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ACTION RECOPLA - Inventaire et bancarisation des données de Géosciences Marines pour les façades Atlantique, Manche et Méditerranée ArchiMer
Gautier, Emeric; Kerjean, Mathieu; Satra Le Bris, Catherine; Bourillet, Jean-francois.
This report presents the inventory work realized for all the Marine Geoscience dept data acquired on the French continental shelf. It lists the bathymetric, seismic and backscattering data acquired, processed and interpreted in English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean. All the maps used for this inventory are available within the GIS "Manche Atlantique" and "Golfe du Lion".
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Inventaire; SIG; Manche; Atlantique; Méditerranée; Bathymétrie; Imagerie acoustique; Sismique; Données brutes; Traitées; Interprétées; GeoBIS; Inventory; GIS; Englsih Channel; Atlantic; Mediterranean Sea; Backscatter; Seismic; Raw; Processed; Interpreted data; GeoBIS.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Enregistrements stratigraphiques des cycles climatiques et eustatiques du Quaternaire terminal - Modélisations de la marge continentale du Golfe du Lion. ArchiMer
Jouet, Gwenael.
Earth's climate oscillated during the Late Quaternary following the major glacial-interglacial cycles. These well-known variations influenced continental and marine sedimentary records worldwide. However, the associated changes of global sea-level and of environmental factors are not precisely documented, neither are their stratigraphic signatures. The extensive geophysical and sedimentological investigations carried out in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean) since the early 90's allow us to explore the expanded sedimentary records preserved on this continental margin during the Late Quaternary. The combination of high sediment supply (largely from Alpine glaciers) and significant subsidence favoured an almost continuous record, at the shelf edge, of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Late Quaternary; Lithology; Seismic; Gulf of Lions; Stratigraphic modelling; Glacio Eustatic cycles; Climate; Deltaic margin; Sequence Stratigraphy; Quaternaire terminal; Lithologie; Sismique; Golfe du Lion; Modélisations stratigraphiques; Cycles Glacio Eustatiques; Climat; Marge deltaïque; Stratigraphie Séquentielle.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Evolution Géodynamique du domaine Ouest-offshore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et de ses extensions vers la Nouvelle-Zélande ArchiMer
Collot, Julien.
The southwest Pacific results from the fragmentation of Gondwanaland since the Cretaceous time. The purpose of the current PhD work is to deepen our understanding of the history of the New Caledonia and Fairway basins, located west of New Caledonia, in order to better constrain the geodynamical evolution of the SW Pacific from Cretaceous to Oligocene. The analysis of new geophysical data has led to distinguish 3 main phases of this fragmentation: 1 Mid Cretaceous formation of the Fairway-Aotea Basin in a continental intra-arc position. The formation of this basin reflects the initial stage of continental fragmentation of the Eastern Gondwana margin. The causes of this fragmentation are to be searched for in a major change of the dynamics of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subduction; Obduction; Norfolk; Lord Howe; Gondwana; Taranaki; New Caledonia; Fairway; Aotea; Magnetic; Gravity; Seismic; Subduction; Obduction; Norfolk; Lord Howe; Gondwana; Taranaki; Nouvelle Calédonie; Fairway; Aotea; Magnétisme; Gravimétrie; Sismique.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evolution model for the Absheron mud volcano: from in-situ observations to numerical modeling ArchiMer
Blouin, Arthur; Imbert, Patrice; Sultan, Nabil; Callot, Jean-paul.
The morphology of mud volcanoes (MV) has been extensively studied over the last few decades. Although recent research has begun to focus on deep processes and structures, little is known about mud generation mechanisms. This study aims to investigate the feeder system and formation of an active kilometer‐scale MV by relying on a 3‐D seismic survey and an in‐situ dataset on the Absheron anticline (South Caspian Basin). Seismic data show a depleted area in the Anhydritic Surakhany Formation (ASF), whose mineralogical composition fits with surface mud. Well data show that the ASF is a succession of evaporitic beds and low temperature shales near its fracture pressure. Biostratigraphic analysis confirms a Pliocene origin for the mud, suggesting that the ASF...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mud volcano; Pore pressure; Methane; Modeling; Seismic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Irregular BSR: Evidence of an Ongoing Reequilibrium of a Gas Hydrate System ArchiMer
Colin, Florent; Ker, Stephan; Riboulot, Vincent; Sultan, Nabil.
