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Beija-flores (Aves: Trochilidae) e seus recursos florais em uma área de caatinga da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil Rev. Bras. Zool.
Machado,Caio Graco.
This study investigated the species of hummingbird occurring in an area of caatinga vegetation, examining their seasonal activities, the assemblages of plants that they used, as well as the floral characteristics and flowering phenology of that vegetation. These surveys were performed in an area of arboreal caatinga in Chapada Diamantina, municipality of Mucugê, state of Bahia, Brazil, during 12 expeditions undertaken on a bi-monthly basis between October, 2005 and August, 2007. Field activities included observations made of the visiting hummingbird species, their behavior, and the frequency of their visits; as well as the plant species visited, their floral attributes, size, and the flowering phenophase evident on the occasion of each expedition. Seven...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Espinhaço range; Ornitophily; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Biomass and population structure of Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri) (Isoptera: termitidae) in the dry forest of caatinga, northeastern Brazil Neotropical Entomology
Vasconcellos,Alexandre; Araújo,Virgínia F.P.; Moura,Flávia M.S.; Bandeira,Adelmar G..
Biomass and population structure of Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri) were studied in an area of dry forest of caatinga in the State of Paraiba, northeastern Brazil. Twelve nests of different sizes were randomly collected, being six during the dry season (November 2004 and 2005) and six during the wet season (March 2004). Soldier and worker populations varied between 4880 and 118800 individuals per nest. The ratio between soldiers and workers did not significantly vary between seasons. Biomass (measured as fresh weight) of individuals varied between 13.9 and 408.8 g per nest, and soldiers and workers had significantly greater biomass during the wet season. The estimated density of nests of C. cyphergaster was 59.0 ± 22.53 active nests/ha....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Neotropical; Semi-arid; Nasutitermitinae; Colony; Abundance.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Biometrics and grain yield of sorghum varieties irrigated with salt water AGRIAMBI
Guimarães,Miguel J. M.; Simões,Welson L.; Oliveira,Anderson R. de; Araujo,Gherman G. L. de; Silva,Ênio F. de F. e; Willadino,Lilia G..
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify sorghum varieties that have growth and grain yield potential under saline conditions. The study was conducted in 2016 at a greenhouse of the Embrapa Semiárido, in Petrolina, state of Pernambuco, Brazil (9° 8’ 8.9’’ S, 40° 18’ 33.6’’ W, and altitude of 373 m). A randomized block experimental design, with a 6 × 5 factorial arrangement, and three replications was used. The treatments consisted of six grain sorghum varieties (1011-IPA, 2502-IPA, 2564-IPA, 2600-IPA, Ponta Negra, and Qualimax), and five salinity levels of the irrigation water (ECw = 0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, and 12.0 dS m-1). Plant height, stem diameter, dry matter yield, width and length of the +3 leaf, total leaf area, water use efficiency, and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salinity; Sorghum bicolor L.; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Bryophytes on rocky outcrops in the caatinga biome: a conservationist perspective Acta Botanica
Silva,Joan Bruno; Germano,Shirley Rangel.
In the state of Paraíba, Brazil, there is an abundance of rocky outcrops, which are typical elements of the semi-arid landscape. Those outcrops provide refuge to species with morphological adaptations to stressful climates and to rare communities of plants, including bryophytes. Nevertheless, there have been no studies of bryophytes in such habitats in the state. Therefore, this work aimed to inventory bryophytes on two outcrops in the municipality of Puxinanã, in Paraíba, addressing some of the ecological aspects of survival in xerophytic environments. Samples were collected once every two weeks from February 2010 to May 2011. The usual techniques of bryophyte sampling and herbarium preservation were employed. We recorded 21 bryophyte species (six...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bryophyte; Inselberg; Morphological adaptations; Nonvascular flora; Semi-arid; Northeastern Brazil.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Caracterização dos sistemas de produção de leite bovino no Cariri paraibano - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i3.7123 Animal Sciences
Moura, José Fábio Paulino; UFPB; Pimenta Filho, Edgard Cavalcanti; CCA/UFPB; Gonzaga Neto, Severino; CCA/UFPB; Menezes, Marcos Paulo Carrera; CCHSA/UFPB; Leite, Saulo Vilarim de Farias; EMEPA/PB; Guilhermino, Magda Maria; DA/UFRN.
