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Índice microbiológico para evaluar el estado trófico de las aguas de la plataforma SW cubana 20
Miravet Regalado, M.E.; Lugioyo Gallardo, M.; Rodríguez Acosta, F..
There are different microbiological indexes to evaluate the trophic state of inland and coastal waters based on the direct relation between the concentration of organic matter and the heterotrophic bacteria. These indexes are valuable; however, as they were determined starting from data collected in tempered latitudes, if they are applied to tropical regions where heterotrophic bacteria concentrations are usually higher, the results can be underestimated. The objective of the present work is to elaborate a quantitative index to evaluate the trophic state from microbiological data collected in waters of the SW Cuban shelf. For this purpose, values of concentrations of heterotrophic (HB) and sulfate-reducing (SR) bacteria obtained in waters of SW Cuban shelf...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trophic levels; Shelf geology; Trophic levels; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Short-term variability in alongshore winds and temperature off Swakopmund, Namibia, during a non-upwelling event in 1998-1999. 20
Bartholomae, Ch.; Hagen, E..
Swakopmund is a popular coastal resort in Namibia, especially during the summer holiday season when daily sea temperatures can fluctuate several degrees in a short period. Hourly measurements of the nearbottom water temperature were collected off the Swakopmund Jetty to investigate the thermal variability in relation to local winds. The thermal regime of this coastal region appears to be controlled by the locally forced Ekman offshore transport. Related changes in offshore transport led those of the surf-zone temperature by about one day. A transfer of kinetic energy from the alongshore wind into the temperature field of the nearshore zone dominated relative short time scales (hourly). The longer periods (7–9 days) are associated with the forcing of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Variability; Winds; Temperature; Upwelling; Fish species; Shelf geology; Currents (water); Anomalies; Surf; Continental shelf; Coastal upwelling; Nearshore environment.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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