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Dynamique sédimentaire et évolution holocène d'un système macrotidal semi-fermé : l'exemple de la rade de Brest 5
Gregoire, Gwendoline.
The bay of Brest is a tide-dominated, semi-enclosed coastal basin, which is connected with two rivers (Aulne and Elorn). Its jagged shoreline and seabed morphology constitute an ideal setting to understand sedimentary transfer at the land-sea interface. In this aim, this study is divided in two different time scale. The first (a) focuses on the present-day sedimentary bedload dynamic and the second (b) on the reconstruction of the Holocene infilling, during the last marine transgression. (a) A analyse combining a sedimentology approach and numerical has highlighted the major control of the tidal currents. Swells and rivers have a minor impact, because the inherited morphology accentuates and promotes tidal currents. There are responsible of a shelly sandy...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamique sédimentaire; Holocène; Paléo-vallée; Estuaire; Système côtier; Rade de Brest; Carottages; Sismique-réflexion; Imagerie; Bathymétrie; Seismic reflection; Coastal system; Bay of Brest; Coring; Paleo-valley; Estuary; Sedimentary dynamic; Backscatter imagery; Bathymetry.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Long-term slip rates and fault interactions under low contractional strain, Wanganui Basin, New Zealand 5
Lamarche, G; Proust, Jn; Nodder, Sd.
The newly mapped Kapiti-Manawatu Fault System (KMFS) in southern North Island, New Zealand, accommodated similar to 3.5 km of basement throw over the last 3 Myr. Along-strike throw profiles are generated using seven stratigraphic markers, interpreted from seismic reflection profiles acquired < 3 km apart. The profiles are symmetrical about their point of maximum displacement, and cumulative profiles suggest that the reverse fault system behaves coherently. The KMFS originates from the reactivation of extensional structures, with fault lengths remaining constant over time. Contractional deformation started at circa 1750 +/- 400 ka. Maximum dip-slip rates along individual faults are 1.77 +/- 0.53 and 0.74 +/- 0.22 mm yr(-1) for the 0 - 120 and 120 - 1350...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Slip rate; Fault displacement; Seismic reflection; Reverse fault; Strain; Fault interaction.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Recent and active deformation pattern off the easternmost Algerian margin, Western Mediterranean Sea: New evidence for contractional tectonic reactivation 5
Kherroubi, Abdelaziz; Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles, Abdelkarim; De Lepinay, Bernard Mercier; Domzig, Anne; Cattaneo, Antonio; Bracene, Rabah; Gaullier, Virginie; Graindorge, David.
We describe for the first time a set of large active thrusts and folds near the foot of the easternmost Algerian margin, Western Mediterranean, from swath bathymetry and high-resolution seismic data acquired in 2005 during the Maradja2/Samra cruise. This active system resumes a previous passive margin and creates growth strata deposition on the limbs of large folds, resulting in the development of perched basins at the foot of the margin since less than similar to 1 Ma. They form a set of overlapping fault segments verging toward the Algerian basin, in a way similar to what has been observed off eastern Algiers on the rupture zone of the 2003 Mw 6.8 Boumerdes earthquake. The horizontal shortening rate across large folds is estimated to be of the order of 1...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subduction inception; Africa Eurasia convergence; Seismic reflection; Seismic hazards; Growth strata; Folding; Active faulting; Annaba; Algerian margin.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Searching for the Africa-Eurasia Miocene boundary offshore western Algeria (MARADJA'03 cruise) 5
Domzig, Anne; Yelles, Karim; Le Roy, Charlotte; Deverchere, Jacques; Bouillin, Jean-pierre; Bracene, Rabah; De Lepinay, Bernard Mercier; Le Roy, Pascal; Calais, Eric; Kherroubi, Abdelaziz; Gaullier, Virginie; Savoye, Bruno; Pauc, Henri.
We present new results from the MARADJA'03 cruise depicting the geological structures offshore central and western Algeria. Using swath bathymetry and seismic reflection data, we map and discuss the offshore limits of the Internal Zones corresponding to relics of the AIKaPeCa domain that drifted and collided the African plate during the Miocene. We identify large reverse faults and folds that reactivate part of these limits and are still active today. The morphology of the westernmost NE-SW margin suggests a former strike-slip activity accommodating a westward block translation responsible for the shift of the Internal Zones towards the Moroccan Rif.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sismique réflexion; Bathymétrie multifaisceau; Évolution tectonique du Bassin méditerranéen; Néotectonique; Zones Internes; Marge Algérienne; Seismic reflection; Swath bathymetry; Tectonic evolution of the Mediterranean; Internal zones neotectonics; Algerian margin.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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