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Adrenoceptors of the medial septal area modulate water intake and renal excretory function induced by central administration of angiotensin II BJMBR
Saad,W.A.; Guarda,I.F.M.S.; Camargo,L.A.A.; Santos,T.A.F.B.; Simões,S.; Saad,Willian A..
We investigated the role of a-adrenergic antagonists and clonidine injected into the medial septal area (MSA) on water intake and the decrease in Na+, K+ and urine elicited by ANGII injection into the third ventricle (3rdV). Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted into the 3rdV and MSA were used. ANGII (12 nmol/µl) increased water intake (12.5 ± 1.7 ml/120 min). Clonidine (20 nmol/µl) injected into the MSA reduced the ANGII-induced water intake (2.9 ± 0.5 ml/120 min). Pretreatment with 80 nmol/µl yohimbine or prazosin into the MSA also reduced the ANGII-induced water intake (3.0 ± 0.4 and 3.1 ± 0.2 ml/120 min, respectively). Yohimbine + prazosin + clonidine injected into the MSA abolished the ANGII-induced water intake (0.2 ± 0.1 and 0.2...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: A-Adrenoceptors; Angiotensin II; Water intake; Sodium; Potassium; Water excretion; Medial septal area.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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An Analysis of the Consumption of Sausages in Scotland using Supermarket Data AgEcon
Revoredo-Giha, Cesar; Kupiec-Teahan, Beata; Wrieden, Wendy; Davis, Victoria; Milne, Anne; Leat, Philip M.K..
This paper addresses consumers’ choices by looking into: current food choices made by different socio-economic groups; price barriers for diet improvement; and ways in which marketing may affect product choice. The study seeks: first, to analyze the differences in consumption of sausages of different nutritional composition among different socio-demographic and lifestage groups; and second, to measure whether it is possible to improve diet quality without affecting household expenditure. Sausages represent a relatively high proportion of red and processed meat purchases in Scotland, contributing significantly to the fat and sodium in the Scottish diet. The data used consisted of two-years of weekly information from a top-4, UK supermarket. The results...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Scotland; Saturated fats; Sodium; Consumer choices; Sausages consumption; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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An Analysis of the Consumption of Sausages in Scotland using Supermarket Data AgEcon
Revoredo-Giha, Cesar; Kupiec-Teahan, Beata; Wrieden, Wendy; Davis, Victoria; Milne, Anne; Leat, Philip M.K..
This paper addresses consumers’ choices by looking into: current food choices made by different socio-economic groups; price barriers for diet improvement; and ways in which marketing may affect product choice. The study seeks: first, to analyze the differences in consumption of sausages of different nutritional composition among different socio-demographic and lifestage groups; and second, to measure whether it is possible to improve diet quality without affecting household expenditure. Sausages represent a relatively high proportion of red and processed meat purchases in Scotland, contributing significantly to the fat and sodium in the Scottish diet. The data used consisted of two-years of weekly information from a top-4, UK supermarket. The results...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Scotland; Saturated fats; Sodium; Consumer choices; Sausages consumption; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D1.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Anesthetic activity of the essential oil of Ocimum americanum in Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) and its effects on stress parameters Neotropical Ichthyology
Silva,Lenise de Lima; Garlet,Quelen Iane; Koakoski,Gessi; Abreu,Murilo Sander de; Mallmann,Carlos Augusto; Baldisserotto,Bernardo; Barcellos,Leonardo José Gil; Heinzmann,Berta Maria.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the anesthetic activity of the essential oil (EO) of Ocimum americanum L. in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen ). In the first experiment, the depressor effects and chemical composition of the leaf EO (LEO) and inflorescence EO (IEO) were compared. Juveniles (n = 10) were placed in aquaria containing different concentrations of EO (25 - 500 mg L-1) to determine the point at which anesthesia was induced and the length of the recovery period. In the following experiment, the effects of 300 and 500 mg L-1 LEO exposure on stress parameters (plasma cortisol, glucose and sodium levels) after air exposure for 1 min were assayed. Fish (n = 10 per sampling time) were sampled immediately or transferred to anesthetic-free...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anesthesia; Basil; Cortisol; Glucose; Sodium.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Silvano,Caroline; Freitas,Paulo S. L.; Rezende,Roberto; Mioto,Liliane S.; Dallcort,Rivanildo.
