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Early changes in arbuscular mycorrhiza development in sugarcane under two harvest management systems 58
Azevedo,Lucas Carvalho Basilio de; Stürmer,Sidney Luiz; Lambais,Marcio Rodrigues.
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is grown on over 8 million ha in Brazil and is used to produce ethanol and sugar. Some sugarcane fields are burned to facilitate harvesting, which can affect the soil microbial community. However, whether sugarcane pre-harvest burning affects the community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and symbioses development is not known. In this study, we investigated the early impacts of harvest management on AMF spore communities and root colonization in three sugarcane varieties, under two harvest management systems (no-burning and pre-harvest burning). Soil and root samples were collected in the field after the first harvest of sugarcane varieties SP813250, SP801842, and RB72454, and AMF species were identified based on spore...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glomeromycota; Slash-and-burn; Sugarcane harvest management; No-burning.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Poverty and environmental degradation under trade liberalization: searching for second-best policy options. 31
Pascual, Unai; Martinez-Espineira, Roberto.
Forest based agricultural systems in the tropics are being opened up to international trade at an unprecedented rate. This is the case of tropical agriculture in Mexico under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which is also having significant impacts on the decentralized land use decisions of small-scale farmers and on the natural resource base on which they depend. This paper develops a bioeconomic model of a typical forest-land based farming system that is integrated with the non-farm labour sector, as typically found in tropical regions. The data used to generate the simulations were gathered in two communities of Yucatan (Mexico) in 1998-2000. Through a systemdynamics framework, the agro-ecological and farming economic subsystems are...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural povery; Soil degradation; Slash-and-burn; Land-use model; Liberalization; Mexico; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade; Q12; Q23; D13; I3.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Shorter Fallow Cycles Affect the Availability of Noncrop Plant Resources in a Shifting Cultivation System 7
Dalle, Sarah Paule; Department of Plant Science, Macdonald Campus of McGill University;; de Blois, Sylvie; Department of Plant Science and McGill School of Environment, McGill University;
Shifting cultivation systems, one of the most widely distributed forms of agriculture in the tropics, provide not only crops of cultural significance, but also medicinal, edible, ritual, fuel, and forage resources, which contribute to the livelihoods, health, and cultural identity of local people. In many regions across the globe, shifting cultivation systems are undergoing important changes, one of the most pervasive being a shortening of the fallow cycle. Although there has been much attention drawn to declines in crop yields in conjunction with reductions in fallow times, little if any research has focused on the dynamics of noncrop plant resources. In this paper, we use a data set of 26 fields of the same age, i.e., ~1.5 yr, but differing in the...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Agricultural intensification; Ethnobotany; Fuelwood; Land-use change; Mexico; Milpa; Quintana Roo; Resource scarcity; Slash-and-burn; Swidden agriculture; Tropical succession; Wild plant resources; Yucatec Maya..
Ano: 2006
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