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24-h variation in soil respiration after a long dry season in a Sudano-Sahelian region 63
Yemadje,Pierrot Lionel; Guibert,Hervé; Blavet,Didier; Olina,Jean-Paul; Chevallier,Tiphaine; Deleporte,Philippe; Bernoux,Martial.
Soil respiration is a major component of the global carbon cycle which links ecosystems and the atmosphere. To evaluate the reaction of soil respiration after wetting, during a dry period, soil respiration and associated environmental factors were measured over a 24-h period, during the dry season in North Cameroon after wetting the soil. Over 24-h, soil respiration rates followed a quadratic curve during the day coming close to linear at night, while soil temperature and moisture together explained at least 73 % of the variations during the 24-h observed. These soil respiration rates increased during the morning, peaked between 11h00 and 13h00 and then decreased gradually to the minimum around 06h00. These observations were used to propose a method for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diel soil respiration; Soil temperature; Soil moisture.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Adaptability of lettuce cultivars to planting in no-tillage on straw of Urochloa ruziziensis 86
Hirata,Andréia Cristina Silva; Hirata,Edson Kiyoharu; Camara,João Augusto Rizzo.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the adaptability of different lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cultivars grown in no-tillage on straw of ruzi grass (Urochloa ruziziensis), as well as its effects on soil temperature and weed control, in successive cultivations in the summer. The treatments were carried out in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates, in a split-plot arrangement (2x4), in which soil management (no-tillage on ruzi grass and convention tillage) was the main plot, and the different crisphead lettuce cultivars (Amanda, Solaris, Vanda, and Vera), the subplots. No difference was observed between cultivars for soil management. No-tillage reduced the soil temperature by up to 3.7°C and weed density by 3.7 times, in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brachiaria; Lactuca sativa; Soil conservation; Soil temperature; Vegetable crops; Weeds.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Smethurst,Philip James; Gonçalves,José Leonardo de Moraes; Pulito,Ana Paula; Gomes,Simone; Paul,Keryn; Alvares,Clayton Alcarde; Arthur Júnior,José Carlos.
The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor (SNAP) model predicts daily and annual rates of net N mineralization (NNM) based on daily weather measurements, daily predictions of soil water and soil temperature, and on temperature and moisture modifiers obtained during aerobic incubation (basal rate). The model was based on in situ measurements of NNM in Australian soils under temperate climate. The purpose of this study was to assess this model for use in tropical soils under eucalyptus plantations in São Paulo State, Brazil. Based on field incubations for one month in three, NNM rates were measured at 11 sites (0-20 cm layer) for 21 months. The basal rate was determined in in situ incubations during moist and warm periods (January to March). Annual rates of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest soil; Soil temperature; Process-based model.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Carbon dioxide efflux in a rhodic hapludox as affected by tillage systems in southern Brazil 90
Chavez,Luis Fernando; Amado,Telmo Jorge Carneiro; Bayer,Cimélio; La Scala,Newton Junior; Escobar,Luisa Fernanda; Fiorin,Jackson Ernani; Campos,Ben-Hur Costa de.
Agricultural soils can act as a source or sink of atmospheric C, according to the soil management. This long-term experiment (22 years) was evaluated during 30 days in autumn, to quantify the effect of tillage systems (conventional tillage-CT and no-till-NT) on the soil CO2-C flux in a Rhodic Hapludox in Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil. A closed-dynamic system (Flux Chamber 6400-09, Licor) and a static system (alkali absorption) were used to measure soil CO2-C flux immediately after soybean harvest. Soil temperature and soil moisture were measured simultaneously with CO2-C flux, by Licor-6400 soil temperature probe and manual TDR, respectively. During the entire month, a CO2-C emission of less than 30 % of the C input through soybean crop residues...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: No-till; Greenhouse gases; Soil temperature; Soil moisture.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Classification of soil respiration in areas of sugarcane renewal using decision tree 63
Farhate,Camila Viana Vieira; Souza,Zigomar Menezes de; Oliveira,Stanley Robson de Medeiros; Carvalho,João Luís Nunes; Scala Júnior,Newton La; Santos,Ana Paula Guimarães.
