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A Buried Drain Erosion and Sediment Loss Control System NWISRL
Carter, D.L.; Berg, R.D..
Tipo: Technical Bulletin Palavras-chave: Erosion; Sediment; Erosion; Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous).
Ano: 1985 URL:
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A Buried Pipe System for Controlling Erosion and Sediment Loss on Irrigated Land NWISRL
Carter, D.L.; Berg, R.D..
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Erosion; Sediment; Erosion; Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous).
Ano: 1983 URL:
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A reevaluation of the late quaternary sedimentation in todos os Santos Bay (BA), Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
Todos os Santos Bay is a large (<img ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="http:/img/fbpe/aabc/v72n4/0052img1.gif" ALT="$ \approx$"> 1000 km²), structurally controlled tidal bay in northeast Brazil. Three main drainage basins debouch into the bay, providing a mean freshwater discharge of 200 m³/s (prior to 1985), or less than 1% of the spring tidal discharge through the bay mouth. Based on the result of several sedimentological studies performed in the 1970's, five surface sedimentary facies were identified inside the bay, namely i) transgressive siliciclastic marine sand facies; ii) transgressive bay sand-mud facies; iii) a transgressive carbonate marine sand facies; iv) regressive bay-mud facies, and v) regressive fluvial sand facies. The spatial...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Estuary; Sediment; Stratigraphy; Holocene.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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A simple approach to integrate the ecotoxicological and chemical data for the establishment of environmental risk levels BABT
Cesar,Augusto; Abessa,Denis Moledo de Souza; Pereira,Camilo Dias Seabra; Santos,Aldo Ramos; Fernández,Nuria; Choueri,Rodrigo Brasil; DelValls,Tomas Angel.
In this work, multivariate and numeric methods were used to integrate the chemical and ecotoxicological data obtained for the sediments from the Santos Estuarine System, and for the vicinity of the discharges of the Submarine Sewage Outfall of Santos, in order to establish more accurately the environmental risks, identify the priority areas and thus provide guidance to control the programs and public policies. For both the datasets, the concentrations which exceeded numeric sediment guidelines tended to be associated to toxicity. For the estuary, this trend was corroborated by the correlations between the toxicity and Cu and PAHs levels, whereas for the sewage outfall region, this was observed through the correlation between the toxicity and Hg contents....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sediment; Contamination; Toxicity; Tiburonella viscana; Environmental risk assessment.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Accumulation des sels nutritifs dans un sédiment lagunaire et environnement hydrodynamique ArchiMer
Gomez, E; Millet, B; Picot, B.
The Mejean-Perols Lagoon is situated on the French Mediterranean coast. It is a small (747 ha) and shallow (70 cm) lagoon. Some treated effluent from Montpellier flows into this hypereutrophic lagoon. The cartography of C, N and P concentrations in the sediment was studied based on 35 bottom samples. The nitrogen and organic carbon concentrations were more or less homogeneous, the highest concentrations being found in the middle of the lagoon. The phosphate was principally bound onto the sediment in the west zone. The observed distribution was independent of grain size, the distribution of which was rather homogeneous. In this lagoon water circulation is wind induced. Four different water flow structures were observed, as functions of the prevailing winds...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sédiment; Lagune côtière; Hydrodynamique; Sels nutritifs; Carbone; Sediment; Coastal lagoon; Hydrodynamics; Nutrients; Carbon.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Acquisition of detrital magnetization in four turbidites ArchiMer
Tanty, Cyrielle; Valet, Jean-pierre; Carlut, Julie; Bassinot, Franck; Zaragosi, Sebastien.
Turbiditic events are mostly avoided in paleomagnetic studies and therefore their remanence and magnetic properties are poorly described. Turbidites are exempt of bioturbation and potentially provide pertinent information about depositional remanence. We studied four quaternary turbidites of different origins in marine sediment cores. Upward fining of both magnetic and sedimentary fractions indicates that coarser grains reached the bottom first. We observe a progressive shallowing of the magnetic inclinations between the upper and bottom layers of the turbidites that increases with the size of the events and obeys a simple linear scaling law. Measurements of magnetic anisotropy suggest that hydrodynamic conditions prevailing during deposition seem to be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Detrital remanence; Turbidite; Sediment; Rock magnetism; Magnetization.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Aggregated and Validated Datasets for the European Seas: The Contribution of EMODnet Chemistry ArchiMer
Giorgetti, Alessandra; Lipizer, Marina; Molina Jack, Maria Eugenia; Holdsworth, Neil; Jensen, Hans Mose; Buga, Luminita; Sarbu, George; Iona, Athanasia; Gatti, Julie; Larsen, Martin; Fyrberg, Lotta; Østrem, Ann Kristin; Schlitzer, Reiner.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nutrients; Oxygen; Acidity; Contaminants; Sediment; Biota; Aggregated datasets.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Analysis of slope failures in submarine canyon heads: An example from the Gulf of Lions ArchiMer
Sultan, Nabil; Gaudin, Mathieu; Berne, Serge; Canals, Miquel; Urgeles, Roger; Lafuerza, Sara.