Objetivou-se, com o presente estudo, caracterizar os sistemas de produção de leite bovino no Cariri da Paraíba, utilizando análise de componentes principais e de agrupamento por Cluster. Foi selecionada uma amostra de 100 produtores rurais nos municípios de Caturité e Barra de Santana para aplicação de um questionário que foi composto por variáveis quantitativas, subdivididas em cinco conjuntos, totalizando 16 perguntas. Os quatro primeiros componentes principais explicaram 75,56% da variação total. Verificou-se a formação de três grupos quanto às variáveis estudadas. Os grupos I, II e III foram compostos por 9, 28 e 63 produtores, respectivamente. A maioria das propriedades do grupo I está localizada no município de Caturité, Estado da Paraíba. O tipo de...
Tipo: Pesquisa de Campo Palavras-chave: componente principal; Cooperativa; Semiárido Produção Animal main component; Co-operative society; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Carbon stocks in a tropical dry forest in Brazil Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Pereira Júnior,Lécio Resende; Andrade,Eunice Maia de; Palácio,Helba Araújo de Queiroz; Raymer,Poliana Costa Lemos; Ribeiro Filho,Jacques Carvalho; Pereira,Francisco Jairo Soares.
ABSTRACT The dry forests are the type most widely distributed vegetation in the tropics, and studies aimed at quantifying the carbon stock in these forests are important for it to be quantified their participation as mitigating the effects of climate change. With that in mind, the aim of this research was to quantify the carbon stocks in the woody, herbaceous, litter and root components of a patch of dry tropical forest, with 30 years of regeneration in Iguatu-CE, Brazil. Initially the vegetation was inventoried by means of a floristic and phytosociological survey of the woody component in a 1 ha area which had been under conservation. The biomass was then estimated employing allometric equations, and the stored carbon was quantified. Stocks of carbon in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Semi-arid; Caatinga; Biomass.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Changes in the abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in the cultivation of fruit crops Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Araújo,Jackson de Lima; Pastori,Patrik Luiz; Gomes,Vânia Felipe Freire; Mendes Filho,Paulo Furtado; Nunes,Luís Alfredo Pinheiro Leal.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of fruit-crop management (mango, guava and coconut) on the composition and distribution of soil arthropods (mesofauna and macrofauna) during seasonal periods in the Curu Valley region of the State of Ceará, Brazil. The study was carried out during the following periods: rainy/dry (July/August 2013), dry (October/ November 2013), dry/rainy (January/February 2014) and rainy (April/May 2014). Pitfall traps were used to capture the arthropods. After sorting, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and the Pielou evenness index were calculated. Diversity values were compared in pairs using Student's t-test (α = 0.05) in the SAS v 9.0 software (2002). The similarity of the areas and groups was evaluated by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil management; Semi-arid; Edaphic fauna.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Chemical and structural characterization of soil humic substances under agroforestry and conventional systems Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Moraes,Gislane M. de; Xavier,Francisco Alisson da Silva; Mendonça,Eduardo de Sá; Araújo Filho,João Ambrósio de; Oliveira,Teógenes Senna de.