Gas hydrate (GH) systems constitute methane sinks sensitive to environmental changes such as pressure, temperature, and salinity. It remains a matter of debate as to whether the large GH system of the Black Sea has reached a steady state since the last glacial maximum (LGM). We report on an irregular free gas distribution in specific sediment layers marking an irregular bottom‐simulating reflector (BSR). This anomalous free gas distribution revealed by very high resolution seismic images, acquired by a deep‐towed multichannel seismic system, might be evidence of an on‐going migration of the base of the GH stability zone (GHSZ). We show that the reequilibrium is not occurring homogeneously as overpressure from hydrate dissociation slows their decomposition...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrates; Seismic; Very high resolution; Dissociation; Black Sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Leaking methane reservoirs offshore Svalbard ArchiMer
Minshull, T. A.; Westbrook, Graham; Weitemeyer, K. A.; Sinha, M. C.; Goswami, B. K.; Marsset, Bruno.
Methane hydrate—a solid substance in which methane is trapped within ice‐like crystals—is stable at low temperatures and high pressures and may be destabilized by ocean warming on both geological and human time scales. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, and methane released from hydrate provides a potential positive feedback mechanism in global climate change [e.g., Archer and Buffett, 2005]—in theory, the more methane is released by the hydrates, the warmer the climate gets, causing the ocean to warm and release more methane. However, methane escaping from the seabed is oxidized and dissolved in the ocean, and insufficient methane may reach the atmosphere to affect the climate significantly. Its importance for climate change therefore depends on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Methane hydrate; Svalbard; Sea floor; Seismic; Electromagnetic; Arctic.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Morphology, structure, composition and build-up processes of the active channel-mouth lobe complex of the Congo deep-sea fan with inputs from remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) multibeam and video surveys ArchiMer
Dennielou, Bernard; Droz, Laurence; Babonneau, Nathalie; Jacq, Celine; Bonnel, Cedric; Picot, Marie; Le Saout, Morgane; Saout, Yohan; Bez, Martine; Savoye, Bruno; Olu, Karine; Rabouille, Christophe.
The detailed structure and composition of turbiditic channel-mouth lobes is still largely unknown because they commonly lie at abyssal water depths, are very thin and are therefore beyond the resolution of hull-mound acoustic tools. The morphology, structure and composition of the Congo turbiditic channel-mouth lobe complex (90×40 km; 2525 km2) were investigated with hull-mounted swath bathymetry, air gun seismics, 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiler, sediment piston cores and also with high-resolution multibeam bathymetry and video acquired with a Remote Operating Vehicle (ROV). The lobe complex lies 760 km off the Congo River mouth in the Angola abyssal plain between 4740 and 5030 m deep. It is active and is fed by turbidity currents that deposit several...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Congo deep-sea fan; Lobe; Lobe complex; Channel; Channel-Lobe Transition Zone; Angola basin; Slump; Slide; Debrite; Turbidite; ROV; Bathymetry; Seismic; Sediment core.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Overview of the Bosphorus Depositional Fan from Data Sets Recovered on the Black Sea Shelf off the Strait of Istanbul ArchiMer
Lericolais, Gilles; Algan, Oya; Morigi, Caterina; Okay, Seda; Kirci-elmas, Elmas; Cifci, Gunay.
Since the preliminary mapping of the northern Bosphorus outlet of the Black Sea continental shelf by the 90’s NATO project, an important data set bringing morphological, seismic and sedimentological information is now available to describe there a shallow fan system consisting of a main channel and short distributary branches, levees, and sediment waves, correlative to a southern source flowing to the north. This paper brings complementary quantitative data from landscape at the eastern and western shelf area of the shallow fan system. It confirms that the Bosphorus outlet fan preserved on the shelf surface provides an important record of surface water flow. To deduce the history of the Marmara/Black Sea last connexion, it is fundamental to understand how...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bosphorus; Black Sea; Seismic; Sediment cores; Multibeam bathymetry; Shallow fan.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Protection protocol for marine fauna and seismic campaigns ArchiMer
Ducatel, Cecile; Le Gall, Yves; Lurton, Xavier.
This document explains measures taken by Ifremer to protect marine fauna when using class 1 seismic sources (> 500 in3). Before presenting the protocol to be applied during marine geoscience campaigns, the acoustic risk assessment principles are recapped.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismic; Marine mammals; Turtles; Thresholds; PTS; TTS; Exclusion zone; MMOs; PAM; Pre-shot research; Ramp-up; Stopping shots.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Very High Resolution 3D seismic: a new imaging tool for sub-bottom profiling ArchiMer
Marsset, Tania; Marsset, Bruno; Thomas, Yannick; Didailler, Stephane.
This note presents the first results of the development of a 3D Very High Resolution seismic method. Particular attention was paid to the design of an operational system to be in agreement with the expected goals in term of acquisition and processing. A set of three examples, collected in various geological environments, is presented.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Imagery; 3D; VHR; Seismic; Imagerie; 3D; THR; Sismique.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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