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A preliminary study of the behaviour and vitality of reseeded juvenile great scallops, of three sizes in three seasons ArchiMer
Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Mingant, Christian; Castillo, A.
In order to have a better understanding of recessing in great scallop, Pecten maximus and consequently the causes of mortality at reseeding, this study has monitored, at different seasons, the dispersion and recessing of different sizes of juveniles (about 15, 30 and 45 mm, called small, medium and large) after seeding. Moreover, the aim was to see when small spat (15 mm) could be seeded, and thus reduce the costs of intermediate culture. Three monitoring approaches were used together: (1) continual observations by remote video camera, of a defined area (less than 1 m2) containing 10 scallops from each size group; (2) daily monitoring of behaviour with divers along three bottom lines, with 20 × 1 m2 plots each and nine marked scallops per plot; and (3) the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Great scallop (Pecten maximus); Season; Seeding; Size; Vitality of spat.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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A Profile of the Free State Province: Demographics, Poverty, Income, Inequality and Unemployment from 2000 till 2007 AgEcon
Jacobs, Elne; Punt, Cecilia; Phaladi, Sepitle Frans.
The Free State agricultural sector is a dynamic and livelihood sustainable sector. Approximately 4.2% of the Free State value added gross domestic product comes through agriculture and 2.3% of the population in the Free State is working in this sector. There is thus a need for macro-economic research in order to investigate potential and current challenges and opportunities. This paper examines several of these challenges namely demographic compositions, unemployment, income distribution, poverty and inequality. It will provide results from the Labour Force Surveys from 2000 until 2007 with a more in-depth look into 2007. Population and labour force statistics provide the foundation for further analysis. This paper indicates that unemployment is being...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Demographic Trends and Forecasts; Labor Force and Employment; Size; And Structure; Agricultural Labor Markets; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; J11; J21; J43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Profile of the Gauteng Province: Demographics, Poverty, Income, Inequality and Unemployment from 2000 till 2007 AgEcon
Jacobs, Elne; Punt, Cecilia.
The Gauteng agricultural sector is a dynamic and livelihood sustainable sector. Approximately 0.46% of the Gauteng value added gross domestic product comes through agriculture and 0.61% of the population in Gauteng is working in this sector. There is thus a need for macro-economic research in order to investigate potential and current challenges and opportunities. This paper examines several of these challenges namely demographic compositions, unemployment, income distribution, poverty and inequality. It will provide results from the Labour Force Surveys from 2000 until 2007 with a more in-depth look into 2007. Population and labour force statistics provide the foundation for further analysis. This paper indicates that unemployment is being dominated by...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Demographic Trends and Forecasts; Labor Force and Employment; Size; And Structure; Agricultural Labor Markets; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; J11; J21; J43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Profile of the KwaZulu-Natal Province: Demographics, Poverty, Income, Inequality and Unemployment from 2000 till 2007 AgEcon
Jacobs, Elne; Punt, Cecilia; Buthelezi, D.J..
The KwaZulu-Natal agricultural sector is a dynamic and livelihood sustainable sector. Approximately 3.9% of the KwaZulu-Natal value added gross domestic product comes through agriculture and 2.5% of the population in KwaZulu-Natal is working in this sector. There is thus a need for macro-economic research in order to investigate potential and current challenges and opportunities. This paper examines several of these challenges namely demographic compositions, unemployment, income distribution, poverty and inequality. It will provide results from the Labour Force Surveys from 2000 until 2007 with a more in-depth look into 2007. Population and labour force statistics provide the foundation for further analysis. This paper indicates that unemployment is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Demographic Trends and Forecasts; Labor Force and Employment; Size; And Structure; Agricultural Labor Markets; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; J11; J21; J43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Profile of the North West Province: Demographics, Poverty, Income, Inequality and Unemployment from 2000 till 2007 AgEcon
Jacobs, Elne; Punt, Cecilia; Bothloko, Constance.
The North West agricultural sector is a dynamic and livelihood sustainable sector. Approximately 2.6% of the North West value added gross domestic product comes through agriculture and 1.7% of the population in the North West is working in this sector. There is thus a need for macro-economic research in order to investigate potential and current challenges and opportunities to ensure growth in agricultural industries. This paper examines several of these challenges namely demographic compositions, unemployment, income distribution, poverty and inequality. It will provide results from the Labour Force Surveys from 2000 until 2007 with a more in-depth look into 2007. Population and labour force statistics provide the foundation for further analysis. This...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Demographic Trends and Forecasts; Labor Force and Employment; Size; And Structure; Agricultural Labor Markets; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; J11; J21; J43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Profile of the Northern Cape Province: Demographics, Poverty, Income, Inequality and Unemployment from 2000 till 2007 AgEcon
Jacobs, Elne; Punt, Cecilia; Uchezuba, David Ifeanyi; Bashi, Molao.
