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Agricultural cooperatives II: Can they facilitate access of small-scale farmers in South Africa to input and product markets? 31
Ortmann, Gerald F.; King, Robert P..
The objective of this research is to investigate whether agricultural cooperatives can facilitate smallholder farmer access to input and product markets. Farmers in two case study communal areas of KwaZulu-Natal face high transaction costs as reflected primarily in their low levels of education and literacy, lack of market information, insecure property rights, poor road and communication infrastructure, and long distances to markets. Analysis of the reasons why cooperatives were originally established in various parts of the world suggests that most of the causes (such as poverty, market failure and high transaction costs) also apply to the study farmers, as do the seven international principles of cooperation. Smallholder farmers in both case study...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural cooperatives; Small-scale farmers; High-value crops; Transaction costs; South Africa; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Collective Action for the Conservation of On-Farm Genetic Diversity in a Center of Crop Diversity: An Assessment of the Role of Traditional Farmers’ Networks 31
Badstue, Lone B.; Bellon, Mauricio R.; Berthaud, Julien; Ramirez, Alejandro; Flores, Dagoberto; Juarez, Xochitl; Ramirez, Fabiola.
This project explored the possible role of collective action among small-scale farmers in managing and maintaining genetic resources in a center of crop diversity. It focused on the local institutions that ensure the supply of seed of diverse maize landraces to small-scale farmers in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. The key hypothesis was that the medium-to-long-term supply of a diverse set of varieties to any individual smallscale maize farmer depends on an agreement among a group of farmers to manage and supply the seed of these landraces to each other, if the need arises, and that this constitutes a form of collective action. Six communities were studied, three of them indepth. Methodologies used included in-depth semi-structured interviews with...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Maize; Small-scale farmers; Informal seed systems; Genetic resources; Mexico; Collective action; Crop Production/Industries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Combining revealed and stated preference methods to assess the private value of agrobiodiversity in Hungarian home gardens 31
Birol, Ekin; Kontoleon, Andreas; Smale, Melinda.
Hungarian home gardens are small-scale farms managed by farm households using traditional management practices and family labor. They generate private benefits for farmers by enhancing diet quality and providing food when costs of transacting in local markets are high. Home gardens also generate public benefits for society by supporting long-term productivity advances in agriculture. In this paper, we estimate the private value to farmers of agrobiodiversity in home gardens. Building on the approach presented in EPTD Discussion Paper 117 (2004), we combine a stated preference approach (a choice experiment model) and a revealed preference approach (a discrete-choice, farm household model). Both models are based on random utility theory. To combine the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Home gardens; Small-scale farmers; Diet quality; Agricultural productivity; Agrobiodiversity; Household surveys; Private value; Choice experiment model; Farm household model; Revealed and stated preference methods; Biodiversity; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Determinants of small scale farmers' participation in restructured food markets in South Africa: The case of the Tomato sector 31
Chikazunga, Davison; Bienabe, Estelle; Louw, Andre.
This paper discusses the effects of markets restructuring on small-scale farmers in South Africa by analysing the determinants of small-scale farmers’ market choices in the tomato sector in two Provinces. South Africa has a very dualistic agricultural sector with a highly performing large-scale capital intensive agriculture on one hand and a traditional, semi subsistence small-scale communal sector on the other. Small farmers’ participation in modern markets (i.e. supermarkets, agro-processors and national fresh produce markets) is thus very low. Furthermore, results from our survey indicate that small-scale tomato growers in Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces prefer supplying informal markets than modern markets. The econometric analysis of household level...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marketing; Restructuring markets; Small-scale farmers; Market channel choice.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Factores de éxito en el cumplimiento de obligaciones crediticias de pequeños agricultores de la Región de O’Higgins, Chile 31
Reyes, Alvaro; Ibarra, Patricio.
Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chile
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Credit; Small-scale farmers; Chile.; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Identifying the Factors that Influence Small-scale Farmers’ Transaction Costs in Relation to Seed Acquisition - An ethnographic case study of maize growing smallholders in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico 31
Badstue, Lone B..
