model accounts for both current and wave forcing on the sediment and was implemented over the Gulf of Lions. A two-way nesting technique was used to focus on the Rhone River prodelta which is considered as a sink for riverine sediment. In addition, to understand the resuspension of trapped sediment over the Rhone prodelta, an in situ experiment, called SCOPE, was conducted during the winter 2007/2008. The experiment consisted of measuring hydro-sedimentary parameters using a mooring station comprising a current profiler (ADCP) and an altimeter (acoustic transducer) located in the eastern part of the Rhone prodelta. The three-dimensional transport model was validated using these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment transport; Gulf of Lions; Rhone prodelta; 3D modelling; ADCP; ALTUS.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Influencia de los procesos costeros en las características sedimentológicas en el área de la Península de Santa Elena 20
Jácome de Solórzano, M.; Llanos de Bonilla, L..
En el presente trabajo se pretende determinar las características del transporte que se produce a lo largo de la línea de costa en estudio, y a la vez establecer la distribución de los sedimentos de playa y en suspensión a partir de su textura, parámetros estadísticos y concentración.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sediment transport; Beaches; Longshore sediment transport; Sediment composition; Sediment distribution; Beaches; Http://
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Infragravity waves: from driving mechanisms to impacts 5
Bertin, Xavier; De Bakker, Anouk; Van Dongeren, Ap; Coco, Giovanni; Andre, Gael; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Bonneton, Philippe; Bouchette, Frederic; Castelle, Bruno; Crawford, Wayne C.; Davidson, Mark; Deen, Martha; Dodet, Guillaume; Guerin, Thomas; Inch, Kris; Leckler, Fabien; Mccall, Robert; Muller, Heloise; Olabarrieta, Maitane; Roelvink, Dano; Ruessink, Gerben; Sous, Damien; Stutzmann, Eleonore; Tissier, Marion.
Infragravity (hereafter IG) waves are surface ocean waves with frequencies below those of wind-generated "short waves" (typically be- low 0.04 Hz). Here we focus on the most common type of IG waves, those induced by the presence of groups in incident short waves. Three related mechanisms explain their generation: (1) the development, shoaling and release of waves bound to the short-wave group envelopes (2) the modulation by these envelopes of the location where short waves break, and (3) the merging of bores (breaking wave front, resembling to a hydraulic jump) inside the surfzone. When reaching shallow water (O(1-10 m)), IG waves can transfer part of their energy back to higher frequencies, a process which is highly dependent on beach slope. On gently...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Infragravity waves; Bound wave; Dissipation; Reflection; Sediment transport; Barrier breaching; Seiche; Earth hum.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Interacciones ecológicas entre el cangrejo cavador Chasmagnathus granulata Dan(1851) y los espartillares de Spartina densiflora Brongniarti(1829), meiofauna asociada y características del sustrato en la laguna costera Mar Chiquita (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 20
Bortolus, A..
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (Argentina)
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Brackishwater ecology; Salt marshes; Sediment transport.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Les embouchures mésotidales (tidal inlets) et leur relation avec les littoraux adjacents - Exemple de la Barra Nova, Sud Portugal 5
Balouin, Yann.
Tidal inlets are among the most dynamic morphological features along the world coastlines. Their evolution and stability, frequently critical to the local environment, are dependent on the relative influence of longshore transport along adjacent coasts and tidal flows in the inlet. Main objective of this study was to quantify the processes involved in the inlet morphodynamics in order to determine the key parameters of these systems and to predict medium to long-term evolution. Morphology evolution (bathymetry, remote sensed video data), hydrodynamics and sediment transport measurements were analyzed to quantify the inlet dynamics. Our approach was based on the study of hydrosedimentary processes along the adjacent coastline, and inlet responses to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Embouchure tidale; Morphodynamique; Transport littoral; Delta de jusant; Ria Formosa; Modèles; Tidal inlet; Morphodynamics; Sediment transport; Ebb-tidal delta evolution; Ria Formosa; Models.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Modelisation morphodynamique de l'embouchure de la seine 5
Waeles, Benoit.
The mouth of the Seine has been undergoing intense morphological changes for decades, because of containment work to improve access to the ports of Rouen and Le Havre. A significant trend is the progradation of the downstream estuary. Simultaneously, the surface area of the intertidal mudflats tends to decrease. The estuary's sediments are composed of silt and fine sand (respectively transported from the river Seine and the open sea). Their distribution is linked to the hydrodynamic characteristics of the estuary and may display layered vertical structures. To understand the estuary's morphological changes, a morphodynamic ditigal model is developed from a validated (3D) model of silty sediment transport. A model of suspended fine sand transport as well as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seine estuary; Modelling; Sediment transport; Hydrodynamic; Morphodynamic; Seine estuaire; Modelisation; Transport sediment; Hydrodynamique; Morphodynamique.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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