The Northern Cape agricultural sector is a dynamic and livelihood sustainable sector. Approximately 7% of the Northern Cape value added gross domestic product comes through agriculture and 5.4% of the population in the Northern Cape is working in this sector. There is thus a need for macro-economic research in order to investigate potential and current challenges and opportunities. This paper examines several of these challenges namely demographic compositions, unemployment, income distribution, poverty and inequality. It will provide results from the Labour Force Surveys from 2000 until 2007 with a more in-depth look into 2007. Population and labour force statistics provide the foundation for further analysis. This paper indicates that unemployment is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Demographic Trends and Forecasts; Labor Force and Employment; Size; And Structure; Agricultural Labor Markets; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; J11; J21; J43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Profile of the Western Cape Province: Demographics, Poverty, Income, Inequality, and Unemployment from 2000 till 2007 AgEcon
Jacobs, Elne; Punt, Cecilia.
The Western Cape agricultural sector is a dynamic and livelihood sustainable sector. Approximately 3.9% of the Western Cape value added gross domestic product comes through agriculture and 3% of the population in the Western Cape is working in this sector. There is thus a need for macro-economic research in order to investigate potential and current challenges and opportunities. This paper examines several of these challenges namely demographic compositions, unemployment, income distribution, poverty and inequality. It will provide results from the Labour Force Surveys from 2000 until 2007 with a more in-depth look into 2007. Population and labour force statistics provide the foundation for further analysis. This paper indicates that unemployment is being...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Demographic Trends and Forecasts; Labor Force and Employment; Size; And Structure; Agricultural Labor Markets; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; J11; J21; J43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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An overview of preharvest factors influencing mango fruit growth, quality and postharvest behaviour Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Léchaudel,Mathieu; Joas,Jacques.
Mango, a tropical fruit of great economic importance, is generally harvested green and then commercialised after a period of storage. Unfortunately, the final quality of mango batches is highly heterogeneous, in fruit size as well as in gustatory quality and postharvest behaviour. A large amount of knowledge has been gathered on the effects of the maturity stage at harvest and postharvest conditions on the final quality of mango. Considerably less attention has been paid to the influence of environmental factors on mango growth, quality traits, and postharvest behaviour. In this paper, we provide a review of studies on mango showing how environmental factors influence the accumulation of water, structural and non-structural dry matter in the fruit during...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental conditions; Fruit load; Irrigation; Shelf life; Size; Taste.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Ascorbic acid and pectin in different sizes and parts of citric fruits Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Ywassaki,Larissa Akemi; Canniatti-Brazaca,Solange Guidolin.
Citric fruits - in natura, as frozen pulp or even as juice - are one of the most important Brazilian exportation products. They are a source of ascorbic acid - a potent antioxidant, and pectin, which is used in the food industry and is an important dietary fiber. This project aims to quantify ascorbic acid and pectin contents in citric fruits, commercial oranges and tangerines, comparing them in sizes and varieties. Ascorbic acid amount was measured in juice comparing sizes, varieties and storage conditions, using a tritimetric method with 2.6-dichlorobenzenoindophenol indicator. Total and soluble pectin in each part of the fruits (peel, albedo, pulp and juice) were quantified using the polygalacturonic acid as a standard. Differences were found between...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Orange; Tangerine; Pectin; Ascorbic acid; Composition; Size.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Comparación de la abundancia y distribución de algunas características de las esponjas del género Ircinia (Porifera: Demospongiae) en dos localidades contrastantes dell área de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano OceanDocs
Parra-Velandia, F.J.; Zea, S..