ABSTRACT: The use of data mining is a promising alternative to predict soil respiration from correlated variables. Our objective was to build a model using variable selection and decision tree induction to predict different levels of soil respiration, taking into account physical, chemical and microbiological variables of soil as well as precipitation in renewal of sugarcane areas. The original dataset was composed of 19 variables (18 independent variables and one dependent (or response) variable). The variable-target refers to soil respiration as the target classification. Due to a large number of variables, a procedure for variable selection was conducted to remove those with low correlation with the variable-target. For that purpose, four approaches of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil CO2 emission; Data mining; Variable selection; Soil temperature; Soil organic matter.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effect of polyethylene mulches on soil temperature and tomato yield in plastic greenhouse 63
Streck,N.A.; Schneider,F.M.; Buriol,G.A.; Heldwein,A.B..
The effect of soil mulching with transparent, black, white, and co-extruded white-on-black polyethylene sheets on soil temperature and tomato yield was evaluated in the Subtropical Central Region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The experiment was carried out from August 21, 1994 to December 2, 1994 in a 10m x 25m nonheated plastic greenhouse located at the county of Santa Maria. Highest soil temperatures were obtained under transparent mulch. Maximum amplitude of soil temperature waves was smaller under opaque mulches. Tomato yield was not significantly affected by mulch treatments, however, a tendency of greater yield was observed for opaque mulches as compared to transparent mulch. Among opaque mulches, the highest yield was obtained from white...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mulching; Soil temperature; Tomato; Plastic greehouse.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Streck,Nereu Augusto; Schneider,Flavio Miguel; Buriol,Galileo Adeli.
SUMMARY Temperature modification in soil of plastic greenhouse caused by solarization was measured during the summer in the Subtropical Central Region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a 10m x 25m greenhouse covered with low density transparent polyethylene (PE). Four 6m x 4m plots were mulched with 100µm thickness PE sheets, from December 12, 1992 to March 7, 1993. Four other plots (same size) without the cover were used as control (bare soil). Results indicated that solarization incrased the maximum soil temperature. The average was 11.9, 10.8, 9.8, and 8.6°C over uncovered control soil at 2, 5, 10, and 20cm depth, respectively. The soil temperature reached values of up to 54.4°C at 2cm and 50.2°C at 5cm depth....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil solarization; Soil temperature; Mulching; Plastic greenhouse.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Influence of double cropping on growth and yield of dry beans with colored plastic mulches 117
Ibarra-Jiménez,Luis; Valdez-Aguilar,Luis Alonso; Cárdenas-Flores,Antonio; Lira-Saldivar,Hugo; Lozano-del Río,Javier; Lozano Cavazos,Carlos.
There are numerous studies of the use of plastic mulches in vegetable production, but there is little documentation of their use with dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in single and double cropping. The objective of this study was to grow dry beans over two consecutive growing seasons using the same plastic mulch of different colors and examine the influence of soil temperature on growth and yield. The experiment was conducted in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, in the spring and summer of 2008. The treatments included four colored plastic mulches: white-on-black, black, silver-on-black, aluminum-on-black, and bare soil as a control. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. The percentage of photosynthetically active...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris; Soil temperature; Photosynthesis; PAR; Plasticulture.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Influence of litter layer removal on the soil thermal regime of a pine forest in a mediterranean climate 90
Andrade,José Alexandre Varanda; Abreu,Francisco Manuel Gonçalves de; Madeira,Manuel Armando Valeriano.
The removal of the litter layer in Portuguese pine forests would reduce fire hazard, but on the other hand this practice would influence the thermal regime of the soil, hence affecting soil biological activity, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics. Temperature profiles of a sandy soil (Haplic Podzol) under a pine forest were measured with thermocouples at depths to 16 cm, with and without litter layer. The litter layer acted as a thermal insulator, reducing the amplitude of the periodic temperature variation in the mineral soil underneath and increasing damping depths, particularly at low soil water contents. At the mineral soil surface the reduction of amplitudes was about 2.5 ºC in the annual cycle and 5 to 6.7 ºC in the daily cycle, depending on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil temperature; Fourier series; Damping depth.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Influence of woody species on aerial growth of perennial grasses in semi-arid rangelands of central Argentina 85
Blazquez,FR; Peláez,DV; Andrioli,RJ; Elia,OR.
