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A numerical modeling study of the Southern Senegal upwelling shelf: Circulation and upwelling source waters ArchiMer
Ndoye, S; Capet, Xavier; Estrade, Philippe; Machu, Eric; Kounta, L; Sow, B; Diakhate, M; Gayet, At.
The regional ocean circulation along the Southern Senegal shelf is studied using a numerical model for varying forcing fields during the upwelling season (November-May). The main objective is to study the shelf circulation of the marine environment in the Southern Senegal Upwelling Shelf (SSUS), the Lagrangian pathways by which waters are transported to the surface in the upwelling tongue and the fate of these waters. Model results are compared with hydrographic measurements during UPSEN2-ECOAO survey and satellite images datasets. The upwelling source waters and also the warm nearshore waters are analyzed, from a Lagrangian point of view, by computing the paths of particles that are passively advected by the regional ocean model velocity field (ROMS). It...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Upwelling; Ocean circulation; Modeling; Coastal dynamics; Shelf; ROMS..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Deep water geomorphology of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system, Gulf of Papua ArchiMer
Francis, Jason M.; Daniell, James J.; Droxler, Andre W.; Dickens, Gerald R.; Bentley, Samuel J.; Peterson, Larry C.; Opdyke, Bradley N.; Beaufort, Luc.
The Gulf of Papua (GoP) has become a focal point for understanding the deposition and accumulation of siliciclastic and carbonate material along and across a low-latitude continental margin. Although studies have addressed submarine geomorphological features on the inner and middle shelves, as well as processes that may have led to their formation, the seafloor of adjacent slope regions remains poorly documented. This study presents and interprets results from approximately 13,000 line-km of multibeam bathymetry, 9500 line-km of 3.5 kHz seismic, and 122 sediment cores that were collected from the GoP shelf edge and slope, primarily on two cruises (PANASH and PECTEN). Bathymetric maps, in conjunction with the seismic profiles and cores, were used to make...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Great barrier reef; New Guinea; Platform margin; Foreland basin; OF Papua; Sedimentation; Shelf; Bank; Circulation; Australia.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Late quaternary paleoceanography of the French Guiana continental shelf: Clay-mineral evidence ArchiMer
Pujos, M; Latouche, C; Maillet, N.
Marine muds deposited on the French Guiana coast mostly originate in the Amazon. Recent sediments are composed of (a) illite (33 %) and chlorite (13 %) of Andean mountain origin; and (b) kaolinite (28 %) and smectite (26 %), principally from the Amazonian lowlands but also from the Guiana Shield. In the coastal mud prism, high-resolution seismic profiles, together with sedimentological, micropaleontological and soil engineering studies, supplemented by C-14 dates, permitted a stratigraphic interpretation of eight cores. Three episodes have been determined on the basis of clay-mineral variations related to Amazonian lowland, Andean and Guiana shield sources. The older episodes 3 (3000-1700 y BP) and 2 (1700-1000 y BP) are predominantly characterized by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Late quaternary; French Guiana; Shelf; Clay minerals; ENSO.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Miocene to Pleistocene clay mineral sedimentation on the New Jersey shelf ArchiMer
Vanderaveroet, P.
The clay fraction of sediments drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 1071 and 1072 is composed of variable proportions of chlorite, illite, smectite. kaolinite, vermiculite and mixed-layers such as illite/vermiculite (I/V) and chlorite/vermiculite (C/V). Miocene and Pliocene climates allowed formation of vermiculite and kaolinite. Pleistocene clay sedimentation was characterized by abundant chlorite and illite resulting from increasing erosion of the crystalline rocks outcropping in northern areas (e.g. Canadian Shield) developed under glacial climate. The clay minerals identified on the shelf are relatively similar to those deposited on the New Jersey continental slope and rise, and a similar trend in the composition of clay assemblages is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plate-forme; New Jersey; Minéraux argileux; Néogène; Paléoclimat; Shelf; New Jersey; Clay minerals; Neogene; Palaeoclimate.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Многолетние изменения в сообществах макрофитобентоса района Карадага (Крым, Черное море) IBSS Repository
Костенко, Н. С.; Дикий, Е. А.; Заклецкий, А. А.; Марченко, В. С..
Описаны изменения сообществ макрофитобентоса района Карадага (Крым, Черное море) за период 1970 -2005 гг.: смена видов-доминантов в фитоценозах, изменения общей биомассы растительности и биомассы ведущих видов. Приведены сукцессионные схемы. Проведена ординация растительных сообществ. Показаны отличия сукцессионных процессов в мелководной и глубоководной зонах шельфа.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Макрофитобентос; Донная растительность; Сообщества; Сукцессии; Многолетние измене­ния; Фитоценозы. шельф; Карадаг; Черное море; Macrophytobentos; Bottom-dwelling vegetation; Communities; Successions; Long-term changes; Phyto-cenosis; Shelf; Karadag; Black Sea Long-term changes.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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