Using an ethnographic approach, this study explores small-scale farmers’ perceived transaction costs in relation to maize seed acquisition in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca. These farmers have different needs and require seed of diverse maize types with multiple traits in particular combinations. Formal seed distribution has yet to develop in this region and farmers depend mostly on informal seed sources. Issues of information about maize seed, seed transaction negotiation and enforcement are examined from a small-scale farmer perspective through the use of qualitative data. Results show that farmers’ perceived transaction costs are low to negligible in most cases where seed transactions take place locally, and trust is indicated as a factor which serves to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Small-scale farmers; Transaction costs; Seed acquisitions; Maize (Zea mays L.); Informal seed sector; Oaxaca; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; D23; O17; Q12; Z13.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Impact of international organic markets on small U.S. producers 31
Grow, Shelly; Greene, Catherine R..
Rapid growth of the organic agricultural sector in the U.S. and implementation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's national organic standards in 2002 have lead to concerns that organic production could become increasingly concentrated on larger U.S. and international farms, disrupting the market access of small domestic organic producers. However, data on the U.S. organic agriculture show that the smallest-scale farms continue to hold a small but stable piece of the organic sector and that U.S. organic farm size has grown slowly. The amount of land under organic production worldwide is growing rapidly, particularly in developing countries producing commodities for export, many of which are not widely grown in the U.S. Small-scale producers using direct...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic agriculture; Organic certification; Small-scale farmers; International trade; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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New institutional arrangements and standard adoption: Evidence from small-scale fruit and vegetable farmers in Thailand 31
Sarah, Kersting; Meike, Wollni.
This paper presents an analysis of GlobalGAP adoption by small-scale fruit and vegetable farmers in Thailand focusing on GlobalGAP group certification, the costs and perceived benefits of GlobalGAP adoption, and the factors influencing standard adoption. GlobalGAP is the most important private standard for producers in the Thai horticultural sector concerning access to high-value markets, especially to Europe. We find that support by donors, exporters and public-private partnerships is vital to enable small-scale farmers to adopt the standard. GlobalGAP group certification encourages the formation of new institutional arrangements between farmers, exporters and donors. In our sample only participants from a development program were successful in adopting...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Private standards; Food safety; GlobalGAP adoption; New institutional arrangements; Small-scale farmers; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management; International Development; Marketing.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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On the Twain Food Supply Chain in China - Impact of Supermarket Development on Agricultural Sector and Agrifood Safety in China 31
Hu, Dinghuan.
Food safety is attracting more and more attention by sectors of various kinds. However, the contradiction faced by China is the continuous growing safety and quality agrifood market and export demand together with large volumes of distributed and un-organized small-scale rural household production. If we cannot effectively organize agrifood production of distributed rural households, provide technical guidance, and exercise supervision during the production process, it is obvious that it is difficult to supply safety and quality agrifood in large volumes, sustainably and steadily. In the first place, this study has put forward the fact that the rapid development of supermarket in China has created favorable and irreplaceable objective conditions for safety...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Safety agrifood; Agrifood distribution; Supermarkets; Agrifood supply chain; Small-scale farmers; Marketing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Changing Political Dynamics of Japanese Agricultural Cooperatives 31
Godo, Yoshihisa.
The system of agricultural cooperatives, collectively referred to as JA, is one of the most politically powerful organizations in Japanese politics. Based on its strong ties with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which has been in government for almost the entire postwar period, JA has lobbied the Japanese government to maintain its various restrictive trade policies regarding agricultural commodities. JA is regarded by many as being Japan’s biggest obstacle to further international trade liberalization. How has JA become so politically powerful, and will JA continue to dictate the position of the Japanese government in international trade negotiations? In order to provide clear answers to these questions, this study focuses on JA’s sociopolitical...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural cooperatives; Small-scale farmers; Farmland-use regulations; Financial liberalization; Japan; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18; R52.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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