Registros recuperados: 34 | |
Orvain, Francis. |
Flume experiments were designed to study how sediment erodibility was modified by the facultative suspension-feeder Scrobicularia plana living at different densities in sediment beds of various degrees of compaction. Two separate erosion phases were identified from the resuspension kinetics: (1) erosion of an unconsolidated surficial layer (i.e. fluff layer) and (2) the subsequent bed erosion. S. plana were found to influence both erosion phases: (1) erosion rates of the fluff layer were controlled by bioturbation activities, the extents of which were influenced by bivalve density and the degree of compaction of the sediments, and (2) critical thresholds of the subsequent bed erosion decreased as clam density increased, likely due to depressions in the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Resuspension; Model; Functional groups; Sediment transport; Bioturbation; Scrobicularia plana; Intertidal mudflat. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2005/publication-3776.pdf |
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Lanckneus, J.; De Moor, G.; Berné, S.; Chamley, H.; De Batist, M.; Henriet, J.-P.; Terwindt, J.; Trentesaux, A.. |
The paper analyses the first results obtained in the framework of the RESECUSED project (MAST) whose objectives are the detailed analysis of the behaviour of sediments and bedforms of and on the Middelkerke Bank (Belgian Continental Shelf) and the study of the interaction between water movement, sediment transport and bedform mobility. The results include a preliminary analysis of the residual bottom load transport paths deduced from side scan sonar registrations, a map of the sandwaves on the bank, the first grain-size results of the superficial sediment and a study on the internal structure of the bank. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Bed forms; Continental shelves; Grain size; Granulometry; Sand waves; Sediment dynamics; Sediment transport; Shelf facies; Side scan sonar. |
Ano: 1991 |
URL: http://www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/262327.pdf |
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Mazieres, Alais; Gillet, Herve; Castelle, Bruno; Mulder, Thierry; Guyot, Corentin; Garlan, Thierry; Mallet, Cyril. |
In this study, the Capbreton canyon head, just off the coast, is investigated using high-resolution multibeam bathymetry datasets, sediment samples and numerical modeling. The HR bathymetry analysis reveals a morphological connection between the longshore trough and the head of the canyon. The analysis of recent sediment samples shows a clear correlation between the sediment of the canyon head and that of the nearshore. Hydrodynamic modeling (a coupled wave-flow model) shows that for high-energy waves, the rotational nature of surf-zone circulation reverses and wave-induced currents have the potential to transport large quantities of nearshore sands toward the canyon head. All these arguments support the assumption that the canyon head captures a part of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Longshore drift; Submarine canyon; Capbreton; Hydrodynamic modeling; Sediment transport. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00180/29118/27524.pdf |
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Dufois, Francois; Verney, Romaric; Le Hir, Pierre; Dumas, Franck; Charmasson, Sabine. |
In this study a three-dimensional sediment transport model was developed. The model accounts for both current and wave forcing on the sediment and was implemented over the Gulf of Lions. A two-way nesting technique was used to focus on the Rhone River prodelta which is considered as a sink for riverine sediment. In addition, to understand the resuspension of trapped sediment over the Rhone prodelta, an in situ experiment, called SCOPE, was conducted during the winter 2007/2008. The experiment consisted of measuring hydro-sedimentary parameters using a mooring station comprising a current profiler (ADCP) and an altimeter (acoustic transducer) located in the eastern part of the Rhone prodelta. The three-dimensional transport model was validated using these... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sediment transport; Gulf of Lions; Rhone prodelta; 3D modelling; ADCP; ALTUS. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00165/27584/25743.pdf |
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Bertin, Xavier; De Bakker, Anouk; Van Dongeren, Ap; Coco, Giovanni; Andre, Gael; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Bonneton, Philippe; Bouchette, Frederic; Castelle, Bruno; Crawford, Wayne C.; Davidson, Mark; Deen, Martha; Dodet, Guillaume; Guerin, Thomas; Inch, Kris; Leckler, Fabien; Mccall, Robert; Muller, Heloise; Olabarrieta, Maitane; Roelvink, Dano; Ruessink, Gerben; Sous, Damien; Stutzmann, Eleonore; Tissier, Marion. |
Infragravity (hereafter IG) waves are surface ocean waves with frequencies below those of wind-generated "short waves" (typically be- low 0.04 Hz). Here we focus on the most common type of IG waves, those induced by the presence of groups in incident short waves. Three related mechanisms explain their generation: (1) the development, shoaling and release of waves bound to the short-wave group envelopes (2) the modulation by these envelopes of the location where short waves break, and (3) the merging of bores (breaking wave front, resembling to a hydraulic jump) inside the surfzone. When reaching shallow water (O(1-10 m)), IG waves can transfer part of their energy back to higher frequencies, a process which is highly dependent on beach slope. On gently... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Infragravity waves; Bound wave; Dissipation; Reflection; Sediment transport; Barrier breaching; Seiche; Earth hum. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00417/52876/53800.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 34 | |