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Distribuição altitudinal e simpatria das aves do gênero Drymophila Swainson (Passeriformes, Thamnophilidae) na Mata Atlântica Zoologia
Rajão,Henrique; Cerqueira,Rui.
Foram descritas e analisadas as distribuições altitudinais das seis espécies de Drymophila Swainson, 1824, endêmicas da Mata Atlântica e identificados e discutidos os casos de simpatria. Para isso, foram usados dois conjuntos de dados, um em escala local (a Serra dos Órgãos, um segmento da Serra do Mar no Estado do Rio de Janeiro) e outro em escala regional (Mata Atlântica). Os registros e as altitudes na Serra dos Órgãos foram obtidos diretamente no campo enquanto que os dados da Mata Atlântica foram obtidos principalmente a partir de exemplares depositados em museus de história natural. Os dois conjuntos de dados mostraram um padrão similar de distribuição altitudinal das espécies: D. squamata (Lichtenstein, 1823) e D. ferruginea (Temminck, 1822) nas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bambu; Biogeografia; Espécies endêmicas; Serra do Mar; Serra da Mantiqueira.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Estrutura arbórea da Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altomontana de serras do Sul do Brasil Acta Botanica
Scheer,Maurício Bergamini; Mocochinski,Alan Yukio; Roderjan,Carlos Vellozo.
O presente trabalho teve os objetivos de agrupar informações sobre a estrutura arbórea da floresta altomontana da Serra do Mar paranaense e de compará-las com as de florestas altomontanas de outras serras do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Foram realizados levantamentos fitossociológicos em diversas montanhas de quatro importantes serras (ou subserras) do Paraná. Nas quatro subserras foram amostrados 2294 indivíduos (PAP > 10 cm) pertencentes a 28 famílias, 43 gêneros e 78 espécies. Foi observada maior riqueza de espécies na amostragem da Serra Gigante (41 espécies), seguida pelas serras da Prata (37), da Igreja (34) e do Ibitiraquire (26). A altura média obtida para os indivíduos foi de 4,8 m, o PAP médio de 22,9 cm, a densidade média de 4779 ind/ha, a área...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fitossociologia; Floresta altimontana; Floresta Atlântica; Floresta nebular tropical/subtropical; Serra do Mar.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Landslides Zonation Hazard: relation between geological structures and landslides occurrence in hilly tropical regions of Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT This paper presents a new approach of landslides zonation hazard studies, based on an integrated study of structural data along with geomorphological and external factors, in a hilly regions of Brazil, covered by a tropical humid rain-forest, called Serra do Mar. The Serra do Mar consists of a hilly region along the east coast of Brazil, with high slopes and many geological structures in a gneiss - migmatitic terrain. In contrast to traditional approaches, this method proposes that structural data (foliation, fractures and bedding planes) and its relation with the slope geometry, is important to be consider in the landslide zonation hazard, along with declivity, relative relief, soil and rock properties, land use and vegetation cover and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caraguatatuba; Geological Structures; Landslides; Serra do Mar; Hazard Zonation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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List of documented bird species from the municipality of Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Simpson,Rick; Cavarzere,Vagner; Simpson,Elis.
Although preliminary surveys have been conducted at the Atlantic Forest of Ubatuba, there is no list of documented bird records from this coastline municipality. To organize such a compilation, we searched the literature and a number of different sources for all documented records of birds from Ubatuba, state of São Paulo. We further carried out a 7-year non-systematic bird inventory in different regions and elevations to document the species within the municipality. The total number of documented bird species is 417, 11% of which are endemic to Brazil. Another 26% are Atlantic Forest endemics and as many as 60 species are under threat categories, including near-threatened birds, in the state. Some 49 species of 27 families are reported from the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Avifauna; Documentation of records; Serra do Mar; Transect counts.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mamíferos coletados em Pedra Branca, município de Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Zoologia
Vaz,Sergio Maia.
Um levantamento de espécies de mamíferos silvestres da região de Pedra Branca, município de Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, depositado na coleção do Museu Nacional, é apresentado. Esse material foi reunido na década de 1940 e inclui trinta e três espécies: seis marsupiais, dois xenartros, quatro primatas, quatro carnívoros, dois artiodáctilos e quinze roedores.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Levantamento; Mastofauna; Museu Nacional; Serra do Mar.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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New species of Aulonemia and Chusquea (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) from southeastern Brazil Rev. Bras. Bot.
