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A critical review of selected appropriate traditional evaporative cooling as postharvest technologies in Eastern Africa 111
Wanyama, Joshua.
The issue of postharvest losses (PHL) is of high importance in the efforts to combat hunger, raise income and improve food security in the world’s poorest countries. PHL of horticultural products in developing countries sometimes may reach up to 45%. PHL have an impact on food security for poor people, food quality and safety, economic development and the environment. The exact causes of PHL vary throughout the world and are very much dependent on the specific conditions and local situation in a given country. Irrespective of the level of economic development and maturity of systems in a country, PHL should be kept to a minimum. PHL of horticultural products in developing countries sometimes may reach up to 45%. The failure to harness the physical and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering Perishables; Technologies; Technology use; Shelf life; Storage food processing.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Aloe vera extract as a promising treatment for the quality maintenance of minimally-processed table grapes 116
Alberio,Giuseppina Rosaria Antonella; Muratore,Giuseppe; Licciardello,Fabio; Giardina,Giovanni; Spagna,Giovanni.
The effect of an edible film obtained from a commercial Aloe vera extract, on the quality maintenance of minimally processed grapes belonging to three different cultivars (Sugar One, Victoria and Black Magic) was evaluated by enzymatic (PPO, PME, β-GAL), physicochemical (pH, acidity, °Brix), and sensorial methods. All the analyzed parameters were measured in extracts obtained from minimally processed grapes packaged in ordinary atmosphere and stored at 4 °C for 15 days. Samples dipped into Aloe vera showed significant differences (p≤0.05) compared to untreated ones. The determination of such parameters and the evaluation of consumer acceptability were helpful to determine the effectiveness of the post-harvest treatment with Aloe vera for a storage period...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aloe vera; Packaging; PPO; Shelf life; Table grape.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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An overview of preharvest factors influencing mango fruit growth, quality and postharvest behaviour 61
Léchaudel,Mathieu; Joas,Jacques.
Mango, a tropical fruit of great economic importance, is generally harvested green and then commercialised after a period of storage. Unfortunately, the final quality of mango batches is highly heterogeneous, in fruit size as well as in gustatory quality and postharvest behaviour. A large amount of knowledge has been gathered on the effects of the maturity stage at harvest and postharvest conditions on the final quality of mango. Considerably less attention has been paid to the influence of environmental factors on mango growth, quality traits, and postharvest behaviour. In this paper, we provide a review of studies on mango showing how environmental factors influence the accumulation of water, structural and non-structural dry matter in the fruit during...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental conditions; Fruit load; Irrigation; Shelf life; Size; Taste.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Application of 1-methylcyclopropene, calcium chloride and calcium amino acid chelate on fresh-cut cantaloupe muskmelon 86
Machado,Francisca Ligia de Castro; Alves,Ricardo Elesbão; Figueiredo,Raimundo Wilane.
The objective of this work was to determine the effects of postharvest application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and two calcium salts, applied individually or combined, on firmness and visual quality of fresh-cut muskmelon stored in air, for 18 days. Two sets of fruits, one of them exposed to 1-MCP at 300 nL L-1, were cut into cubes, dipped in deionized water, or in 1% Ca solutions as CaCl2, or in calcium amino acid chelate (Ca-chelate), placed in clamshell containers, and stored in air at 5±1ºC and 90±5% RH, for 18 days. The assay was conducted using an entirely randomized design, with three replications, in a split plot array. Evaluation of visual appearance, color, flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and pH was performed right...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cucumis melo; Shelf life; Firmness; Quality; Storage.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Assessment of lettuce quality during storage at low relative humidity using Global Stability Index methodology 116
Ansorena,María Roberta; Agüero,María Victoria; Goñi,María Grabriela; Roura,Sara; Ponce,Alejandra; Moreira,María del Rosario; Di Scala,Karina.
During postharvest, lettuce is usually exposed to adverse conditions (e.g. low relative humidity) that reduce the vegetable quality. In order to evaluate its shelf life, a great number of quality attributes must be analyzed, which requires careful experimental design, and it is time consuming. In this study, the modified Global Stability Index method was applied to estimate the quality of butter lettuce at low relative humidity during storage discriminating three lettuce zones (internal, middle, and external). The results indicated that the most relevant attributes were: the external zone - relative water content, water content , ascorbic acid, and total mesophilic counts; middle zone - relative water content, water content, total chlorophyll, and ascorbic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Butter lettuce; Quality indices; Shelf life; Mathematical modeling; Weibull distribution.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Characterization of starch from different non-traditional sources and its application as coating in ‘Palmer’ mango fruit 64
Rodrigues,Antonio Augusto Marques; Santos,Luana Ferreira dos; Costa,Rayssa Ribeiro da; Félix,Débora Tamara; Nascimento,José Henrique Bernardino; Lima,Maria Auxiliadora Coêlho de.
