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Impact of Environmental Covariation in Growth and Mortality on Evolving Maturation Reaction Norms 5
Marty, Lise; Dieckmann, Ulf; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Ernande, Bruno.
Maturation age and size have important fitness consequences through their effects on survival probabilities and body sizes. The evolution of maturation reaction norms in response to environmental covariation in growth and mortality is therefore a key subject of life-history theory. The eco-evolutionary model we present and analyze here incorporates critical features that earlier studies of evolving maturation reaction norms have often neglected: the trade-off between growth and reproduction, source-sink population structure, and population regulation through density-dependent growth and fecundity. We report the following findings. First, the evolutionarily optimal age at maturation can be decomposed into the sum of a density-dependent and a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phenotypic plasticity; Growth-reproduction trade-off; Source-sink population structure; Density dependence; Selection gradient.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Nutrients from salmon parents alter selection pressures on their offspring 5
Auer, Sonya K.; Anderson, Graeme J.; Mckelvey, Simon; Bassar, Ronald D.; Mclennan, Darryl; Armstrong, John D.; Nislow, Keith H.; Downie, Helen K.; Mckelvey, Lynn; Morgan, Thomas A. J.; Salin, Karine; Orrell, Danielle L.; Gauthey, Alice; Reid, Thomas C.; Metcalfe, Neil B..
Organisms can modify their surrounding environment, but whether these changes are large enough to feed back and alter their evolutionary trajectories is not well understood, particularly in wild populations. Here we show that nutrient pulses from decomposing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parents alter selection pressures on their offspring with important consequences for their phenotypic and genetic diversity. We found a strong survival advantage to larger eggs and faster juvenile metabolic rates in streams lacking carcasses but not in streams containing this parental nutrient input. Differences in selection intensities led to significant phenotypic divergence in these two traits among stream types. Stronger selection in streams with low parental nutrient...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eco-evolutionary dynamics; Eco-evolutionary feedbacks; Natural selection; Niche construction; Salmo salar; Selection differential; Selection gradient.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Simultaneous age-dependent and age-independent sexual selection in the lekking black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) 5
Kervinen, Matti; Lebigre, Christophe; Soulsbury, Carl D..
Individuals' reproductive success is often strongly associated with their age, with typical patterns of early-life reproductive improvement and late-life senescence. These age-related patterns are due to the inherent trade-offs between life-history traits competing for a limited amount of resources available to the organisms. In males, such trade-offs are exacerbated by the resource requirements associated with the expression of costly sexual traits, leading to dynamic changes in trait expression throughout their life span. Due to the age dependency of male phenotypes, the relationship between the expression of male traits and mating success can also vary with male age. Hence, using longitudinal data in a lekking species with strong sexual selection - the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Annual reproductive success; Fitness; Lek; Long-term data; Mating success; Selection differential; Selection gradient; Senescence; Tetrao tetrix.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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