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Analysis of land use and occupancy in permanent preservation areas according to the hydrography of Ribeirão Água Fria - Bofete, SP - Brazil 70
Nardini,Rafael C.; Campos,Sérgio; Gomes,Luciano N.; Moreira,Katiuscia F.; Piza,Mariana W. de T..
The use conflicts are determined by the inadequate occupations of the soil, as it is the case of soil occupation inside of permanent preservation areas. This study aimed to determine the classes of the soil use and if there are conflicts inside of permanent preservation areas along the drainage network of the Água Fria Stream watershed, located in Bofete city - São Paulo, Brazil. It locates geographically between the coordinates: 48°09'30" to 48°18'30" longitude WGr., 22°58'30" to 23°04'30" latitude S, with an area of 15242.84 ha. The map of soil use was elaborated through the interpretation directly in the computer screen of satellite digital image. In the orbital data, the study area is inserted in the quadrant A, of image TM/Landsat - 5, orbit 220,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Watershed; Geographic information systems; Soil use.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Edaphic and Topographic Factors and their Relationship with Dendrometric Variation of Pinus Taeda L. in a High Altitude Subtropical Climate 90
Horst,Taciara Zborowski; Dalmolin,Ricardo Simão Diniz; Caten,Alexandre ten; Moura-Bueno,Jean Michel; Cancian,Luciano Campos; Pedron,Fabrício de Araújo; Schenato,Ricardo Bergamo.
ABSTRACT The study of the relationships between the yield potential of forest stands and the conditions offered for plant development is fundamental for the adequate management of the forest when aiming at sustainable high yields. However, these relations are not clear, especially in commercial forests, on rugged terrain where relationships between the landscape, soil, and plants are more complex. Considering this, we tested the hypothesis that the morphological aspects of the soil conditioned by topography are the main limiting factors for tree development. Our objective was to evaluate the edaphic and topographic influence on the dendrometric variation of Pinus taeda L. of a forest stand in a subtropical climate at high altitude. For that, Spearman’s...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest soil; Soil-landscape relationship; Forest site; Soil use; Forest zoning.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Trasar-Cepeda,Carmen; Leirós,Maria Carmen; Gil-Sotres,Fernando.
Human activity is one of the main causes of the physical, chemical and biological degradation of soils. This degradation implies a change in soil quality as it involves both a decrease in productivity and changes in the ecological functions of the soil. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of soil use on soil biochemical properties, with the aim of providing data that allow assessment of the usefulness of enzymatic activities as indicators of soil quality. In addition to physical and chemical properties, different hydrolase enzymes involved in the C, N, P and S cycles, and other biochemical properties, such as the microbial biomass C and soil basal respiration, were analysed. The results obtained allowed different conclusions to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Soil enzymes; Soil biochemical properties; Soil use; Soil management; Forest soils; Agricultural soils.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Physical Properties of Soil Structures Identified by the Profil Cultural under Two Soil Management Systems 90
Macedo,Sônia de Fátima Schilickmann; Grimaldi,Michel; Medina,Cristiane Conti; Cunha,José Edézio da; Guimarães,Maria de Fátima; Tavares Filho,João.
ABSTRACT Soil structure plays an important role in water retention, infiltration capacity, porosity, and penetration resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and physical properties of Oxisol soils (bulk density and macro-, micro-, and total porosity) in the structures identified using the profil cultural method in areas under two different management practices (perennial pasture and sugarcane). Three pits were dug in each plot to find out how homogeneous morphological structural units (HMSU) were organized in the soil. Next, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Ki) was measured in situ inside each HMSU using a triple-ring infiltrometer at multiple suction. Six samples were collected (two samples for each kind...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil use; Compaction; Soil bulk density; Soil porosity.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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