ABSTRACT The gelatin industry wastewater has nutrients in its composition, allowing its use in agriculture as an alternative to disposal and recycling of this residue. However, high application rates can cause the accumulation of elements such as sodium in the soil, and generate negative impacts on the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of rates up to 600 m3ha-1 of gelatin industry wastewater in soil columns, on soil chemical attributes in five depths. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in PVC tube columns (0.20 m diameter) filled with distroferric Red Nitosol soil, of very clayey texture. The treatments consisted of increasing rates of wastewater equivalent to 0, 150, 300, 450 and 600 m3 ha-1, with a single...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fertirrigation; Leaching; Sodium; Soil fertility.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Attributes of irrigated rice as affected by soil sodicity and potassic fertilizer application Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Carmona,Felipe de Campos; Anghinoni,Ibanor; Holzschuh,Marquel Jonas; Martins,Amanda Posselt.
Soils of the coastal plains of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are affected by salinization, which can hamper the establishment and development of crops in general, including rice. The application of high doses of KCl may aggravate the crop damage, due to the high saline content of this fertilizer. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of K fertilizer management on some properties of rice plant, grown in soils with different sodicity levels, and determine which attribute is best related to yield. The field study was conducted in four Albaqualfs with exchangeable Na percentages of 5.6, 9.0, 21 and 32 %. The management of KCl fertilizer consisted of the application of 90 kg ha-1 K2O broadcast, 90 kg ha-1 K2O in the row and 45 kg ha-1 K2O in the row + 45 kg ha-1...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sodium; Potassium; Oryza sativa L.; Density; Spikelet sterility; Grain yield.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Santos,Silvânio R.; Ribeiro,Danilo P.; Matos,Antonio T.; Kondo,Marcos K.; Araújo,Edcássio D..
ABSTRACT We evaluate the application of treated sanitary wastewater (TSW) to provide potassium for crops and reduce demand for fresh water and mineral nutrients. The field experiment was arranged in randomized block design with four replications and five treatments: 50, 100, 150 and 200% of potassium requirements and a control with conventional fertilizer. The TSW was applied to maize (November 2012 to February 2013), cotton (June to November 2013) and bean (April to June 2014). After bean, soil chemical properties were evaluated until 0.8 m depth. Fertigation with TSW to potassium fertilization provided about 50% of water, nitrogen and phosphorus to the bean. The soil nutrient availability and soil organic matter did not increase, whereas sodium had...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Effluent; Fertilization; Irrigation; Sewage; Sodium.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Comparação sérica e sangüínea do cálcio ionizado, sódio, potássio e cloreto em felinos pelo método eletrodo íon seletivo Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Giovaninni,L.H.; Kogika,M.M.; Lustoza,M.D.; Kanayama,K.K.; Reche Júnior,A..
Values of sodium, ionized calcium, potassium and chloride obtained by ion-selective electrode method, from serum and blood samples of healthy cats, were compared. Serum ionized calcium value was lower (5.2mg/dl) than blood ionized calcium (5.4mg/dl), and serum potassium (4.47mmol/l) and serum chloride (117.2mmol/l) values were higher than blood potassium (3.94mmol/l) and blood chloride (115mmol/l).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cat; Calcium; Chloride; Sodium; Potassium.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Composição corporal e exigências de macrominerais para ganho de peso de caprinos em pastejo - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i1.4797 Animal Sciences
Nóbrega, Giovanna Henriques da; UFCG; Silva, Aderbal Marcos de Azevêdo; UFCG; Pereira Filho, José Morais; UFCG; Azevedo, Solange Absalão; UFCG; Silva, Guilherme de Lira Sobral; UFCG; Alcalde, Claudete Regina; UEM.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a composição corporal e exigências nutricionais em macrominerais para ganho de peso de cabritos ½ Boer ½ SRD, na fase de crescimento, em pastejo na região semiárida. O experimento foi desenvolvido na fazenda ‘Nupeárido’, no município de Patos, Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados 24 cabritos com peso corporal médio inicial de 15 kg, em pastejo, distribuídos em quatro tratamentos com níveis crescentes de suplementação concentrada (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5% do peso corporal). Os animais, mantidos em sistema de semiconfinamento, receberam suplementação alimentar, em baias individuais, ao serem recolhidos diariamente. Quando um dos animais de cada grupo atingia 30 kg de peso corporal, todos os demais...