The interaction between woody and grass species in semi-arid rangelands of central Argentina was assessed through the evaluation of the impact of woody species on grass growth over a 2-y period. The study comprised two morpho-physiologically different woody species and two cool-season perennial grass species highly preferred by domestic livestock. The study involved the assessment of total green length (TGL) and number of green leaves (NGL) per tiller in grasses growing beneath the canopy of woody species and in open rangeland areas. Soil temperature, pH and water, nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter content were estimated at the same study sites. Precipitation during the study period was also recorded. Woody species induced higher TGL of grasses...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Canopy architecture; Soil temperature; Soil water content; Tiller green length.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Production of iceberg lettuce using mulches 63
Verdial,Marcelo Fontanetti; Lima,Márcio Santos de; Morgor,Átila F.; Goto,Rumy.
Mulches bring several benefits to lettuce cultivation. This work evaluated the effect of mulches on the cultivation of iceberg lettuce, cv. Lucy Brown. The treatment plots were: 1- no mulch and no weed control (control); 2- no mulch and weed control every 15 days; 3- sugarcane bagasse mulch of 2 cm thickness; 4- black plastic mulch; 5- double-faced plastic mulch (silver/black). Data were collected in regard to plant cycle when in the field, amount of chlorophyll in the leaves, productivity (individual weight per head) and amount of nutrients absorbed by the leaves. Double-faced plastic mulch provides the highest productivity and the highest values for the amount of chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, boron and iron accumulation in the leaves.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa; Mulching; Soil temperature; Nutrient.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Seasonal pattern of root growth in relation to shoot phenology and soil temperature in sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium): A preliminary study in central Chile 118
Bonomelli,Claudia; Bonilla,Carlos; Acuña,Edouard; Artacho,Pamela.
The period between flowering and harvest in the sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is shorter than most fruit trees; thus, competition for assimilate and nutrients occurs early in the season. To properly supply water and nutrients during this critical period, optimal growth and root development are necessary. To characterize the root growth pattern of cherry trees in relation to shoot growth and phenology, a study was conducted on a 'Bing' cherry orchard on Gisela 6 rootstock at fourth leaf, located in central Chile (34°70' S, 70°43' W). During the 2009-2010 season, the shoot length and fruit diameter were measured on eight trees, and the root length was quantified by installing rhizotrons on two trees. Additionally, a two-tone (black/white) plastic cover was...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Accumulated degree days; Root growth; Root length; Soil temperature; Sweet cherry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Soil CO2 efflux in central Amazonia: environmental and methodological effects 36
Zanchi,Fabrício B.; Waterloo,Maarten J.; Kruijt,Bart; Kesselmeier,Jürgen; Luizão,Flávio J.; Manzi,Antônio O.; Dolman,Albertus J..
Soil respiration plays a significant role in the carbon cycle of Amazonian rainforests. Measurements of soil respiration have only been carried out in few places in the Amazon. This study investigated the effects of the method of ring insertion in the soil as well as of rainfall and spatial distribution on CO2 emission in the central Amazon region. The ring insertion effect increased the soil emission about 13-20% for sandy and loamy soils during the firsts 4-7 hours, respectively. After rainfall events below 2 mm, the soil respiration did not change, but for rainfall greater than 3 mm, after 2 hours there was a decrease in soil temperature and respiration of about 10-34% for the loamy and sand soils, with emissions returning to normal after around 15-18...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil respiration; Rainfall; Soil temperature.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Streck,Nereu Augusto; Schneider,Flavio Miguel; Buriol,Galileo Adeli.
