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Forest owner representation of forest management and perception of resource efficiency: a structural equation modeling study Ecology and Society
Ficko, Andrej; University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources;; Boncina, Andrej; University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources;
Underuse of nonindustrial private forests in developed countries has been interpreted mostly as a consequence of the prevailing noncommodity objectives of their owners. Recent empirical studies have indicated a correlation between the harvesting behavior of forest owners and the specific conceptualization of appropriate forest management described as “nonintervention” or “hands-off” management. We aimed to fill the huge gap in knowledge of social representations of forest management in Europe and are the first to be so rigorous in eliciting forest owner representations in Europe. We conducted 3099 telephone interviews with randomly selected forest owners in Slovenia, asking them whether they thought they managed...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Attitudes; Conceptualization; Management concepts; Natural resources; Private forest owners; Social representations theory; Timber supply; Values.
Ano: 2015
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Using social representations theory to make sense of climate change: what scientists and nonscientists in Australia think Ecology and Society
Moloney, Gail; Psychology, Southern Cross University;; Leviston, Zoe; CSIRO, Land and Water Flagship;; Lynam, Timothy; CSIRO, Social and Economic Sciences Program;; Price, Jennifer; CSIRO, Land and Water Flagship;; Stone-Jovicich, Samantha; CSIRO, Land and Water Flagship;; Blair, Duncan; CSIRO, Land and Water Flagship;.
The mass media has ensured that the challenging and complex phenomenon of climate change now has the household familiarity of a brand name. But what is it that is understood by climate change, and by whom? What frame of reference is drawn upon to communicate meaningfully about climate change? Do particular subgroups within our society hold different understandings, or have the debate and the prolific dissemination of information about this issue coalesced around a core perception or image of what climate change is? To answer these questions, we conceptualized climate change within the theory of social representations as emergent socially constructed knowledge. We analyzed word association data collected in Australia from persons identifying as having a...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Climate change; Social representations theory; Word associations.
Ano: 2014
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