Palavras-chave: Zootecnia cabritos; Cálcio; Fósforo; Potássio; Sódio; Semiárido Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais kid goats; Calcium; Phosphorus; Potassium; Sodium; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Different sodium levels and electrolyte balances in pre-starter diets for broilers Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Maiorka,A; Magro,N; Bartels,HAS; Kessler,AM; Penz Jr,AM.
An experiment with 400 one-day-old male chicks (Ross) was conducted to evaluate the effects of different Na levels (0.10, 0.22, 0.34 and 0.46%) and different cation/anion balances (Na+K-Cl) (100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 meq/kg) in pre-starter diets on broiler performance. The corn and soybean-based diets had 22% crude protein and 2,900 kcal/kg metabolizable energy and were fed ad libitum. Performance data showed a positive quadratic effect of increasing Na levels on feed and water consumption, weight gain and feed conversion. Na+K-Cl also had a quadratic influence on feed intake and weight gain. None of the effects tested affected the amount of water measured in excreta. Derivatives of obtained regression equations pointed to optimal Na levels of 0.45% for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler; Chlorine; Electrolyte balance; Performance; Potassium; Sodium; Water.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Effect of chick weight, geometric mean diameter and sodium level in prestarter diets (1 to 7 days) on broiler perfomance up to 21 days of age Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Ribeiro,AML; Krabbe,EL; Penz Júnior,AM; Renz,SV; Gomes,HA.
Seven hundred and twenty Ross 308 chicks were raised in a controlled environment room, distributed in a factorial design with 3 hatching chick weights (37, 40 and 44 g), 3 geometric mean diameter (GMD) (0.561; 0.783 and 0.997 mm) and 4 total sodium levels (Na) (0.12; 0.24; 0.36 and 0.48%) in the pre-starter diet (1 to 7 days). From 8 to 21 days (d) one single basal diet was used for all treatments. The thirty seven-gram chicks had the smallest yolk sack weight at 4d, smallest body weight (BW) and feed intake (FI) at 7d and 21d, but the same feed conversion (FC) than the other groups of hatching weight. Chicks receiving diet with intermediate GMD had the greatest BW and FI at 7d, but at 21d this effect was no longer seen. The diet with finest particle size...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Average geometric diameter; Broilers; Initial weight; Pre-starter diets; Sodium.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Effect of different electrolyte balances in broiler diets Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Arantes,UM; Stringhini,JH; Oliveira,MC; Martins,PC; Rezende,PM; Andrade,MA; Leandro,NSM; Café,MB.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance, tibial density and mineral content, Na, K ,and Cl serum levels, and dry matter content of the litter of broilers fed diets with different levels of dietary electrolyte balances. Two experiments were carried out: during the starter phase (7 to 21 days of age, 960 broilers) and during the growe phase (22 to 38 days of age, 816 broilers). In both experiments, a completely randomized design with four treatments based on dietary electrolyte balance values (200, 240, 280 and 320 mEq/kg of diet) with four replicates was applied. Birds and diets were weighed when birds were seven, 14 and 21 days of age in the first experiment, and 22 and 38 days of age in the second experiment in order to determine weight...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bone density; Performance; Potassium; Poultry litter; Sodium.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effects of Haemonchus contortus infection on sodium status of sheep Ciência Rural
Ortolani,Enrico Lippi.