To improve understanding of evolution of submarine canyons, a three-dimensional slope-stability model is applied to Bourcart Canyon in the western Gulf of Lions in the Mediterranean Sea. The model builds on previous work by Chen and others, and it uses the upper bound theorem of plasticity to calculate the factor of safety of a kinematically admissible failing mass. Examples of three-dimensional failure surfaces documented in the literature were used to test the model formulation. Model application to Bourcart Canyon employed the results of a detailed stratigraphic analyses based on data acquired by swath bathymetry, sub-bottom profiling, high-resolution seismic reflection surveys, and piston coring. The sediment layers were also characterized using...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cascadia accretionary complex; Upper bound theorem; Stability analysis; Continental slope; Limit equilibrium; Western gulf; Offshore; Margin; Initiation; Sediment.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Aporte de nutrientes e sólidos suspensos no Rio Taquari. Infoteca-e
A agricultura intensiva, pastagens cultivadas, garimpo, agroindústria e os efluentes urbanos estão entre os principais fatores que causam alterações ambientais no Pantanal e rios associados (Ferreira et. al., 1994). Estas atividades estão concentradas principalmente nas áreas de planalto e têm gerado aumentos no aporte de nutrientes e sedimentos para a planície. Um bom exemplo, é rio Taquari, um dos maiores tributários da bacia do alto rio Paraguai (Brasil; 1997). A bacia hidrográfica do rio Taquari está localizada entre as latitudes de 17°00'00''S e 20°00'00''S e as longitudes de 53°00'00''W e 58°00'00''W, abrangendo uma área de aproximadamente 65.023 km2, dentro da bacia do Alto Paraguai (BAP). No fim do alto curso, o rio Taquari recebe o rio Coxim com...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Assoreamento; Sólido suspenso; Característica; Rio Taquari; Sediment; Nutrient; Characteristic; Taquari river; Água; Limnologia; Nutriente; Sedimento; Limnology; Water.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Archaeal Methane Cycling Communities Associated with Gassy Subsurface Sediments of Marennes-Oleron Bay (France) ArchiMer
Roussel, Erwan; Sauvadet, Anne Laure; Allard, Jonathan; Chaduteau, Carine; Richard, Pierre; Cambon Bonavita, Marie-anne; Chaumillon, Eric.
In Marennes-Oleron Bay, a macro-tidal bay located on the French Atlantic coast, kilometer-scale acoustic turbidity reveals an accumulation of free gas in the sediment. Large concentrations of organic matter and rapid sedimentation rates provide ideal settings for biogenic methane cycling. We integrate seismic, sedimentologic, biogeochemical and molecular genetic approaches to determine whether microbial methane cycling is involved in this process. Here we show that the acoustic turbidity upper boundary matched with X-ray facies displaying fissures with the highest methane concentrations, demonstrating the existence of methane bubbles in the sediment. 16S rRNA and mcrA gene clone libraries were dominated by sequences affiliated to the three known ANME...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment; Methane; McrA; 16S rRNA; Archaea.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Ba distribution in surface Southern Ocean sediments and export production estimates ArchiMer
Fagel, N; Dehairs, F; Andre, L; Bareille, G; Monnin, C.
We present excess Ba (Baxs) data (i.e., total Ba corrected for lithogenic Ba) for surface sediments from a north-south transect between the Polar Front Zone and the northern Weddell Gyre in the Atlantic sector and between the Polar Front Zone and the Antarctic continent in the Indian sector. Focus is on two different processes that affect excess Ba accumulation in the sediments: sediment redistribution and excess Ba dissolution. The effect of these processes needs to be corrected for in order to convert accumulation rate into vertical rain rate, the flux component that can be linked to export production. In the Southern Ocean a major process affecting Ba accumulation rate is sediment focusing, which is corrected for using excess (230)Th. This correction,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Excess Ba; Sediment; Southern Ocean; Export production.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Bacterivory by benthic organisms in sediment : Quantification using 15N-enriched bacteria ArchiMer
Pascal, P.y.; Dupuy, C; Mallet, C; Richard, P; Niquil, N.