ABSTRACT Yam, cassava, jackfruit seed and mango seed kernel have potential for the extraction and use as starch in the food industry of starch or for the formulation of biodegradable coatings. As a biodegradable coating, starch can be applied in fruits characterized by a fast maturation, such as mango, which requires technologies to increase its shelf life. The aim of this study was to characterize starch from four non-traditional sources and to evaluate their potential as coating for ‘Palmer’ mango fruit. Starches used were extracted from cassava, mango seed kernel, jackfruit seed, and yam, and had their physical, optical, and chemical properties characterized for later use as coatings of ‘Palmer’ mango fruit. Fruits were coated with 3% cassava starch,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amylose; Solubility; Weight loss; Postharvest; Respiratory rate; Shelf life.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Coating with chitosan film of sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets: determining shelf life in refrigerator conditions 116
İZCİ,Levent; EKİCİ,Furkan; GÜNLÜ,Ali.
Abstract In the investigate, we objectived to assess the effect of coating with chitosan film on the shelf life. To this end, skinless sea bream fillets were separated as control group (C), vacuum packed (VP) and coated with chitosan film and vacuum packed (CF+VP). Samples of each group were periodically analyzed for microbiological [Total mesophilic aerobic count (TMAc) and Total psychrophilic aerobic count (TPAc)] and physicochemical [pH, Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and Trimethylamine nitrogen (TMA-N)] in storage time. It was determined that CF+VP had the highest shelf life among the sample groups. The findings of the study showed that covering sea bream fillets with chitosan film and vacuum packaging significantly...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sea bream; Chitosan; Film coating; Shelf life.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Cold storage of Pacific oysters out of water: biometry, intervalval water and sensory assessment 5
Buzin, Florence; Baudon, Violaine; Cardinal, Mireille; Barille, Laurent; Haure, Joel.
Due to the important economic activity of oyster production in France, microalgal toxic events represent a significant constraint for shellfish farmers who face closures of bivalve production-sites. The frequency of closures of 3 weeks or less represents half of the total closures along the French coasts. Cold storage could be a simple and affordable solution for temporary and short-term storage before commercialisation. A stock of marketable Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas was therefore stored during 22 days in non-immersed conditions at 3 degrees C with 100% humidity. At the end of the experiment, the oyster mortality rate remained at a low level of less than 3.5%. The sensory attributes, odour, appearance, texture and flavour, did not show significant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quality control; Refrigeration; Sensory evaluation; Shelf life; Shellfish.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Combinaciones de preservantes para un producto untable natural 20
Camejo, J.; Rodríguez, T.; García, A.; Aniely M´Boumba; Rodríguez, D.; García, H.; Fernández, A..
Se valoró el uso de diferentes combinaciones de preservantes químicos en la elaboración de un producto untable no fermentado, con vistas a incrementar el tiempo de vida útil del mismo. Los preservantes utilizados fueron sorbato de potasio, ácido benzoico y ácido sórbico, estableciéndose las combinaciones posibles de dos conservantes, que no superara 0,1 % por combinación en el producto final. Se determinó el tiempo de vida útil del untable elaborado con cada combinación, mantenidos a 6 ± 2 ºC. El estudio se realizó siguiendo un diseño de muestreo parcialmente escalonado y tomando como rechazo la modificación de los atributos de calidades físico-químicas, microbiológicas y sensoriales. Se precisó que con las 3 combinaciones estudiadas se incrementó la...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Shelf life; Preservatives; Benzoic acid; Sorbic acid; Sorbates.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Conditioning temperature for inducing uniform ripening of 'Abate Fetel' pears 124
Zucoloto,Moises; Antoniolli,Lucimara Rogeria; Siqueira,Dalmo Lopes; Czermainski,Ana Beatriz Costa; Salomão,Luiz Carlos Chamhum.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the conditioning temperature period for inducing uniform ripening of 'Abate Fetel' pears as well as to determine the maximum storage period with no quality loss. Three harvests were carried out at weekly intervals and each harvest date was considered a factorial experiment (7x3), with seven storage periods at 0 ± 1 ºC and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (0; 20; 40; 60; 80; 100 and 120 days) and three periods at room temperature (20 ± 1 ºC) (zero, three and six days). The assessed quality attributes were flesh firmness, starch content, weight loss and soluble solids content. Acceptance and purchase intention sensory tests were carried out. Cold storage was efficient in inducing uniform ripening in 'Abate Fetel'...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pyrus communis L.; Cold storage; Acceptance; Shelf life.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Conservación de un queso tipo crema de alta humedad a partir de leche de búfala 20
Iñiguez, C.; Cardoso, F.; Suárez-Solíz, V..
