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Age, growth and reproductive biology of two endemic demersal bycatch elasmobranchs: Trygonorrhina fasciata and Dentiraja australis (Chondrichthyes: Rhinopristiformes, Rajiformes) from Eastern Australia Rev. Bras. Zool.
Reis,Marcelo; Figueira,Will F..
ABSTRACT Bottom-dwelling elasmobranchs, such as guitarfishes, skates and stingrays are highly susceptible species to bycatch due to the overlap between their distribution and area of fishing operations. Catch data for this group is also often merged in generic categories preventing species-specific assessments. Along the east coast of Australia, the Eastern Fiddler Ray, Trygonorrhina fasciata (Muller & Henle, 1841), and the Sydney Skate, Dentiraja australis (Macleay, 1884), are common components of bycatch yet there is little information about their age, growth and reproductive timing, making impact assessment difficult. In this study the age and growth (from vertebral bands) as well as reproductive parameters of these two species are estimated and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Age and growth; Rajidae; Rhinobatidae; Sexual maturity.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Algunas características de la estructura y del comportamiento migratorio de los cardúmenes de caballa (Scomber japonicus marplatensis)en la plataforma bonaerense (Mar Argentino); período 1965-1984 OceanDocs
Cousseau, M.B.; Angelescu, V.A.; Perrotta, R.G..
Three periods were distinguished during the analyzed years: the first one (1965-1975)may be defined as "normal fishing seasons" occurring from October to March, with catches between 8,000 and 14,000 tons.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Size distribution; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Feeding; Landing statistics; Migrations; Geographical distribution; Feeding; Geographical distribution; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Algunos resultados de las campañas primaverales de evaluación anual de anchoíta bonaerense efectuadas entre 1993 y 1996. OceanDocs
Hansen, J.E.; Madirolas, A..
Information resulting from four spring acoustic surveys carried out between 1993 - 1996 to assess bonaerensis anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) biomass (34°- 41°30´S) is presented. Annual estimates, successively higher, went from 1.5 to 5.3 millon tons and the respective coefficient of variability that followed the same trend ranged between 7.4. and 28.0. . In general terms, the largest abundances were those recorded within the coastal strata off the Río de la Plata followed by those of the most southern stratum. Nevertheless, during the 1996 survey, the latter showed very high biomass values and, consequently, the largest mean. The region corresponding to the main commercial anchovy fishing ground during the season represented, in any case, relatively low...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Echo surveys; Biomass; Sexual maturity; Growth; Mortality; Biomass; Growth; Sexual maturity; Mortality; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Análisis exploratorio de las preferencias ambientales por rangos de talla de las hembras maduras e impregnadas de langostino Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) del Golfo San Jorge. Períodos analizados: noviembre - diciembre de 2008 y enero - febrero de 2009 OceanDocs
Fernández, M..
En este estudio se presenta el análisis de la relación entre los valores de densidad de hembras maduras y de hembras impregnadas de langostino Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) del Golfo San Jorge y las variables ambientales. Los datos analizados provienen de las campañas de investigación del INIDEP OB-03/08 y OB-01/09 realizadas en noviembre-diciembre de 2008 y en enero-febrero de 2009, respectivamente; en el área comprendida entre las latitudes 43º 20´ S y 47º 00´ S y el meridiano 64º 00´ W y la costa. Se consideraron las variables biológicas: densidad de hembras maduras y de hembras impregnadas de langostino, por rango de tallas y las variables ambientales: profundidad, temperatura y salinidad de agua de fondo así como, la diferencia de temperatura y de...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Females; Sexual maturity; Spawning grounds; Environmental conditions; Spatial analysis; Statistical models; Shrimp fisheries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Análisis secuencial de la población de merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus)en el atlantico sudoccidental período 1985-1995. OceanDocs
Wöhler, O.C.; Giussi, A.R.; Hansen, J.E..
Sequential population analysis on Long Tail Hake (Macruronus magellanicus)from the Southwest Atlantic. Years 1985-1995. VPA on the Long Tail Hake (Macruronus magellanicus), based on data covering the years 1985 up to 1995, was performed to assess the current state of the stock. Simulation trials, inducing uncertainty about both the natural mortality rate and recruitment were also accomplished, to evaluate the risk of overfishing which is associated to different fishing alternatives, always under the assumption of a single and closed Long Tail Hake population. CPUE data were not appropriate for tunning, so the traditional VPA has been applied. During the period of study, stock biomass and spawning stock biomass showed an increased trend. Long and short-term...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Fishery management; Catch/effort; Fishing mortality; Overfishing; Biomass; Sexual maturity; Stock assessment; Fishery management; Biomass; Overfishing; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Aspectos biológico-pesqueros de la merluza de cola del Atlántico Sudoccidental OceanDocs
Bezzi, S.I..