The fate of benthic bacterial biomass in benthic food webs is a topic of major importance but poorly described. This paper describes an alternative method for evaluation of bacterial grazing rate by meiofauna and macrofauna using bacteria pre-enriched with stable isotopes. Natural bacteria from the sediment of an intertidal mudflat were cultured in a liquid medium enriched with 15NH4Cl. Cultured bacteria contained 2.9% of 15N and were enriched sufficiently to be used as tracers during grazing experiments. Cultured bacteria presented a biovolume (0.21 &#956;m3) and a percentage of actively respiring bacteria (10%) similar to those found in natural communities. The number of Operational Taxon Units found in cultures fluctuated between 56 and 75% of that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tracer; Stable isotope; Sediment; Grazing; Bacteria.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Biodegradation of [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR by a bacterium isolated from sediment of Patos Lagoon estuary, Brazil J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Lemes,Gilmar AF; Kist,Luiza W; Bogo,Mauricio R; Yunes,João S.
Background Toxic cyanobacterial blooms are recurrent in Patos Lagoon, in southern Brazil. Among cyanotoxins, [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR is the predominant variant whose natural cycle involves water and sediment compartments. This study aimed to identify and isolate from sediment a bacterial strain capable of growing on [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR. Sediment and water samples were collected at two distinct aquatic spots: close to the Oceanographic Museum (P1), in Rio Grande City, and on São Lourenço Beach (P2), in São Lourenço do Sul City, southern Brazil. Methods [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR was isolated and purified from batch cultures of Microcystis aeruginosastrain RST9501. Samples of water and sediment from Rio Grande and São Lourenço do Sul were collected....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodegradation; Microcystin; Sediment; Patos Lagoon; Estuary; Brazil.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Campagne RNOSED 1998 - Analyse de la contamination des sédiments du littoral Nord / Pas-de-Calais / Picardie ArchiMer
Desombre, Julie; Lefebvre, Alain; Bucas, Karenn.
The National Network of Observation (RNO) of the IFREMER is a monitoring network of the quality of the marine environment. This report is interested in the results of series of measurement from the RNO sediment of 1998 and relates to the analysis of the contamination of the coastal sediments from the Belgian coastal zone to Fécamp. Measurements relate to heavy metals and the organic compounds the such Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (HAP), Polychlorobiphényles (PCB) and pesticides (DDT, Lindane). A statistical processing is carried out starting from the standardized metal contents and of the organic rough contents in order to highlight possible regroupings of intake points per level of pollution. The origins of the contamination given thanks to an inventory of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sédiment; RNO; Normalisation; Contaminants; Apports anthropiques; Sediment; RNO; Standardization; Contaminants; Anthropic fluxes.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Change in the structure of Escherichia coli population and the pattern of virulence genes along a rural aquatic continuum ArchiMer
Petit, Fabienne; Clermont, Olivier; Delannoy, Sabine; Servais, Pierre; Gourmelon, Michele; Fach, Patrick; Oberle, Kenny; Fournier, Matthieu; Denamur, Erick; Berthe, Thierry.
The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of the E. coli population, focusing on the occurrence of pathogenic E. coli, in surface water draining a rural catchment. Two sampling campaigns were carried out in similar hydrological conditions (wet period, low flow) along a river continuum, characterized by two opposite density gradients of animals (cattle and wild animals) and human populations. While the abundance of E. coli slightly increased along the river continuum, the abundance of both human and ruminant-associated Bacteroidales markers, as well as the number of E. coli multi-resistant to antibiotics, evidenced a fecal contamination originating from animals at upstream rural sites, and from humans at downstream urban sites. A strong spatial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water; Sediment; Pathogenic E. coli; Virulence gene; Shiga toxin.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Changes in seabed morphology, mud temperature and free gas venting at the Håkon Mosby mud volcano, offshore northern Norway, over the time period 2003-2006 ArchiMer
Foucher, Jean-paul; Dupre, Stephanie; Scalabrin, Carla; Feseker, Tomas; Harmegnies, Francois; Nouze, Herve.
