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Agriculture’s Multifunctionality, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility AgEcon
Hediger, Werner.
We investigate the question whether the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) could be used to replace or complement those of multifunctionality and sustainability in the agri-food sector. It shows that the double role of citizens as tax payers and customers requests and allows us to directly link the problems of governance and stakeholder society in an intertemporal framework of total value maximisation and sustainable development. Thus, the concept of CSR provides a link between the views on agriculture’s multifunctionality and sustainability. Moreover, the fact that some actors in a vertical market, such as the agri-food chain, can exercise market power and absorb tax money and resource rents enforces the need of a broader perspective which...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; Multifunctionality; Sustainability; Social responsibility; Market power.; D62; D63; Q01; Q18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Agronegócio, responsabilidade social e erradicação do trabalho infantil AgEcon
Marin, Joel Orlando Bevilaqua.
O artigo analisa estratégias adotadas por setores do agronegócio no campo das ações de responsabilidade social para erradicar a exploração do trabalho infantil no Brasil. No contexto da globalização da economia e da internacionalização dos direitos da infância, setores empresariais de cadeias produtivas do agronegócio passaram a desenvolver ações de responsabilidade social para combater o trabalho infantil, mediante a adesão aos selos sociais, assinatura de pactos e proposição de projetos sociais. As empresas vinculadas ao agronegócio aderiram a projetos de responsabilidade social empresarial em virtude da inclusão de cláusulas sociais nos mercados internacionais, da intensificação da fiscalização do poder público, bem como do compromisso na construção do...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agronegócio; Responsabilidade social; Trabalho infantil; Agribusiness; Social responsibility; Child labour; Agribusiness; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Conceptualizing power to study social-ecological interactions Ecology and Society
Boonstra, Wiebren J; Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University;
My aim is to conceptualize power using social science theory and to demonstrate why and how the concept of power can complement resilience studies and other analyses of social-ecological interaction. Social power as a scientific concept refers to the ability to influence both conduct and context. These two dimensions of power (conduct and context) can be observed by differentiating between various sources of power, including, for example, technology or mental power. The relevance of the conceptualization of power presented here is illustrated with the example of fire as a source of social-ecological power. I conclude by discussing how attention to power can help to address issues of social justice and responsibility in social-ecological interactions.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Fire domestication; Power; Resilience; Social responsibility; Social-ecological interactions; Sociology.
Ano: 2016
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Corporate and Consumer Social Responsibilities: Label Regulations in the Lab AgEcon
Etile, Fabrice; Teyssier, Sabrina.
Although consumer attitudes toward corporate social responsibility are positive, socially responsible (SR) products are far from gaining significant market shares. Information asymmetries have been identified as one of the factor contributing to this attitude-behaviour gap, because social responsibility is a credence attribute. Signalling may remedy this market failure. We use an experimental posted offer market to investigate the impact of various regulatory requirements for labels on sellers’ choice to supply SR products and to signal it, and on buyers’ choice of ethical quality. Three treatments are tested: label certification by a third-party, “cheap-talk signalling” with random monitoring and with or without reputations. Individual social preferences...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Labels; Social responsibility; Social preferences; Separating equilibrium; Market game; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; C92; D82; L15; M14.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Zharkynbayeva, Roza.
The article considers the problems of corporate social responsibility in the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are certain preconditions created for formation of corporate responsibility of businesses in the country: regulatory and legislative institutions, public-private partnership are being developed. However, involvement of the business into the social-targeted projects is not significant yet. Corporate social responsibility is only on its way to become a systemic phenomenon of the Kazakhstan’s society and culture.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Social responsibility; Social partnership; Kazakhstan.; International Development; Public Economics; M14.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Local and Sustainable Food Supply: The Role of European Retail Consumer Co-operatives AgEcon
Hingley, Martin; Mikkola, Minna; Canavari, Maurizio; Asioli, Daniele.
This paper investigates the rationale for local and sustainable food systems and retailer co-operatives as their entry points within local conditions. Emphasis is on localised food networks and connection between socially as well as environmentally sustainable production, distribution and consumption. Investigated is the premise that co-operative organisational structures, for reasons of their long-term socially responsible origins are at the forefront of development of local and sustainable food systems and are thereby in a position to offer a specific contribution to market development. Two key research questions are proposed: Firstly, is there a pre-determination of co-operatives to issues of sustainable and local food sourcing given the historical and...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Local and sustainable food; Retailer co-operatives; Europe; Social responsibility; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Responsabilidade social, governança corporativa e valor das empresas AgEcon
Ferreira, Roberto do Nascimento.
This work aims at the comprehension of the effects that the practice of the social responsibility and the corporate governance can produce over the value of a company. Social responsibility has been assuming an important role in the companies' decisions and the corporate governance, even though related to norms and legal requirements, also has a fundamental aspect in the ethical commitment. According to stock market analysts, social responsibility has become more relevant when companies are analyzed at the time an investment is being recommended. Much the same way, institutional investors have been considering social responsibility before investing. The analysis of the return supplied by the socially responsible investment funds (from the English SRI –...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Social responsibility; Corporate governance; Value of a company..
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Claro, Priscila Borin de Oliveira; Claro, Danny Pimentel; Lucci, Cintia Retz.