Studies have proven that the agroforestry systems in the semi-arid region of the State of Ceará, Brazil, induce an increase in soil organic C levels. Notwithstanding, there is no information if this increase also results in qualitative changes in different pools of soil organic matter. The objective of this study was to verify the possible chemical and structural alterations in fulvic and humic acids of a Luvisol in areas adopting agroforestry, traditional intensive cultivation and native forest in a long-term experiment conducted in the semi-arid region of Ceará State, Brazil. The study was conducted in an experimental area of the National Goat Research Center (Embrapa) in Sobral, CE. The following treatments were evaluated: agrosilvopasture (AGP),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Semi-arid; Silvopasture; Agrosilvopasture; Spectroscopy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Chemical characteristics, degradation kinetics and gas production of arboreal species for ruminants Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Oliveira,Leandro Pereira de; Magalhães,André Luiz Rodrigues; Teodoro,Ana Lúcia; Andrade,Albericio Pereira de; Santos,Kelly Cristina dos; Araújo,Gherman Garcia Leal de.
ABSTRACT The breeding systems of the small ruminants are extensive in the great majority, in which the animals are created in areas of native pasture named Caatinga, being necessary the knowledge on the chemical composition and its characteristics of feed degradation is crucial to increase nutrient use efficiency. Thereat, the objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, the minerals, the carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds fractionation, the degradability, in vitro dry matter digestibility and the in vitro gas production of arboreal species, those are consumed by goats and sheeps. The species evaluated were Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Muell. Arg.) Pax. et K. Hoffman, Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poiret, Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Goats; Native pasture; Semi-arid; Sheep.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Composição corporal e exigências de macrominerais para ganho de peso de caprinos em pastejo - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i1.4797 Animal Sciences
Nóbrega, Giovanna Henriques da; UFCG; Silva, Aderbal Marcos de Azevêdo; UFCG; Pereira Filho, José Morais; UFCG; Azevedo, Solange Absalão; UFCG; Silva, Guilherme de Lira Sobral; UFCG; Alcalde, Claudete Regina; UEM.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a composição corporal e exigências nutricionais em macrominerais para ganho de peso de cabritos ½ Boer ½ SRD, na fase de crescimento, em pastejo na região semiárida. O experimento foi desenvolvido na fazenda ‘Nupeárido’, no município de Patos, Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados 24 cabritos com peso corporal médio inicial de 15 kg, em pastejo, distribuídos em quatro tratamentos com níveis crescentes de suplementação concentrada (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5% do peso corporal). Os animais, mantidos em sistema de semiconfinamento, receberam suplementação alimentar, em baias individuais, ao serem recolhidos diariamente. Quando um dos animais de cada grupo atingia 30 kg de peso corporal, todos os demais...
Palavras-chave: Zootecnia cabritos; Cálcio; Fósforo; Potássio; Sódio; Semiárido Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais kid goats; Calcium; Phosphorus; Potassium; Sodium; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Pedreira, Ernani Macedo; Cardoso, Carlos Estevao Leite; Guerreiro, Mariana Sampaio Silva; Almeida, Otavio Alvares De; Souza, Luiz Francisco Da Silva.
O abacaxizeiro é uma planta de clima tropical, que apresenta crescimento adequado em grande parte das condições climáticas encontradas no Brasil, sobretudo na Bahia. No entanto necessita de chuvas bem distribuídas para não prejudicar seu crescimento e/ou desenvolvimento e, conseqüentemente, a produção. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar a viabilidade financeira do sistema de produção da cultura do abacaxi irrigado, em condições de risco. A metodologia utilizada consistiu no levantamento de dados primários, referentes aos vetores de preços dos insumos e dos produtos. Com base na matriz de coeficientes técnicos realizou-se a análise de rentabilidade em condições determinística e em condições de risco, utilizando-se o método de simulação de Monte Carlo. A partir...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Viabilidade econômica; Simulação Monte Carlo; Semi-árido; Economic viability; Monte Carlo simulation; Semi-arid; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Daily activity of Dichotomius geminatus (Arrow, 1913) and Deltochilum verruciferum Felsche, 1911 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) facing carrion: from resource perception to feeding Rev. Bras. entomol.
Salomão,Renato Portela; Martins Bezerra,Bruna; Iannuzzi,Luciana.