In tropical littoral environments, suspended organic matter favors the presence of sessile filter feeder organisms such as sponges, over those predominantly phototrophic such as algae and corals. In the Santa Marta area in the Colombian Caribbean, productivity is enhanced by alternating pulses of coastal upwelling and continental runoff, resulting in an important diversity and abundance of sponges. Species of the genus Ircinia ( I. campana, I. felix and I.strobilina) are conspicuous and abundant in the rocky and reef biotopes of the area. To establish the influence of predominant environmental conditions on the distribution of these three species, their density, size and microhabitat preference, their form and color, the occurrence of predation signs, the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Distribution; Size; Shape; Distribution; Size; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Comparing growth in surface and cave morphs of the species Astyanax mexicanus: insights from scales ArchiMer
Simon, Victor; Elleboode, Romain; Mahe, Kelig; Legendre, Laurent; Ornelas-garcia, Patricia; Espinasa, Luis; Retaux, Sylvie.
Background Life in the darkness of caves is accompanied, throughout phyla, by striking phenotypic changes including the loss or severe reduction in eyes and pigmentation. On the other hand, cave animals have undergone constructive changes, thought to be adaptive, to survive in this extreme environment. The present study addresses the question of the evolution of growth in caves, taking advantage of the comparison between the river-dwelling and the cave-dwelling morphs of the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. Results A sclerochronology approach was undertaken to document the growth of the species in these two very distinct habitats. Scales from 158 wild Astyanax mexicanus specimens were analyzed from three caves (Pachón, Tinaja and Subterráneo) and two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cave; Fish; Size; Age; Scales; Growth; Food; Comparative biology; Life history traits.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Composición química y perfil de ácidos grasos de la anchoíta bonaerense en función del tamaño de los ejemplares y la zona de pesca OceanDocs
Massa, A.E.; Fernández Compás, A.S.; Pennisi Farell, S.C.; Manca, E.A..
The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and fatty acids profile present in Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) northern population as a function of fish size and fishing area (SW Atlantic Ocean, Argentine Sea). Samples were collected during the northern stock assessment cruise of the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) carried out on board of FRV Capitán Oca Balda in Spring 2008 (OB-02/2008). The fishing trawls were performed between 34º 35' S and 40º 19' S. The area was divided in two zones: the northern, between 34º S-38º S, strongly influenced by the mixohaline waters of the Río de la Plata River estuary and the southern, between 38º S-41º S, that included the El Rincón coastal area. In each...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Stocks; Chemical composition; Fatty acids; Size.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Démosponges littorales des iles de Kerkennah (Tunisie) OceanDocs
Ben Mustapha, K..
Le peuplement de démosponges des îles Kerkennah a été étudié notamment du point de vue de sa répartition systématique et comparé à d’autres peuplements de démosponges de l’étage infralittoral méditerranéen. La récolte a intéressé 111 individus à partir de 11 stations différentes situées sur les hauts fonds des îles Kerkennah à des profondeurs variants entre 0,5 et 12 m, principalement des stations d’herbiers à posidonies. Nous avons pu identifier 50 espèces différentes, parmi lesquelles 19 étaient signalées pour la première fois en Tunisie, et 2 étaient nouvelles pour la Méditerranée. Parmi ces 50 espèces, 8 seraient nouvelles pour la science: Timea sp1 ; Timea sp2 ; Batzella sp ; Clathria (Microciona) sp1 ; Clathria (Microciona) sp2 ; Clathria sp ;...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: New records; Marine biology; Geographical distribution; Taxonomy; Size; Sponges; Marine biology; Sponges; Geographical distribution; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Desarrollo de las setas ovígeras como estimador de madurez sexual de Panulirus argus en Cuba OceanDocs
Piñeiro, O.; de León, M.E.; Oquendo, O..
Se propone determinar la talla de primera madurez (LC50) en la langosta Panulirus argus, a partir de las setas ovígeras con estadio III, comparando el resultado obtenido con el LC50 hallado a partir de la presencia de hueva y/o espermatóforo. La información provino de muestreos mensuales llevados a cabo desde abril de 2007 hasta marzo de 2008 en el Golfo de Batabanó, región suroccidental de Cuba, donde se seleccionaron las siete zonas de monitoreo de La Coloma. De un total de 6 238 langostas hembras muestreadas, se identificaron los estadios de las setas en 5 232. El LC50 se determinó por el ajuste de una curva logística a las frecuencias de talla acumuladas relativas, resultando que los valores del LC50 calculados para hembras con setas en estadio III...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Size; Age at first maturity; Setae.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Determinación de tamaños de muestra en la pesquería de alfonsino, merluza de cola y besugo, zona centro sur. OceanDocs
Young, Z..