Eight five-month-old male lambs received a diet with marginal levels of sodium (0.5 g Na/kg DM); four lambs were given a single dose of infective Haemonchus contortus larvae (4,600 L3/ head) and four were kept uninfected. The lambs were slaughtered 30 days after the infection. Sodium concentration was determined in the abomasal fluid at the slaughter. The balance between intake and faecal excretion of sodium was evaluated. Saliva was collected at days zero, 20 and 30 to determine the Na:K ratio. The mean total worm burden retrieved was 1390. The infection increased abomasal sodium concentration (p< 0.001) and reduced faecal sodium excretion (p<0.02), but there was not a significant relationship between worm burden and abomasal (p >0.082) or faecal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Haemonchus contortus; Infection; Sheepj; Sodium; Balance; Deficiency.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Effects of NaCl-salinity on growth and inorganic solute accumulation in young cashew plants AGRIAMBI
Viégas,Ricardo A.; Silveira,Joaquim A. G. da; Lima Junior,Adeildo R. de; Queiroz,José E.; Fausto,Maria J. M..
The NaCl effects on the growth and inorganic solute accumulation were studied on 30-day-old cashew plants (Anacardium occidentale L.) hydroponically grown for 8 days (short term) and 40 days (long-term) with NaCl at different levels. The shoot fresh mass yielded after 40 days, in response to 50 and 100 mol m-3 NaCl, decreased by 25 and 75%, respectively. This decrease was markedly low in root fresh mass, which did not change under 50 mol m-3 NaCl and decreased nearly to 30% under 100 mol m-3 NaCl, as compared to control plants. In short-term experiment, salinity induced only slight changes of K+ tissue concentrations in the whole plant. In the long-term experiment, K+ tissue concentrations were substantially decreased, particularly in roots. In response to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anacardium occidentale; Salinity stress; Ionic toxicity; Potassium; Sodium; Chloride.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Electrolytic Balance in Broiler Chicks During the First Week of Age Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Borges,SA; Maiorka,A; Laurentiz,AC; Fischer da Silva,AV; Santin,E; Ariki,J.
Two experiments were carried out using 712 day-old chicks to evaluate the electrolytic balance (Na+K-Cl) in pre-starter (1-7 days) broiler diets. The feed, based on corn and soybean meal with 21.5 % protein and 2,900 kcal ME/kg, was offered ad libitum. In experiment I, K level was fixed, and Na and Cl levels were changed, using four 4 treatments and eight replicates of 16 birds. In experiment II, increasing levels of Na and K were used, with a total of four treatments and five repetitions of 10 birds. In both experiments, the dietary electrolytic balance was 40; 140; 240 and 340 mEq/kg. Electrolytic balance caused a quadratic effect on weight gain and feed:gain ratio, and a linear increase in feed intake when the electrolytic balance was increased by the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broilers; Chlorine; Electrolytes; Potassium; Sodium.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Feed restriction on performance and blood parameters of broilers fed diets with different sodium levels Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Junqueira,OM; Fonseca,LEC; Araújo,LF; Duarte,KF; Araújo,CS da S; Rodrigues,EAp.
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of feed restriction and different sodium levels in the diet on the performance and hematological values (erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean cell volume, mean cell hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin concentration and white blood cell) of broilers from 22 to 42 days of age. A completely randomized design was used in a 4 x 2 x 2 factorial (levels of sodium: 0.16%, 0.19%, 0.22% and 0.25%; with or without feed restriction; male and female), and two replicates of thirty broilers each. Sodium levels did not affect performance (p>0.05). Feed restriction resulted in increased feed intake and affected weight gain and feed conversion negatively (p<0.05). Better weight gain and feed conversion (p<0.05)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blood; Broilers; Feed restriction; Nutrition; Sodium; Sodium bicarbonate.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Fosfito en la solución nutritiva para el control de Phytophthora cactorum en fresa. Colegio de Postgraduados
Gil Valenzuela, Jorge Alberto.