Clark,Lynn G..
Aulonemia fimbriatifolia and Chusquea longispiculata, two woody bamboo species from the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil, are described as new and key characters are illustrated. Aulonemia fimbriatifolia is compared and contrasted with four other similar species, but it is considered unique within the genus and possibly among Neotropical woody bamboos due to its basally fimbriate foliage leaf blades. Chusquea longispiculata shares extremely reduced glumes I and II and reflexed lower inflorescence branches with a number of other Brazilian species of the genus, but is distinguished based on its spikelets that reach nearly 2 cm in length, as well as several vegetative features.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic forest; Aulonemia; Chusquea; Serra do Mar; Woody bamboos.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Os solos como indicadores das relações entre sedimentos continentais e marinhos na planície costeira: Rio Guaratuba (SP) Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Rossi,M.; Queiroz Neto,J. P..
Foram estudadas duas toposseqüências na planície litorânea no rio Guaratuba (SP), definindo seqüência de evolução pedológica e de deposição/acumulação, utilizando a análise macromorfológica de solos por meio de tradagens. A primeira seqüência ilustra a transformação de Espodossolo Ferrocárbico (Podzol) sobre sedimentos arenosos marinhos para Organossolo (solo orgânico), enquanto a outra mostra a relação entre Gleissolo Háplico (solo glei pouco húmico) sobre sedimentos continentais e Espodossolo Ferrocárbico (Podzol) em sedimentos areno-quartzosos marinhos. A sedimentação marinha é representada por feixes de restinga arenosos, com zonas embaciadas, propiciando o desenvolvimento de Espodossolos nas partes altas e Organossolos nas partes baixas. Morros...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gênese; Toposseqüência; Serra do Mar; Gleissolo; Espodossolo; Organossolo.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Pollination and breeding system of Canna paniculata(Cannaceae) in a montane Atlantic Rainforest: asymmetric dependence on a hermit hummingbird Acta Botanica
Maruyama,Pietro Kiyoshi; Vizentin-Bugoni,Jeferson; Dalsgaard,Bo; Sazima,Marlies.
We studied the pollination biology of Canna paniculata (Cannaceae), a plant species common in the Atlantic Rainforest of southeastern Brazil. The species presents specialized ornithophilous flowers, which in our study area are solely pollinated by the hermit hummingbird Phaethornis eurynome. Although C. paniculata is capable of bearing fruit after self-pollination, it requires pollinators for reproduction. We discuss the importance of hermit hummingbirds for the reproduction of specialized ornithophilous plants such as C. paniculata, including their asymmetric dependence on hermit hummingbirds - core pollinators in Neotropical forest ecosystems.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Hummingbirds; Ornithophily; Phaethornis eurynome; Serra do Mar; Zingiberales.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Population structure and reproduction of Deuterodon langei travassos, 1957 (Teleostei, Characidae) in a neotropical stream basin from the Atlantic Forest, Southern Brazil BABT
Vitule,Jean Ricardo Simões; Braga,Marcelo Rennó; Aranha,José Marcelo Rocha.
Aspects of the biology of D. langei were studied at different sites along a longitudinal gradient formed by the Ribeirão stream basin, a Neotropical stream of the Atlantic Forest, southern Brazil. Differences were observed in population structure and reproduction along the longitudinal gradient and during the study period. Juvenile fishes occurred in high abundance, mainly in the downstream site after the rainy months. Adults occurred mainly in the intermediate and upstream sites. During their life cycle, adults optimise their reproductive strategy by concentrating the reproductive period with total spawn in a short time interval before summer rains dragged the juvenile, larval forms and/or eggs downstream. The downstream site was characterized by a wide...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Characins; Tropical fish; Longitudinal segregation; Distribution; Reproductive period; Serra do Mar.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Recursos hídricos na Mata Atlântica: estudo de caso do Laboratório de Hidrologia Florestal Walter Emmerich, Cunha - SP Ciências Agrárias
Arcova, Francisco Carlos Soriano Arcova; Cicco, Valdir de; Ranzini, Maurício; Santos, João Batista Amaro dos; Forti, Maria Cristina.
