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Silva, Edson Arlindo; Pereira, Jose Roberto; Botelho, Maria Izabel Vieira.
The setting of a cooperative takes place the moment people holding common interests and wishing to reach common goals, voluntarily unite under a free-adhesion scheme to democratically manage their enterprise taking all benefits and risks involved in cooperative activities. The cooperative organization is structured under ethical principles which distinguish them from other organizations. It is an organization based on democratic theorical principles like solidarity and equalness constituting the bases of their associates´ participation in the decision-making process and which, in its turn, may grant the citizenry formation of its members. In order to understand the cooperative principles a literature review was carried out, ranging authors of several...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooperative system; Solidarity; Equality.; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Distributional effects of flood risk management—a cross-country comparison of preflood compensation 7
van Doorn-Hoekveld, Willemijn J.; Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht University School of Law, The Netherlands;; Suykens, Cathy; KU Leuven, Belgium;; Homewood, Stephen; Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University London, England;; Chmielewski, Piotr J.; Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland;; Matczak, Piotr; Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland; Institute of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University;; van Rijswick, Helena F.M.W; Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht University School of Law, The Netherlands;
We seek to examine the manner in which either the EU member states of France, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden or parts of them, such as the country of England in the UK or the Flemish Region in Belgium, deal with the distributional effects of the flood risk management strategies prevention, defense, and mitigation. Measures carried out in each of these strategies can cause preflood harm, as in the devaluation of property or loss of income. However, different member states and authorities address this harm in different ways. A descriptive overview of the different compensation regimes in the field of flood risk management is followed by an analysis of these differences and an explanation of what may cause them, such as the geographical differences that...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Defense; é Galité Devant les charges publiques; Equity; Flood risk management; Legitimacy; Loss; No-fault liability; Preflood compensation; Prevention; Protection of property rights; Solidarity; Spatial planning.
Ano: 2016
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Fondos comunitarios de ahorro de la sierra norte de Puebla, México. Análisis de viabilidad y permanencia. 32
Salinas Ruíz, Elpidio.
Con el objetivo de conocer y analizar los factores sociales, económicos y financieros que determinan la viabilidad y permanencia de los Fondos Comunitarios de Ahorro (FCA), se realizó este estudio en la sierra norte de Puebla, México, las comunidades estudiadas son eminentemente rurales y dispersas, con poblaciones menores a 2,500 habitantes, con índices de marginación alto y muy alto, así como la total carencia de servicios financieros formales. La hipótesis planteada aquí, sustenta que los factores sociales, económicos y financieros determinan la viabilidad y permanencia de los FCA de la sierra norte de Puebla. El diseño de la investigación fue de carácter descriptivo, exploratorio, no experimental y transversal. La metodología utilizada consistió en la...
Palavras-chave: Ahorro; Microcrédito; Viabilidad; Participación; Solidaridad; Savings; Micro-credit; Feasibility; Participation; Solidarity; Desarrollo Rural; Maestría.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Ignacio, Olimpia Maria De Carvalho; Souza, Eliane Moreira De Sa.
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, sob a ótica da administração, a Gestão Estratégica aplicada ao cooperativismo solidário como alternativa de fortalecimento organizacional. A intenção é conhecer as controvérsias a respeito da aplicação de ferramentas de gestão estratégica nos empreendimentos dessa natureza, mantendo suas características essenciais de cooperação, solidariedade e auto-gestão. Para isto buscou-se identificar um modelo de gestão capaz de facilitar o ganho de competitividade ao mesmo tempo em que mantenha as características de solidariedade e cooperação nos empreendimentos solidários. Utilizou-se o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, tendo como objeto de análise uma pequena cooperativa de agricultores familiares. Onde se fez uma...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Gestão Estratégica; Solidariedade; Agronegócio; Cooperativismo; Trategic Management; Solidarity; Agribusiness; Cooperativism; Agribusiness; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Stakeholder engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France 7
Bouamrane, Meriem; UNESCO MAB;; Spierenburg, Marja; Department of Anthropology and Development Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen;; Agrawal, Arun; University of Michigan;; Etienne, Michel; INRA;; Le Page, Christophe; CIRAD-UPR GREEN;; Levrel, Harold; CIRED; AgroParisTech;; Mathevet, Raphael; UMR 5175 CEFE CNRS;
Biosphere reserves are an example of social-ecological systems that combine biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development with knowledge generation and dissemination (both scientific and local). We review lessons learned from case studies biosphere reserves in western African and France, highlighting the importance of early stakeholder engagement to build knowledge for achieving sustainable development. We discuss the evolution of the concept of biosphere reserves and its application over time in different socioeconomic and cultural settings. The diversity of stakeholders and their different needs and perceptions about nature conservation complicate implementation processes, sometimes resulting in conflicts about the objectives and zonation of...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Biosphere reserves; Learning; Social-ecological systems; Solidarity; Sustainable development.
Ano: 2016
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