Solarization effects on soil temperature were evaluated during the autumn. The increase in soil temperature caused by the use of transparent polyethylene (PE) low tunnels over solarized nurseries, in subtropical central region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, was also quantified. Treatments were: a) solarization with 100µ thickness PE (T1), b) solarization with 100µ thickness PE, covered with low tunnel (T2), c) solarization with 50µ thickness PE (T3), d) solarization with 50µ thickness PE, covered with low tunnel (T4), and e) bare soil (T). The low tunnel consisted of a 100µ thickness PE and measured 0.5m height in the center of the nursery. The results showed that additional use of low tunnels have increased, on the average, 5.0ºC over the maximum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Solarization; Soil temperature; Nurseries; Low tunnels.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Solarization and goat manure on weeds management and melon yield: (with 1figure & 2 tables) 85
Lira-Saldivar,RH; Salas,MA; Cruz,J; Coronado,A; Hernández,FD; Guerrero,E; Gallegos,G.
The effect of soil solarization during 30 days and the fertilize with goat manure to the soil at the rate of 0,20 and 40 t ha-1 was studied; the objective of this experiment was to increase soil temperature in order to study its effect on weeds population and on muskmelon yield. Solarization produced maximum soil temperatures of 55°C and 44°C at the depth of 1.5 and 10 cm respectively, which in turn clearly reduced the emergence and growth of weeds in solarized plots. Goat manure only increased soil temperature by 1.5 to 2.5°C, but it had an apparent antagonist effect on weeds density, however, this effect was not clear on solarized plots. Perennial weeds like Cyperus esculentus was affected but not eliminated by solarization. The effect of high soil...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Weeds control; Organic amendment; Muskmelon; Soil temperature.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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State-space approach for the analysis of soil water content and temperature in a sugarcane crop 63
Dourado-Neto,Durval; Timm,Luís Carlos; Oliveira,Julio Cesar Martins de; Reichardt,Klaus; Bacchi,Osny Oliveira Santos; Tominaga,Tania Toyomi; Cássaro,Fabio Augusto Meira.
The state-space approach is used to describe surface soil water content and temperature behaviour, in a field experiment in which sugarcane is submitted to different management practices. The treatments consisted of harvest trash mulching, bare soil, and burned trash, all three in a ratoon crop, after first cane harvest. One transect of 84 points was sampled, meter by meter, covering all treatments and borders. The state-space approach is described in detail and the results show that soil water contents measured along the transect could successfully be estimated from water content and temperature observations made at the first neighbour.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil water; Soil temperature; State-space; Transect.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Thermo-physical-hydraulic variables in a no-tillage system related to wheeled traffic and furrow-opening mechanisms 86
Zulpo,Lucas; Kerpen,Hyran Stefanowski; Fink,Jefferson Antonio; Mazurana,Michael; Levien,Renato.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of different furrow-opening mechanisms on soil physical characteristics, such as mobilization, porosity, bulk density, and the dynamics of water content and temperature in the sowing groove, as well as the influence of wheeled traffic and of these variables on corn (Zea mays) productivity. The experiment was conducted at the agronomic experimental station of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul on a Argissolo Vermelho (red Ultisol). Treatments consisted of three winter cover crops and of two types of furrow-opening mechanisms for fertilization (shank and disk), with or without tractor traffic. Corn was planted as the summer crop, and soil mobilization in the sowing groove, soil...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays; No-tillage system; Furrow-opening mechanisms; Soil compaction; Soil temperature.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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生育中のナガイモの粘弾性の変化 19
Hironaka, Kazunori; Sawaeda, Kenji; Ishibashi, Kenichi; 弘中, 和憲; 澤枝, 健治; 石橋, 憲一.
The change in the viscoelasticity of the Chinese yam during growth was investigated from mid-August to late November, 1988 in the Tokachi district of Japan. The Chinese yam had peak viscoelasticity around October 24. Its viscosity was correlated with the insoluble solid content, whereas its rigidity was associated with the mucilage content. Viscosity and rigidity values of Chinese yam during maturation reached maximum when the soil temperature at 40 cm decreased to around 11 centigrade.
Palavras-chave: Chinese yam; Growth; Soil temperature; Soil temperature; ナガイモ; 生育; 粘弾性; 地温.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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