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue definir la vida útil de un queso tipo crema de alta humedad a partir de leche entera de búfala envasado en potes de polipropileno de 200 mL y conservado a la temperatura de 4 ºC. Para definir la durabilidad del producto se tomaron como criterio de rechazo, la evaluación sensorial y la calidad higiénica- sanitaria, como variables de control fueron consideradas el desarrollo de acidez y valor del pH. La estimación de la durabilidad se efectuó por el método gráfico para datos incompletos de fallo utilizando la distribución de Weibull. Se concluyó que alteraciones detectadas por los evaluadores en el olor y sabor resultaron la primera causa de deterioro. La vida útil del producto fue de 12 días.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Shelf life; Refrigeration; Temperature; Cream cheese; Buffalo milk.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Crude Fermented Extract Containing Gibberellic Acid Produced by Fusarium moniliforme is an Alternative to Cost Reduction in Biofactories 52
Costa,Jefferson da Luz; Silva,André Luís Lopes da; Gollo,André Luiz; Brondani,Gilvano Ebling; Santos,Leandro Freire dos; Rodrigues,Cristine; Vandenberghe,Luciana Porto de Souza; Soccol,Carlos Ricardo.
ABSTRACT Nidularium procerum and Nidularium innocentii (Bromeliaceae) were cultivated in vitro on media supplemented with different sources and levels of GA3 (gibberellic acid). These sources were the commercial powder (analytical degree) and fermented extract obtained by Fusarium moniliforme via solid state fermentation. The in vitro elongation and rooting of these plants were evaluated after 50 days of cultivation. The GA3 present in the fermented extract possess the same effect of purified GA3 (analytical degree) for the increase of the height of aerial part of shoots of N. innocentii, but not for the N. procerum being the GA3 fermented extract in a lesser degree. The GA3 fermented extract influences negatively the rooting in N. innocentii, while GA3...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Shelf life; Bromeliad; Gibberellin; Solid state fermentation; Micropropagation; Biofactory.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Determination of some quality properties of marinated sea bream (Sparus Aurata L., 1758) during cold storage 116
Kaya,Gülderen Kurt; Baştürk,Özden.
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of sea bream (Sparus aurata) marinated some quality properties during cold storage. The fillets of fish were immersed into brine including 3.5% acetic acid 11% salt in the ratio of 1: 1.5 (fish: marinate brine) for marination process. After the process of ripening, samples were grouped into two and packed in plastic containers; one being plain (in sunflower oil) and the other being sauced (sauced prepared with sunflower oil). During storage, sensory, crude protein, lipid, dry matter and crude ash, TBA, TVB-N, TMA-N and peroxide analyses were done periodically. According to results of 200 days of storage, TVB-N values of sea bream marinates packaged as plain and sauced were 15.86/14.89 mg/100g, TBA...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Marination; Sea bream; Sparus aurata; Cold storage; Shelf life; Quality properties.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Determining economical TBHQ doses for corn oil stability 116
Oliveira,Janaina T. G. de Sá B. de; Regitano-d'Arce,Marisa A. B..
Corn oil obtained from a Brazilian industry, free from antioxidants and citric acid, added of different tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) concentrations, was submitted to accelerated oxidation in the Schaal oven test at 63°C for 120 hours and for 168 hours in a photooxidation chamber. Peroxide and absorptivity values at 232nm and 270nm were determined for this oil. From the Schaal oven test results, the best and the economical TBHQ doses were determined to this oil. Afterwards, a shelf life experiment was conducted and confirmed TBHQ as the best and economical dose for that oil.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oxidative stability; TBHQ; Corn oil; Shelf life; Economical dose.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Sleder,Fernando; Cardoso,Daiane Alves; Savay-da-Silva,Luciana Kimie; Abreu,Janessa Sampaio de; Oliveira,Anderson Castro Soares de; Almeida Filho,Edivaldo Sampaio de.
ABSTRACT In Brazil, fish are sold in retail fresh or frozen, whole, or gutted. To increase consumption, convenient products with good sensory attributes should be offered. The objective of this study was to develop and characterize, through physicochemical, microbiologica, and sensory traits, a fresh sausage of tambaqui fish (Colossoma macropomum). Three formulations, with different percentages of fat (0, 4.5, and 9%) were developed. To determine shelf life, samples of the products were refrigerated at 4 ºC for 12 days and microbiological analyses were performed on days 0, 3, 7, and 12. Analyses of centesimal composition, shear force, cooking weight loss, and water-holding capacity were carried out. The shelf life of the fresh sausages was estimated at 7...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish; Fresh sausage; Shelf life; Sensory.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Development of a diagrammatic scale for the evaluation of postharvest physiological deterioration in cassava roots 86
Venturini,Marcela Tonini; Santos,Leandro Ribeiro dos; Oliveira,Eder Jorge de.
