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Caractérisation et déterminisme du développement d'une population de l'annélide tubicole Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766) (Polychète Terebellidae) associé à la conchyliculture en Baie des Veys (Baie de Seine Occidentale) 5
Ropert, Michel.
Since the mid 80's, a tidal population of the polychaete Lanice conchilega has proliferated along the eastern part of the "Baie des Veys" (Western part of the Bay of Seine). Population density 7 000 individuals per square meter. This proliferation affected significantly the local oyster farming industry, by resulting increased sedimentation rates. This work try to improved understanding the phenomenon by analyzing at various temporal and spatial scales the ecosystem and its relationship with the Lanice conchilega population dynamics. Several field works were carried out (i.e. bottom type mapping, topography, hydrology) to analyse the occurrence and development of this population taking into account the overall changes of the "Baie des Veys" ecosystem....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Veys Bay; Seine Bay; Crassostrea gigas; Lanice conchilega; Mussel culture; Baie de Seine; Baie des Veys; Crassostrea gigas; Lanice conchilega; Conchyliculture.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Dynamique des matières en suspension en mer cotière : caractérisation, quantification et interactions sédiments/matière organique 5
Chapalain, Marion.
The knowledge of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and turbidity dynamics in coastal waters is essential for studying marine ecosystems. Flocculation/deflocculation processes are crucial mechanisms controlling the dynamics of SPM physical characteristics and thus, the fate of these SPM in the environment. This PhD thesis focuses on the SPM characteristics and their dynamics in coastal waters, from tidal to annual scales, in response to hydrodynamic, hydrological and biological forcing that take place at the interface between estuaries and coastal seas. To this end, optical and acoustic sensors were deployed in situ through 6 field campaigns in 2016, in order to characterize and quantify SPM in the water column, near the mouth of the Seine estuary...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Matière en suspension (MES); Floculation; Matière organique; Distribution en classe de taille; Dimension fractale; Capteurs optiques et acoustiques; Baie de Seine; Suspended particulate matter (SPM); Flocculation; Organic matter; Particle size distribution; Fractal dimension; Optical and acoustic sensors; Seine Bay.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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