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Associative diazotrophic bacteria in grass roots and soils from heavy metal contaminated sites 42
Moreira,Fátima M.S.; Lange,Anderson; Klauberg-Filho,Osmar; Siqueira,José O.; Nóbrega,Rafaela S.A.; Lima,Adriana S..
This work aimed to evaluate density of associative diazotrophic bacteria populations in soil and grass root samples from heavy metal contaminated sites, and to characterize isolates from these populations, both, phenotypically (Zinc, Cadmium and NaCl tolerance in vitro, and protein profiles) and genotypically (16S rDNA sequencing), as compared to type strains of known diazotrophic species. Densities were evaluated by using NFb, Fam and JNFb media, commonly used for enrichment cultures of diazotrophic bacteria. Bacterial densities found in soil and grass root samples from contaminated sites were similar to those reported for agricultural soils. Azospirillum spp. isolates from contaminated sites and type strains from non-contaminated sites varied...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Azospirillum; Zinc; Cadmium; Soil contaminants; Nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Evaluation of Phytoremediation Potential of Castor Cultivars for Heavy Metals from Soil 87
ABSTRACT: Phytoremediation is a useful tool to restore heavy metals contaminated soils. This study was carried out to test two castor (Ricinus communis) cultivars [Local and DS-30] for phytoextraction of heavy metals from the soil spiked by known concentrations of seven metals (Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn). A pot experiment was laid out by using a completely randomized design. Soil and plant samples were analyzed at 100 days after planting. The data on heavy metal uptake by plant tissues (roots, leaves and shoots) of the two castor cultivars suggested that a considerable amount of metals (Fe = 27.18 mg L-1; Cu = 5.06 mg L-1; Cr = 2.95 mg L-1; Mn = 0.22 mg L-1; Ni = 4.66 mg L-1; Pb = 3.33 mg L-1; Zn = 15.04 mg L-1) was accumulated in the plant biomass....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phytotoxins; Soil contaminants; Phytoextraction.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Incorporating Project Uncertainty in Novel Environment Biotechnologies: Illustrated Using Phytoremediation 31
Linacre, Nicholas A.; Whiting, Steven N.; Angle, J. Scott.
Pollution of the environment by metals and organic contaminants is an intractable global problem, with cleanup costs running into billions of dollars using current engineering technologies. The availability of alternative, cheap and effective technologies would significantly improve the prospects of cleaning-up metal contaminated sites. Phytoremediation has been proposed as an economical and ‘green’ method of exploiting plants to extract or degrade the contaminants in the soil. To date, the majority of phytoremediation efforts have been directed at leaping the biological, biochemical and agronomic hurdles to deliver a working technology, with scant attention to the economic outlook other than simple estimates of the cost advantages of phytoremediation over...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Project risk; Soil contaminants; Environmental remediation; Industrial crop technologies; Crop Production/Industries; Q5; Q51; Q2.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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