The distribution areas and population structure of the long-tailed hake are analized. Data come from fisheries research cruises carried out by RV Walther Herwig and Shinkai Maru in the Argentine Sea in 1978/79. Macruronus magellanicus is a typical cold waters species of the Southwest Atlantic and Southeast Pacific Oceans. Maximum concentrations were found in the southern Patagonian shelf, in coastal waters and in depths below 200 m. Spawning individuals were observed on the continental slope in the southern extreme of the Patagonian shelf (54°). The distribution area extend to 93,439 n mi² in spring and to 12,368 n mi² in summer.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Size distribution; Sexual maturity; Length-weight relationships; Hake fisheries; Geographical distribution; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Aspectos biológicos del calamar Illex argentinus OceanDocs
Leta, H.R..
La creciente importancia que los recursos de calamar han adquirido en 105 últimos 30 años, los sitúa actualmente entre los más importantes recursos pesqueros del mundo. En consecuencia, paises tradicionalmente no explotadores o consumidores de productos de calamar, han orientado sus esfuerzos hacia el logro de un mejor conocimiento de las especies de cefalópodos que habitan su ambiente marino. En este sentido el aporte de disciplinas tales como la biología ha sido decisivo para desarrollar en forma exitosa pesquerías de calamar, entre otras.El programa de investigaciones del Instituto Nacional de Pesca para 1980 incluyó el estudio integral de la explotación de los calamares como un primer paso hacia el desarrollo de una pesquería del recurso. Este trabajo...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Biology; Environmental conditions; Population structure; Spawning; Spawning grounds; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Length; Behaviour; Migrations; Growth; Population structure; Spawning; Length; Growth; Biology; Environmental conditions; Spawning grounds; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Behaviour; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Aspectos biológicos y pesqueros de los principales peces del sistema hídrico de la provincia de Los Ríos, durante 2009 OceanDocs
Revelo, W..
Durante el 2009 (excepto mayo, agosto y septiembre), se analizaron un total de 3 772 especímenes de peces conformados por 16 especies, predominando la dica con 1561 individuos (42,3%), las menos capturadas fueron róbalo y chame con un individuo cada una (0,03%). La proporción de sexo macho hembra, talla promedio de captura y media de madurez sexual de las principales especies de peces fue: dama (1: 1,16; 23,7 y 20 cm LT), dica (1: 1,15; 17,3 y 16 cm LT), guanchiche (1: 1,2; 29 y 20 cm LT), ratón (1: 1,25; 23,5 y 19 cm LT) y bocachico (1:1,06; 21,6 y 20 cm LT). En los estadios de madurez sexual, la mayoría de las especies se encontraron en estadio I y II correspondientes a individuos hembras inmaduras; sin embargo, para el guanchiche predominaron las...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Rivers; Species diversity; Sexual maturity; Growth rate; Catch composition; Freshwater fish.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Aspectos de la biologia reproductiva de la castaneta (Cheilodactylus bergi) en la zona comun de pesca Argentino-Uruguaya OceanDocs
Wöhler, O.C..
Length and age at first maturity was estimated, and the distribution of the spawning stock of castaneta (Cheilodactylus bergi) was analyzed, with the aim of understanding the spawning activity and its relation with oceanographic parameters. Samples came from two research cruises carried out in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (CFZ) (SW Atlantic, between 34 degree and 39 degree 30'S), during the end of spawning period (May-June) of 1991 and 1993. Length at first maturity was estimated in 21.34 cm and 23.69 cm of total length, for males and females respectively. Age at first maturity estimated for sexes combinated corresponding to 2.60 years. A spawning area in the north (between 35 degree and 37 degree S) was determined, showing a high incidence...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Sexual maturity; Spawning seasons; Mortality; Environmental conditions.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Aspectos de la biologia reproductiva de la castaneta (Cheilodactylus bergi) en la zona comun de pesca Argentino-Uruguaya OceanDocs
Wöhler, O.C..
