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Inertial detachment of sesame seeds from non-squander genotypes CIGR Journal
Ishpekov, Stoyan Savov.
In this study we have experimentally determined the inertial force for releasing seeds from the capsules of six sesame genotypes that had been selected in IPGR- Sadovo, Bulgaria.The influence of seed moisture, the size and direction of the inertial force over the percentage of released seeds has been analyzed. The results of the study have proved that releasing the seeds is possible by inertial impacts, which do not require breaking up of the capsules of the tested sesame genotypes. Compared to the threshing, this impact can be applied to harvesting the seed with twice higher moisture, without mechanical damages and with lower energy consumption.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Mechanization harvesting; Mechanization; Sesame..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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