The Forestry Institute of São Paulo State have been studying the water and forest relationships in Laboratory of Forest Hydrology Walter Emmerich at Cunha in the Serra do Mar State Park in the last three decades. From the obtained long-term data the knowledge about the hydrologic cycle and hydrochemical processes are being deepen within the Atlantic Forest. The starting point of these researches is the named “hydrometric method of experimental catchments” which monitors three catchments covered with secondary natural forest. In this paper it is presented a synthesis of the relevant results obtained up to now whose objective is to show the importance of the Atlantic Forest conservation for the maintenance of the Serra do Mar mountain range water resources.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Hidroquímica; Mata Atlântica; Serra do Mar; Hidrologia; Alto Vale do Paraíba do Sul.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Rediscovery, taxonomic and conservation status of the threatened catfish Listrura camposi (Miranda-Ribeiro) (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Villa-Verde,Leandro; Lima,Sergio M. Q.; Carvalho,Pedro Hollanda; Pinna,Mário C. C. de.
The genus Listrura, Glanapteryginae, currently comprises six valid species of small and elongated trichomycterid catfishes that inhabit coastal plains of Southern and Southeastern Brazil. As primarily fossorial dwellers, species of the genus display unusual morphological adaptations and restricted habitats, which make these fishes particularly susceptible to environmental disturbance. Listrura camposi is poorly known and ranked as a Critically Endangered catfish species, according to current Brazilian list of threatened species. Description of the species was based on a single specimen collected in 1940, and for seven decades no additional specimens were reported. As a consequence, basic information about the species is unavailable. Recently, a population...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic forest; Glanapteryginae; IUCN criteria; Rio Ribeira de Iguape basin; Serra do Mar.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Taxonomy and biogeography of Stephanoxis Simon, 1897 (Aves: Trochilidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Cavarzere,Vagner; Silveira,Luís Fábio; Vasconcelos,Marcelo Ferreira de; Grantsau,Rolf; Straube,Fernando Costa.
After the description in the 19th century of two hummingbird species currently allocated to the genus Stephanoxis, Peters (1945) merged both taxa into a single species without providing any rationale. Here we re-evaluate the taxonomy and species limits of the representatives of this genus based on an extensive number of specimens. We demonstrate these taxa are better treated as full species under both the Biological and Phylogenetic Species Concepts due to their well-defined range and plumage patterns and reciprocally diagnosability. They have distinct, allopatric distributions segregated by a 160 km gap between the Serra do Mar, to the east, and Serra de Paranapiacaba, to the west, in the state of São Paulo. Stephanoxis species have ranges which are...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apodiformes; Atlantic forest; Montane forest; Serra do Mar; Serra de Paranapiacaba; Species limits.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Three new species of Cladonia (Cladoniaceae, Ascomycota) from Southern Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
Cladonia maculata, C. paranaensis and C. quiririensisare described as new to science. These species were found between the altitudes of 900 to 1887 meters on the Serra do Mar Mountain in Southern Brazil.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lichen; Paraná; Santa Catarina; Serra do Mar; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Uma revisão da distribuição de Ocotea curucutuensis J.B. Baitello na região sudeste do Brasil Biota Neotropica
Arzolla,Frederico Alexandre Roccia Dal Pozzo; Baitello,João Batista; Shepherd,George John; Paula,Gláucia Cortez Ramos de; Bertoncello,Ricardo.
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão da distribuição de Ocotea curucutuensis J.B. Baitello, na Região Sudeste do Brasil, ampliando substancialmente a extensão conhecida da sua ocorrência. Pela semelhança com Ocotea spixiana (Nees) Mez, essa espécie permaneceu confundida com esta e desconhecida por mais de cem anos, desde a primeira coleta por A. F. M. Glaziou, em 1888. Com base em novos registros para a Serra do Mar e para a Serra da Mantiqueira, sua distribuição foi revisada e ampliada. O. curucutuensis apresenta uma ampla distribuição nas florestas das partes altas da Serra do Mar e da Serra da Mantiqueira, nos Estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, no sudeste do Brasil, enquanto O. spixiana possui uma distribuição mais ao norte do País.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Matas nebulares; Florestas de altitude; Serra do Mar; Serra da Mantiqueira; Ocotea curucutuensis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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