Abstract Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) interact with resources in different ways and are classified according to resource relocation guilds. Dichotomius geminatus (Coprini) and Deltochilum verruciferum (Canthonini) are two of the most abundant and ecologically important species of the semi-arid region of Brazil, and understanding their behaviour may facilitate the comprehension of strategies associated to competition for resources. The aim of the present study was to investigate the behavioural repertoire of D. geminatus (tunneler) and D. verruciferum (roller), in isolation and controlled setting in the Brazilian semi-arid biome, using carrion as a food resource. Our hypothesis was that, due to the distinct food relocation strategies presented by these...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arena; Activity budget; Scarabaeidae; Semi-arid; Foraging.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Machado, Gustavo Bittencourt.
Este artigo tem o objetivo de discutir o tema do desenvolvimento do semi-árido, particularmente, o do Estado da Bahia, a partir das demandas específicas dos territórios de identidade, e em temas como ciência e tecnologia, e colocar, como condição deste processo, as estratégias dos empreendimentos econômicos solidários, que constituem o tecido social do meio rural e do semi-árido do Nordeste do Brasil. Os resultados baseiam-se em pesquisas realizadas no estado da Bahia, mas que, necessariamente, reportam-se aos demais sertões semi-áridos brasileiros. Ao final, propõem-se algumas diretrizes de políticas de ciência e tecnologia que contemplem as perspectivas dos territórios de identidade e dos empreendimentos econômicos solidários....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Semi-árido; Políticas públicas; Desenvolvimento; Territórios de identidade; Semi-arid; Public policies; Development; Identity territories; International Development.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Diversidade morfológica de rizóbios isolados de caupi cultivado em solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v31i3.793 Agronomy
Medeiros, Erika Valente de; UFRPE; Martins, Claudia Miranda; UFC; Lima, José Arcanjo Melo; UFERSA; Fernandes, Ykesaky Terson Dantas; UFERSA; Oliveira, Vianney Reinaldo de; UFERSA; Borges, Wardsson Lustrino; UFRRJ.
Em função das características nutricionais e de rusticidade, o feijão-caupi tornou-se importante fonte de proteína na Região Nordeste do Brasil. O caupi se beneficia da fixação biológica de nitrogênio e pode receber parte do nitrogênio necessário para a cultura via simbiose, o que reduz os custos de produção. Um experimento em condições de casa-de-vegetação foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a diversidade de isolados de rizóbio de nódulos de caupi em solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os nódulos foram coletados de raízes de Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., utilizada como planta-isca, sendo obtidos 304 isolados com características típicas de rizóbio. Embora todos os isolados tenham apresentado crescimento rápido e ácido em meio de cultivo, os...
Palavras-chave: Agronomia fixação biológica de nitrogênio; Vigna unguiculata; Semi-árido biological nitrogen fixation; Vigna unguiculata; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effects of thermal environment and supplementation levels on the physiological parameters of moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems REA
Furtado,Dermeval A.; Gomes,Carlos A. V.; Medeiros,Ariosvaldo N.; Pimenta Filho,Edgard C.; Júnior,Valdi L..