The main purpose of companies nowadays is not only generation of profits for shareholders and investors, of jobs and income or even their own survival and growth. Companies are also responsible for sustainable development and social equity. The objective of this study is to identify the interpretation of undergraduate management students on social responsibility, based on the assumption that these students are the next generation of managers. In addition, this study analyzes the socio demographic antecedents of social responsibility: age, gender, semester in the university, family monthly income, contact with the issue in the university and the impact of social projects on financial performance. In total, 250 structured questionnaires were applied in two...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Social responsibility; Concept interpretation; Undergraduate students; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Verdolin, Daniela Rodrigues; Alves, Alexandre Florindo.
The present paper has as main purpose to present the companies social accountability as a style of strategic management for credibility and competitiveness search in a globalized market in the regional, national and international levels, showing that the ethical actions related to the environment and the society as a whole are more and more influencing market behavior, in a favor of whom practices them. Besides that, the study searches to relate the main points of that strategy withthe importance that the same may have to the agribusiness due to its reflexes in the internal and external market.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Social responsibility; Management; Agribusiness.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Social Responsibility of Agricultural Products Processing Enterprise Based on the Problem Migrant Workers AgEcon
Zhu-lin, Wang.
In order to solve the problem of migrant workers, the party and the state government have issued a series of major principles and policies. The equal and human-oriented policy paradigm is formed with rights protection of migrant workers as the core. Policy adjustment reflects the innovation of rulers’ development concept and the formation of scientific development concept. However, there are still some weak links and evident problems in the work of migrant workers, which mainly are the low labor wages, serious wage arrears, low ratio of contract signing, informal contract, overtime working, poor working condition, no wage during maternity leave, low degree of organization, few opportunities of vocational training, poor employability, and high proportion of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Problem of migrant workers; Agricultural products processing enterprise; Social responsibility; Enterprise management; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Socially responsible business formation in Ukraine AgEcon
Shapoval, Valentina.
The paper reviews development process of social responsibility of business in Ukraine during transition of its economy to market. Today social responsibility of business is understood by national entrepreneurs as marketing or PR-technology, this way it is limited to social events. In this interpretation the concept can not support stable development both at micro- and macro level and provide competitive edge for enterprises in the longer term. The author suggests possible scenarios for developing of social responsibility of business in the crisis.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Social responsibility; Business; Formation; Negative factors; Trends; Crisis.; Labor and Human Capital; Public Economics; М14; А13.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Tecnologias sociais e políticas públicas. Infoteca-e
SILVA, A. de S..
A Embrapa Semiárido une-se às iniciativas de melhoria contínua das técnicas, métodos e processos produtivos desenvolvidos ao longo das últimas quatro décadas para a convivência sustentável das famílias no Semiárido brasileiro. Considerando-se que a forma de uso dos recursos naturais tem ultrapassado os limites ecológicos e que, a capacidade de renovação desses recursos, a contaminação dos mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos, a degradação das terras e de sua fertilidade têm exigido a adoção de princípios modernos de conservação, por causa de suas potencialidades socioeconômicas e ecológicas. Neste contexto, apresenta-se uma proposta técnico-metodológica inovadora para implementação de políticas públicas em âmbito regional, estadual, municipal e local, em...
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Convivência com o semiárido; Tecnologia social; Processo produtivo; Mapeamento das oportunidades de negócio; Política de Desenvolvimento; Política Governamental; Política Social; Políticas Públicas; Agricultura de Subsistência; Agricultura Sustentável; Renda Familiar; Agricultura Familiar; Social environment; Social impact; Social problems; Social responsibility; Politics.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The Privilege to Fish Ecology and Society
Lam, Mimi E.; University of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre, Policy and Ecosystem Restoration in Fisheries ;; Calcari Campbell, Meaghan E.; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed article Palavras-chave: Catch shares; Dedicated access privileges; Fishing access rights and duties; Fishing ecosystem-based management; Marine conservation; Overfishing; Public trust; Social responsibility; Stewardship.
Ano: 2012
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กระบวนการสร้างมูลค่าเพิ่มผลิตภัณฑ์ข้าวสารบรรจุถุงตามร้านค้าปลีกทันสมัยในประเทศไทย Thai Agricultural
Kittipong Trakoolchokumnuay.
Study of “The Value-Added Procession of Rice Products at Modern Trade in Thailand” aims to analyze the value-added procession of the rice products at modern trade in Thailand. This research is a qualitative research based on grounded theoretical methodology by using an in-depth interview with the 5 Key informants. The research methodology included the participant observation method with 20 rice consumers at modern trade. Additionally, the research also used the content analysis methodology to analyze texts and quality assurance symbols on the rice products. The results showed that the value-added procession of the rice products at modern trade in Thailand consists of 5 points which are 1. a value quality added of rice 2. the rice cultivation 3. the rice...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Rice products; Value added; Modern trade; Rice cultivation; Rice processing; Rice packageing; Quality assurance; Social responsibility; ข้าวสารบรรจุถุง; การสร้างมูลค่าเพิ่ม; ร้านค้าปลีก; คุณสมบัติข้าว; การเพาะปลูก; การแปรรูป; การบรรจุถุง; การรับประกันคุณภาพ; กิจกรรมเพื่อสังคมและสิ่งแวดล้อม.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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