1. Introducción En el marco del Programa de Seguimiento se continúo con la revisión y determinación de tamaños de muestra para estimar una serie de indicadores biológicos en las pesquerías demersales de la zona centro sur del país. En este estudio se entrega el soporte de determinación de tamaño de muestra para estimar la distribución de talla de la captura, la talla media, la proporción sexual y proporción de ejemplares bajo talla de referencia correspondiente a alfonsino (Beryx splendens), merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus) y besugo (Espigonus crassicaudus). 2. Métodos 2.1 Datos El conjunto de datos seleccionados y utilizados en la simulación debe ser lo suficientemente grande como para suponer que en él se recoge el rango de variabilidad real...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Size; Sampling; Simulation; Sampling; Simulation; Size; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Do Large Firms with More Technologies Pay More? AgEcon
Yu, Li; Ji, Yongjie.
Investigation of size wage premium in earning’s literature neglects the important role played by technology adoption. This study models the size selection corrected earning’s function by introducing an extra dimension of selection of technology complexity, using a sample from workers in US hog farms. The estimated wage gap between large and small farms is reduced once correction in selection is controlled. Workers compensate monetary income for better work environment, better health and more job security, in which large farms and technologically advanced farms have advantages.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Size; Technology adoption; Wage; Double selection; Agriculture; Health; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Ecological analogies between estuarine bottom trawl fish assemblages from Patos Lagoon, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and York River, Virginia, USA Zoologia
Vieira,João P..
The structure of estuarine fish assemblages at temperate latitudes in Patos Lagoon (32º05'S, 52º04'W), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and York River (37º17'N, 76º33'W), Virginia, USA was compared using mid and late 1970's data from bottom trawl collection to investigate whether geographically isolated fish assemblages have similar ecological structure given similar latitudinal positions on the warmtemperate southwestern and northwestern Atlantic regions, respectively. Since estuarine species often exhibit an ontogenetic shift in habitat requirements or preferences we examined Capture per Unity of Effort by size class (CPUE-SC) and split species into "size ecological taxa" (SET) for analysis. The use of CPUE-SC also allowed the abundance of a SET to be computed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distribution; Estuarine fishes; Size; South-north comparison; Zoogeography.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effect of moisture content on physical properties of bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) nut CIGR Journal
AVIARA, NDUBISI A.; iyilade, Idowu A.; Aremu, Ademola K; Oyeniyi, Samuel K.
The effect of moisture content on some physical properties of Bush Mango (Irvingia gabonensis) nut was studied at four moisture levels in the range of 7.52% - 20.6% (d.b). Results showed that the length, width and thickness of nut increased from 37.84 to 50.16 mm, 30.23 to 42.62 mm and 19.25 to 28.15 mm respectively, as moisture content increased in the above range. Nut sphericity decreased from 76.2% to 69.5% as moisture content increased. One thousand seed weight, bulk density, true density and angle of repose increased from 6.634 to 9.158 kg, 756.7 to 1095 kgm-3, 984.4 to 1095kgm-3 and 25.3 to 38.9o respectively, in the above moisture range. Static coefficient of friction on different surfaces increased in the order of fiber glass (0.378 to 0.394),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Engineering; Post harvest Technology; Crop Processing Moisture content; Dika nut; Irvingia gabonensis; Size; Shape; Gravimetric; Frictional properties.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Emergência de sementes de castanha-do-brasil em função do tamanho e da idade. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Castanha-do-brasil; Desenvolvimento; Bertholletia escelsa; Brazil-nut; Seed; Emergency; Size; Culting; Production; Development; Emergência; Germinação; Muda; Produção; Semente; Tamanho; Germination.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Empirical Analysis on Brand Extension Size Model Based on Ecological Characteristics AgEcon
Yu, Yun-bo; Yu, Lin.
Firstly, the paper establishes a brand-extension size model and adopts the marginal analysis to analyze the optimal solution of it. Secondly, research the brand-extension condition of G brand by questionnaire survey. There are 240 questionnaires handed out, with 211 withdrawing and 187 valid, by doing this to test the influencing degree of each factor in brand-extension size model; At the same time, use analytic hierarchy process to analyze the size of brand extension and principal component analysis to find out the main factors that influence brand extension of G brand. Finally, the paper makes an empirical analysis on brand extension size model based on ecological characteristics, the results show that the order of the total information reflected by each...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Model; Size; Demonstration; Brand extension; Ecological characteristics; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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