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Substrate from vermiculite and cattle manure for ornamental pepper seedling production 75
Costa,Edilson; Prado,Jaime CL; Cardoso,Eliana D; Binotti,Flavio FS.
Substrates with a mixture of two or more materials have better conditions for root development of vegetables seedlings. This research aimed to evaluate the formation of ornamental pepper (cultivars Etna and Pyramid) seedlings in six different combinations between vermiculite (V) and cattle manure (M) (10%M + 90%V; 25%M + 75%V; 40%M + 60%V; 55%M + 45%V; 70%M + 30%V; 85%M + 15%V). The experiment was conducted at Universidade de Mato Grosso do Sul in a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme 6 x 2 (six substrates and two cultivars). The initial growth and emergence of ornamental pepper seedlings were evaluated. The highest amounts of vermiculite favored the emergence of pepper. The highest amounts of cattle manure in the substrate formed the best...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capsicum chinense; Ornamental plants; Mixtures; Seedlings..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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