Length and age at first maturity was estimated, and the distribution of the spawning stock of castaneta (Cheilodactylus bergi) was analyzed, with the aim of understanding the spawning activity and its relation with oceanographic parameters. Samples came from two research cruises carried out in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (CFZ) (SW Atlantic, between 34 degree and 39 degree 30'S), during the end of spawning period (May-June) of 1991 and 1993. Length at first maturity was estimated in 21.34 cm and 23.69 cm of total length, for males and females respectively. Age at first maturity estimated for sexes combinated corresponding to 2.60 years. A spawning area in the north (between 35 degree and 37 degree S) was determined, showing a high incidence...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Sexual maturity; Spawning seasons; Mortality; Environmental conditions.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Aspectos reproductivos de las principales especies de peces en la Zona Comun de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya y en El Rincón. Noviembre, 1994 OceanDocs
Macchi, G.J.; Acha, E.M..
The maturity stages of the main commercial coastal fishes caught during the cruise H-13/94 are macroscopically analyzed, focusing this study on the white croaker Micropogonias furnieri and the striped weakfish Cynoscion striatus. Samples were obtained in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) and El Rincón (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina) during November 1994.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine fish; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Environmental conditions; Coastal waters; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Environmental conditions; Coastal waters; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Aspectos reprodutivos de Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Grapsidae) na Baía de Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Zoologia
Silva,Zilanda de Souza; Oshiro,Lídia Miyako Yoshii.
The objective of this study was to get some knowledge about the reproductive aspects of Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803), concerning through sex ratio, morphological sexual maturity, reproductive period, fecundity and eggs size. The crabs were collected monthly in Itacuruçá's Mangroves from November, 1997 to November, 1998. Four hundred and seven crabs were caught and they were 47% males, 36% females and 17% ovigerous females. The sex ratio was 1:1.13 (male:female) (X²= 1.54, p > 0.05). The relation of abdomen width (AW) and carapace width (CW) in females showed a positive allometric grow (b = 1.36), it suggests the size onset of maturity occur from 26.0 a 29.0 mm (CW) in females. The ovigerous females occured during all the research period, except...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Grapsidae; Goniopsis cruentata; Reproduction; Fecundity; Sexual maturity; Sepetiba Bay.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Aspects of the reproductive biology and characterization of Sciaenidae captured as bycatch in the prawn trawling in the northeastern Brazil Biological Sciences
Silva Júnior, Carlos Antonio Beserra da; Viana, Andréa Pontes; Frédou, Flávia Lucena; Frédou, Thierry.
The Brazilian prawn fishery, as other bottom trawling fisheries, is considered quite efficient in catching the target species but with low selectivity and high rates of bycatch. The family Sciaenidae prevails among fish species caught. The study was conducted in the Pernambuco State (Barra de Sirihaém), northeastern Brazil. From August 2011 to July 2012, 3,278 sciaenid specimens were caught, distributed into 16 species, 34.2% males and 41.5% females. Larimus breviceps, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Paralonchurus brasiliensis and Stellifer microps were the most abundant species. The area was considered a recruitment and reproduction area with the highest reproductive activity between December 2011 and July 2012. The constant frequency of mature I. parvipinnis and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ciências Agrárias; Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca Demersal; Trawling; Sexual maturity; Coastal zone Reproductive biology Biologia reprodutiva.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Biologia reprodutiva de Macrobrachium olfersii (Wiegman) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) coletados na Ilha de Santa Catarina, Brasil Zoologia
Ammar,Dib; Müller,Yara Maria Rauh; Nazari,Evelise Maria.
The aim of this study is to characterize the reproductive features of Macrobrachium olfersii (Wiegman, 1836) from Santa Catarina's lsland. The animals were collected in freshwater streams of the Ratones Hidrografic Basin (site A1) and at the Peri's Pond (site A2). In the laboratory, the procedures of sexual differentiation were carried out to classify the individuais in males, females or ovigerous females, followed by the determination of total weight (g), quelipod relative weight (g) and total length (mm). The eggs were removed from the ovigerous females and counted. Sexual maturity and fecundity were analyzed based in the dimensions and number of eggs carried by ovigerous females. The water temperature on the capture sites varied from 17 to 29ºC...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Macrobrachium olfersii; Fecundity; Sexual maturity; Environmental conditions.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Biología y ecología reproductiva de las especies del Género Bathyraja (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae) en la plataforma continental Argentina OceanDocs
Scenna, L.B..
Se estudia la biología y ecología reproductiva de las ocho especies de Bathyraja presentes en la plataforma continental argentina (Atlántico S.O.), a través del análisis del tamaño corporal, las cápsulas de huevos, el desarrollo de los embriones, la talla de madurez sexual, las variaciones en las condiciones reproductivas, las áreas de puesta y la segregación espacial de los individuos. El material examinado provino de campañas de investigación llevadas a cabo por el Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) entre 34º40'S y 54º30'S, desde septiembre 2003 hasta octubre 2007. La información presentada en el trabajo demuestra que las especies del Género Bathyraja en la plataforma argentina maduran a una talla alta en relación a la Lt...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Biogeography; Morphometry; Fish eggs; Sexual maturity; Spawning grounds; Marine fish; Rajidae; Marine environment.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Biologie de l'anchois (<Engraulis encrasicolus>) en Mauritanie OceanDocs
Ba, I.S..