Se establecieron plantas de fresa cv. Festival en sistema hidropónico abierto, utilizando como sustrato tezontle, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del fosfito en el control pre-infección de la pudrición cuerosa de la fresa ocasionada por Phytophthora cactorum. Los porcentajes del fósforo (P) total en la solución nutritiva en forma de fosfito (Phi) evaluados fueron 0, 5, 10, 15 y 20 %. Las soluciones nutritivas conteniendo Phi se suministraron una única ocasión en cinco riegos con intervalos de 1 h. Dos, cuatro y siete días después del tratamiento con fosfito, los frutos se inocularon con una solución conteniendo P. cactorum a una concentración de 105 zoosporas mL-1. La aplicación foliar de mefenoxam™ (Ridomil Gold 480 SL 45.28%) en la concentración...
Palavras-chave: Fragaria ananassa; Pudrición cuerosa; Mefenoxam; Sodio; Leather rot; Sodium; Maestría; Edafología.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Growth and nutrition of Passiflora edulis submitted to saline stress after silicon application Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Sá,José Roberto de; Toledo,Fabio Henrique Silva Floriano de; Mariño,Yesid Alejandro; Soares,Cláudio Roberto Fonseca Sousa; Ferreira,Eric Victor de Oliveira.
Abstract We carried out greenhouse experiment to evaluate the effect of silicon (Si) on growth and mineral nutrition of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) submitted to saline stress in a nutritive solution. The experiment comprised a completely randomized design in a 5x4 factorial scheme: five NaCl concentrations (0; 7.5; 15; 30 and 60 mmol L-1) and four SiO2 concentrations (0; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 mmol L-1) with four replicates. At the end of 35 days, we measured stem diameter, leaves, stem, and roots dry matter, as well as the macronutrient, Na, Cl, and Si leaf accumulation in plants. In most cases, the increase in NaCl supply in a nutritive solution reduced the dry matter of roots, stem, and leaves. The SiO2 supply attenuated the effect on higher...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beneficial elements; Fruticulture; Mineral Nutrition; Sodium.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Interaction between paraventricular nucleus and septal area in the control of physiological responses induced by angiotensin II BJMBR
Camargo,L.A.A.; Saad,W.A.; Simões,S.; Santos,T.A.B.; Saad,W. Abrão.
We determined the effects of losartan (40 nmol) and PD 123319 (40 nmol) (both non-peptides and selective antagonists of the AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, respectively), and [Sar¹, Ala8] angiotensin II (ANG II) (40 nmol) (a non-selective peptide antagonist of angiotensin receptors) injected into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on the water and salt appetite, diuresis and natriuresis and mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by administration of 10 nmol of ANG II into the medial septal area (MSA) of male Holtzman rats weighing 250-300 g. The volume of drug solution injected was 0.5 µl over a period of 10-15 s. The responses were measured over a period of 120 min. ANG II alone injected into the MSA induced an increase in all the above parameters (8.1 ±...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AT1 receptors; AT2 receptors; Water; Sodium; Paraventricular nucleus; Medial septal area.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Nutrient leaching potential following application of papermill lime-sludge to an acidic clay soil Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Vettorazzo,S. C.; Amaral,F. C. S.; Chitolina,J. C..
This experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions with soil pots during 210 days, to evaluate the effect of calcitic papermill lime-sludge application (at the rates 0, 773, 1.547, and 2.320 mg kg-1 or respective equivalents to control, 2, 4, and 6 t ha-1), on chemical composition of soil leachate and its effects on eucalypt growth and yield. Highest soil leachate pH, SO4, and Na concentrations occurred in the 4 and 6 t ha-1 treatments. Soil leachate nitrate concentrations decreased with increasing lime-sludge rate. Soil leachate phosphate remained low (below the detection limit) in all treatments until 120 days, while the concentration increased in the lime-sludge treatments at 210 days (last sampling) in about 600 mg L-1. Lime-sludge decreased...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Eucalypt; Industrial residue; Soil fertility; Mineral nutrition; Sodium; Recycling.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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