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of environmental variables and supplementation levels on physiological parameters of Moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The semi-confined individuals were kept on a grass based diet during the day and arrested in the end of the afternoon. The confined animals were kept in a management center, receiving two diets composed by forage cactus and maniçoba hay into two different levels (0.5 and 1.5% of the body weight). Inside the management center and in the external environment the environmental comfort parameters were set high during the afternoon period characterizing a situation of thermal discomfort for the animals. During the morning the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermoregulation; Environmental variables; Native goat race; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Esboço da vegetação da bacia hidrográfica do Sipauba, Bodoco, PE. Infoteca-e
FOTIUS, G. A.; SA, I. B..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Semi-arido; Fitossociologia; Distribuicao espacial; Mapeamneto; Brasil; Nordeste; Semi-arid; Mapping; Northeast; Caatinga; Fotointerpretação; Brazil; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Estrategias para o uso sustentavel da biodiversidade da caatinga. Infoteca-e
O presente documento foi preparado com objeto de servir de base à discussão do tema ?Estratégias Para o Uso Sustentável da Biodiversidade da Caatinga?, que resultará no documento final do Seminário ?Biodiversidade da Caatinga?, a ser realizado em Petrolina; Pernambuco, na Embrapa Semi-Árido, no período de 21 a 26 de maio de 2000. Este Seminário, parte integrante do Projeto de Conservação e Utilização Sustentável da Diversidade Biológica Brasileira (PROBIO), é promovido pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-UFPE, Fundação Biodiversitas, Conservation International do Brasil, Embrapa Semi-Árido, Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Banco Mundial, CNPq, GEF, Secretaria de ciência de tecnologia e Meio Ambiente do Governo de Pernambuco e SUDENE.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade; Potencial; Estrategia; Nordeste; Semi-arido; Sustainability; Potential; Strategy; Northeast; Semi-arid; Natural resource; Recurso natural; Biodiversidade; Caatinga; Agricultura; Pecuária; Recurso Florestal; Tecnologia; Vegetação; Agriculture; Forest resources; Biodiversity; Livestock; Technology; Vegetation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Evaluation of feeding supply and forage cactus processing for lactation cows R. Bras. Zootec.
Vilela,Márcio da Silva; Ferreira,Marcelo de Andrade; Azevedo,Marcílio de; Farias,Iderval; Torres,Luiz Carlos Leal; Guimarães,Amanda Vasconcelos.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the manner in which diet is supplied and spineless cactus forage is processed on intake, nutrient digestibility, milk production and composition, concentration of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) in the milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and production of microbial protein in Holstein cows in lactation. Eight cows (453 ± 75.8 kg) yielding 14 kg milk/day were allotted to a factorial design, with two manners of cactus processing (knife-chopped or forage machine) and two diet supplies (separate concentrate or total mixed ration). Intakes of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber and total digestible nutrients were lower when cactus was knife-chopped. Digestibility, milk production and fat and protein yield did...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Milk production and composition; Opuntia fícus indica Mill; Purine derivatives; Semi-arid; Total mixed ration.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Evaluation of pasture soil productivity in the semi-arid zone of Brazil by microbial analyses BJM
Luna,Rômulo Gil de; Coutinho,Henrique Douglas Melo; Grisi,Breno Machado.
The productivity of a pasture soil (caatinga) located in the region of São João do Cariri, PB, Brazil was evaluated based an the following microbiological parameters: biomass (measured by fumigation-incubation method), activity (estimated from basal respiration and cellulose decomposition rate), qCO2, and Cmic : Corg ratio. This analysis demonstrated that livestock management in the 'caatinga' is probably causing environment damage by affecting the soil properties, reducing the microbial biomass and soil respiration and increasing the qCO2, affecting the recovery of this ecosystem.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Semi-arid; Biomass; Microbial activity; Pasture; Caatinga.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Evaluation of Valiantzas ET0 Equations against FAO56-PM Model in Indian Semi-arid Climatic Conditions CIGR Journal
In this study, performance of three forms of Valiantzas ET0 equations namely, (i) requiring full meteorological dataset, (ii) not requiring wind speed data, and (iii) not requiring both wind speed & relative humidity data for Indian semi-arid Hissar and Parbhani districts in comparison to widely accepted FAO-56 PM model was evaluated in terms of different statistical indices and their ranking based on GPI values. All Valiantzas ET0 equations requiring full meteorological dataset under-estimated FAO56-PM estimates in the range of 9.10 to 21.84% at Hissar while they over-estimated it in the range of 0.98 to 8.32% at Parbhani district. Valiantzas equations not requiring wind speed data under-estimated FAO56-PM ET0 values in the range of 3.90 to 34.56%...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Valiantzas equations; Reference evapotranspiration; Semi-arid; Hissar; Parbhani; India.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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