L’étude du cycle sexuel de l’Anchois montre que la principale période de reproduction s’étend d’avril à octobre. Celle-ci serait sous la dépendance principale de l’élévation de la température de surface. La croissance, abordée à l’aide des marques supposées journalières sur les otolithes, donne des résultats jugés satisfaisants jusqu’à 10 cm L.F. Par contre, ceux concernant les tailles supérieures devront être confirmés.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biology; Growth; Otoliths; Sexual maturity; Sexual reproduction; Growth; Otoliths; Biology; Sexual maturity; Sexual reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Calamares de importancia comercial en Argentina. Biología, distribución, pesquerías y muestreo biológico OceanDocs
Brunetti, N.E.; Ivanovic, M.L.; Sakai, M..
An overview of the available information on the commercially important squid species distributed in the Argentine Sea and adjacent zones is given. It includes the most representative characteristics to identify the species and general information on their biology, distribution and fisheries. A biological sampling designis presented, with particular emphasis on the identification of sexual maturity stages. The world market of the squid resources has considerably risen in the last decades and one of the most important fishery zones is placed in the Southwest Atlantic region (Area 41, FAO), where squid represent 25. of the total landings. Illex argentinus, sustains the second fishery in volume, with landings reaching 612.000 tonnes in 1999. Other species,...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Squid fisheries; Geographical distribution; Animal morphology; Sexual maturity; Biological sampling; Commercial fishing; Landing statistics; Geographical distribution; Animal morphology; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Canulação como técnica de baixo custo para identificação do sexo e condição reprodutiva em fêmeas de pirarucu Arapaima gigas. Infoteca-e
Descreve os estágios de maturação gonadal nas fêmeas para que as biópsias ovarianas coletadas por meio da canulação possam auxiliar na identificação da maturidade sexual das fêmeas e assim aumentar as chances de sucesso no processo de formação de casais para reprodução.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Peixe; Pirarucu; Reprodução Animal; Sexo; Maturidade Sexual; Fish; Arapaima gigas; Sexual maturity.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Características biológico - pesqueras y proceso de elaboración de enlatados de la pinchagua (Opisthonema spp.) en Ecuador OceanDocs
González, N.; Solís, E..
En Ecuador se han reportado cuatro especies de pinchagua: Opisthonema bulleri, O. libertate , O. medirastre, O. berlangai, difíciles de distinguir a través de sus características morfológicas externas durante los desembarques, por lo que para estas investigaciones se las ha agrupado a nivel de género (Opisthonema spp.). Su captura se la destina para la elaboración de enlatados, prohibiéndose su utilización para la elaboración de harina de pescado. Se ha registrado una considerable declinación de este recurso a partir de 1985, hasta llegar a un mínimo desembarcado de 6 895 t durante el 2003; en el 2009 acumuló 22 528 t. El rango de longitudes fluctúa entre 9 y 33 cm LT. Por lo general, un gran porcentaje de los individuos capturados no alcanzan la talla...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Pelagic fish; Processed fishery products; Catch composition; Sexual maturity; Fishery biology.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comparative Studies on lipid Analysis and Ultrastructure in Porcine and Southern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera Bonaerensis) Oocytes OAK
FUJlHIRA, Takuma; KINOSHITA, Mikio; SASAKI, Motoki; OHNISHI, Masao; ISHIKAWA, Hajime; OHSUMI, Seiji; FUKUI, Yutaka; 木下, 幹朗; 佐々木, 基樹; 大西, 正男.
The present study was conducted to clarify the difference in the color of the cytoplasm in immature follicular oocytes from prepubertal and adult minke whales. The four lipid contents (triglyceride,total cholesterol phospholipids and non-esterified fatty acids) in vitrified immature oocytes from prepubertal and adult minke whales,and also in fresh and vitrified immature porcine oocytes,were measured. The lipid contents in vitrified-warmed minke whale oocytes were similarly high compared with those in vitrified-warmedp orcine oocytes. In particular,the total cholesterol and phospholipid contents in the vitrified immature oocytes from prepubertal and adult minke whales were significantly( P<0.05) higher than those from prepubertal pigs. Furthermore,the...
Palavras-chave: Minke whale; Porcine; Oocytes; Lipid; Sexual maturity.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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