Abstract:The objective of this work was to develop a scale to assess the severity of postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of cassava roots, and to validate this scale for accuracy and reproducibility estimates. A diagrammatic scale (0 to 100%) for the damaged roots was analyzed according to precision, accuracy, and reproducibility. Seven evaluators (four with experience and three without it) quantified the PPD severity, with or without the scale, considering 150 roots with different levels of PPD. Without and with the use of the scale, respectively, the inexperienced evaluators obtained coefficients of determination (R2) from 0.76 to 0.86 and 0.87 to 0.92, and the experienced evaluators obtained R2 from 0.90 to 0.96 and 0.96 to 0.97. The values of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Manihot esculenta; Physiological processes; Shelf life; Subsistence crop; Tolerance.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Development of an organic quinoa bar with amaranth and chia 116
IULIANO,Loredana; GONZÁLEZ,Gloria; CASAS,Nidia; MONCAYO,Diana; COTE,Sandra.
Abstract Quinoa is an Andean crop with extraordinary nutritional properties. Its high protein content and well-balanced amino acid composition make it a unique food product for health-conscious consumers. The aim of this study was to develop a cereal bar using organic quinoa with amaranth, chia seeds, nuts and dried fruits. Seven bar prototypes were designed and evaluated in a consumer acceptance test where the attributes flavor, sweetness, texture, and appearance were assessed. The prototype with the highest acceptance scores had the following composition: 9.1% puffed quinoa; 12.1% quinoa flake; 6.1% puffed amaranth; 5.2% chia seeds; 12.1% dried cranberry; 15.2% macadamia nut; 12.1% sunflower oil; 18.2% honey; 9.1% panela; 0.8% agar-agar. The selected...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bars; Chia seeds; Andean grains; Shelf life; Peroxide index; Texture; Consumer acceptance.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Development of quality index method for eviscerated and non-eviscerated octopus (Octopus insularis) 124
Aragão,Márcia Facundo; Garruti,Deborah dos Santos; Ogawa,Norma Barreto Perdigão; Bezerra,Viviane Costa; Silva,Elisabeth Mary Cunha da.
ABSTRACT This work aimed to develop a Quality Index Method (QIM) for octopus species Octopus insularis and apply it to samples of eviscerated and non-eviscerated specimens in order to establish stability in cold storage. Initially we carried out the recruitment of judges, who were trained to verify the changes undergone by the octopus during storage under refrigeration. The development of QIM Table took place in three experiments. At first, a QIM Table for Octopus vulgaris from literature was presented to judges together with specimens of O. insularis, so they could assess whether the parameters were suited to this specie. In the second experiment the objective was to validate the table, verifying if changes were needed in the predefined parameters or if...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mollusk; Sensorial analysis; Shelf life.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Different trace mineral sources and recommendations in the performance and quality of eggs from Dekalb White layers 96
Pereira,Gabrielle Catarine Castro; Costa,Fernando Guilherme Perazzo; Silva,José Humberto Vilar da; Pascoal,Leonardo Augusto Fonseca; Lima,Cristina Aparecida Barbosa de; Bittencourt,Letícia Cardoso; Sechinato,Alexandre da Silva; Hermes,Rafael Gustavo.
ABSTRACT This work aimed to evaluate the performance and egg quality of lightweight laying hens supplemented with a high biological value mineral, carbo-amino-phospho-chelates (CAPC), compared with inorganic minerals (sulfates), at different recommended values. A total of 320 Dekalb White hens, between 53 and 77 weeks of age, were distributed in a completely randomized design into two treatments, 10 replicates of 16 birds each. The treatments consisted of a reference diet formulated according to breed manual recommendations, in which one group was supplemented with a trace mineral source, CAPC (Cu, 8.6; Fe, 43.7; Mn, 56.4; Se, 0.34; and Zn, 43.7 mg/kg) and the other with a sulfate source, using the levels recommended in the breed manual (Cu, 8; Fe, 60; Mn,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Albumen; Carbo-amino-phospho-chelates; Egg shell; Trace minerals; Shelf life.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effect in the quality of intact and minimally processed leaves of collard greens stored at different temperatures 75
Simões,Adriano do N; Puiatti,Mário; Salomão,Luiz CC; Mosquim,Paulo R; Puschmann,Rolf.
The storage of minimally processed vegetables at low temperatures, in association with proper packaging, represents one of the available technological solutions to mitigate the variations that hinder the quality of final products during storage. We studied the physicochemical variations that occur straight after minimal processing, as well as those that occur during the storage of minimally processed and intact leaves of collard greens (Brassica oleracea var. acephala), stored in 50-µm thick polypropylene bags, with 810-μm diameter perforations. Leaves were stored for 15 and 9 days, at 5 and 10± 1ºC, respectively. There were losses of total chlorophyll, soluble sugars, starch, and soluble amino acids immediately after the minimal processing. The rates of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brassica oleraceae var. acephala; Minimal processing; Shelf life; Postharvest.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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