The Håkon Mosby mud volcano is a 1.5-km-diameter geological structure located on the Southwest Barents Sea slope at a water depth of 1,270 m. High-definition seabed mapping of the mud volcano has been carried out in 2003 and 2006. A comparative analysis of the bathymetry and backscatter maps produced from the two surveys shows subtle morphological changes over the entire crater of the mud volcano, interpreted to be the consequence of mud eruption events. Mud temperature measurements point to a persistently warm mud at shallow depth in the crater. This is explained by upward fluid advection, rather than conductive cooling of mud flows. The small-scale spatial variability in the temperature distribution may be related to mud outflows or changes in the fluid...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sw barents sea; Cold seep ecosystems; Fluid flow; Methane; Sediment; Onshore; Fluxes; Margin; Water.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Changes in the sediment trace metal contamination after the commissioning of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in the Souss estuary (South Morocco) ArchiMer
Moukrim, A; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Cheggour, M; Burgeot, Thierry.
Monthly samples of sediment were collected from the Souss estuary, to determine the changes which have occurred in the concentrations of ten metals between 2001 when the low estuary was receiving the wastewaters from Agadir city and 2003 after stopping the sewage dumping. The annual contents of Cu, Fe, Zn (in 2001) and those of Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn (in 2003) showed significant correlations with those of Al, indicating that fluctuations of their concentrations were only due to those of the aluminosilicate fraction of the clayey sediment. After normalization of these metallic concentrations in relation to those of Al, the contents of the different metals showed insignificant correlations between both years, except for Zn which significantly dropped...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Souss estuary; Wastewater; Sediment; Metal contamination.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Characterization of the physical and chemical parameters of Ubatuba Bay, Northern Coast of São Paulo State, Brazil BJB
The objective of the present study is to characterize the physical and chemical environmental parameters of Ubatuba Bay (SP), as a subsidy for studies of the composition and distribution of benthic crustaceans which live on the non-consolidated sublittoral bottom of this area. Depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, organic content and granulometric composition of the sediments were measured monthly from September/95 to August/96 in eight subareas of the bay. The bay presents an average depth of 9.3 m and is characterized by the following annual mean values for the hydrologic factors: temperature 23.8 ºC, salinity 33.2‰ and dissolved oxygen 5.11 mg/l. The annual mean for the organic matter content of the bay bottom sediments was 11.8% and most...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Environmental factors; Sediment; Organic content; Ubatuba; Brazil.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Circulation and suspended sediment transport in a coral reef lagoon: The south-west lagoon of New Caledonia ArchiMer
Ouillon, S.; Douillet, Pascal; Lefebvre, J. P.; Le Gendre, Romain; Jouon, Aymeric; Bonneton, P.; Fernandez,; Chevillon, C.; Magand, O.; Lefevre, J.; Le Hir, Pierre; Laganier, R.; Dumas, Franck; Marchesiello, P.; Madani, A. Bel; Andrefouet, S.; Panche, J. Y.; Fichez, R..
The south-west lagoon of New Caledonia is a wide semi-open coral reef lagoon bounded by an intertidal barrier reef and bisected by numerous deep inlets. This paper synthesizes findings from the 2000-2008 French National Program EC2CO-PNEC relative to the circulation and the transport of suspended particles in this lagoon. Numerical model development (hydrodynamic, fine suspended sediment transport, wind-wave, small-scale atmospheric circulation) allowed the determination of circulation patterns in the lagoon and the charting of residence time, the later of which has been recently used in a series of ecological studies. Topical studies based on field measurements permitted the parameterisation of wave set-up induced by the swell breaking on the reef barrier...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrodynamics; Suspended sediment; New Caledonia; Coral reef lagoon; Sediment; Turbidity; Resuspension.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Clay mineral evolution in the central Okinawa Trough since 28 ka: Implications for sediment provenance and paleoenvironmental change ArchiMer
Dou, Yanguang; Yang, Shouye; Liu, Zhenxia; Clift, Peter D.; Yu, Hua; Berne, Serge; Shi, Xuefa.
The Okinawa Trough is a natural laboratory for the study of later Quaternary land-ocean interaction and paleoenvironmental changes. In this study we reconstruct the evolution of clay mineral assemblages in Core DGKS9604 retrieved from the central Okinawa Trough. Illite dominates the clay mineral compositions, with average contents above 60%. Clay mineral evolution since 28 ka is closely related to changes in sediment provenance and paleoenvironment. Sea level rise and the strength of the Kuroshio Current control the dispersal and deposition of clays on the East China Sea shelf and in the Okinawa Trough, and thus, determine the clay mineral compositions in the core sediments. During the late last glacial period (28.0-14.0 ka), the paleo-Changjiang River...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clay mineral; Sediment; Provenance; East China Sea; Okinawa Trough.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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