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A coupled biophysical model for the distribution of the great scallop Pecten maximus in the English Channel ArchiMer
Le Goff, Clement; Lavaud, Romain; Cugier, Philippe; Jean, Fred; Flye-sainte-marie, Jonathan; Foucher, Eric; Desroy, Nicolas; Fifas, Spyros; Foveau, Aurelie.
In this paper we used a modelling approach integrating both physical and biological constraints to understand the biogeographical distribution of the great scallop Pecten maximus in the English Channel during its whole life cycle. A 3D bio-hydrodynamical model (ECO-MARS3D) providing environmental conditions was coupled to (i) a population dynamics model and (ii) an individual ecophysiological model (Dynamic Energy Budget model). We performed the coupling sequentially, which underlined the respective role of biological and physical factors in defining P. maximus distribution in the English Channel. Results show that larval dispersion by hydrodynamics explains most of the scallop distribution and enlighten the main known hotspots for the population,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Population dynamic model; Ecophysiological model; English Channel; Pecten maximus; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A deterministic population dynamics model to study the distribution of a benthic bivalve with planktonic larvae (Paphia rhomboides) in the English Channel (NW Europe) ArchiMer
Savina, Marie; Menesguen, Alain.
This paper describes the development of a modelling framework to study the distribution in the English Channel of a benthic bivalve with planktonic larvae, Paphia rhomboides. Age-structured population dynamics and growth models are linked together to a compartmental transport and NPZ (Nutrients-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton) model. Used in a spin-up mode, i.e. with identical environmental forcing from a year to the next, this deterministic model converges to the same steady state whatever the initial conditions, after 15-30 years of simulation. Important features of the P. rhomboides distribution are reproduced, particularly its high abundance in the GNB (Golfe Normand-Breton) and its almost complete absence in the Western Channel. The results are discussed in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; Meroplanktonic invertebrates; Growth model; Population dynamics model; Paphia rhomboides; English Channel.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A digital atlas to link ontogenic shifts in fish spatial distribution to the environment of the eastern English Channel. Dab, Limanda limanda as a case-study ArchiMer
Martin, Corinne; Vaz, Sandrine; Koubbi, Philippe; Meaden, Geoff; Engelhard, Georg H.; Lauria, Valentina; Gardel, Laure; Coppin, Franck; Delavenne, Juliette; Dupuis, Ludovic; Ernande, Bruno; Foveau, Aurelie; Lelievre, Stephanie; Morin, Jocelyne; Warembourg, Caroline; Carpentier, Andre.
The eastern English Channel, which connects the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea through the Dover Strait, is an area where numerous and often conflicting human activities take place. A cross-border multidisciplinary project called CHARM was initiated to provide knowledge and tools for planners and decision-makers to durably manage the shared marine living resources. One such tool was an atlas of fish spatial distributions and modelled habitats, which was used here to investigate ontogenic and seasonal shifts in fish spatial distribution and habitat through a case-study, the dab Limanda limanda. Survey data for several life-history stages (eggs, larvae, coastal nurseries, < and > 1 year old) and seasons were used to map spatial patterns (using...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pleuronectidae; Limanda limanda; Eastern Channel; Spatial distribution; Modelling; Kriging; Ichthyoplankton; Trawl; CUFES.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A multivariate indicator to monitor changes in spatial patterns of age-structured fish populations ArchiMer
Petitgas, Pierre; Poulard, Jean-charles.
Quantitative analysis of the spatial patterns in age-structured fish populations provides a useful complement to stock assessment methods. The spatial distribution of an age-structured population is characterized by indicators for location, dispersion and aggregation, which are estimated from survey data. The times series of spatial indicators are organised in a 3D data structure with dimensions along indicators, age classes and years. Multi factor analysis (MFA) is applied to quantify the reproducibility in time of the multivariate structure between age classes and indicators. MFA computes the mean annual pattern over the age classes. The deviation around that pattern in each year is also quantified. A multivariate indicator that characterise the spatial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; Monitoring; CUSUM; Multi factor analysis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Aggregation behavior of Phyllophaga cuyabana (Moser) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae): relationships between sites chosen for mating and offspring distribution Neotropical Entomology
Garcia,Maria A.; Oliveira,Lenita J.; Oliveira,Maria C.N. de.
The aggregation behavior of Phyllophaga cuyabana (Moser) was studied and the hypothesis that the cluster distribution of larvae of this pest into the soil is related to the sites where females from the previous generation had aggregated for mating was investigated. Field observations and greenhouse experiments carried out in Londrina County, State of Paraná, South Brazil, indicated that: a) during flight, adult females of P. cuyabana select plants, which are more conspicuous for landing and/or attracting males; b) tall plants, nearby soybean fields, might be preferred because female adults do not move far from the mating sites before digging themselves into the soil to lay eggs; c) high density of eggs and larvae occurs close to the adult aggregation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Scarabaeoidea; Soil pest; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Analyse de l'indice d’abondance des principales espèces de sparidés à travers les campagnes de chalutage de 1982 à 1992 OceanDocs
Ould Mohamed Fall, K..
Résumé : L’indice d’abondance des principales espèces de sparidés pêchées en Mauritanie a été suivi dans les campagnes de chalutage démersal du CNROP en saison froide, chaude et transition, durant la période allant de 1982 à 1992. Des affinités par zone (cas de Diplodus bellottii, Pagellus bellottii, et Sparus caeruleostictus) et par saison (Dentex macrophtalmus) ont été observées. Un indice moyen mensuel a été dégagé pour les 6 espèces étudiées et les aires de distribution ainsi que les zones d’abondance déterminées.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; Abundance; Trawlers; Fishery surveys.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity and composition in streams along an altitudinal gradient in Southeastern Brazil Biota Neotropica
Henriques-Oliveira,Ana Lucia; Nessimian,Jorge Luiz.
Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity and composition in streams along an altitudinal gradient in Southeastern Brazil. A study concerning taxonomic richness and composition of the aquatic insect fauna in streams within the same catchment basin along an altitudinal gradient in Southeast Brazil, was conducted to test the hypothesis that there is a faunal discontinuity in the biocenotic composition, related to differences in altitude and latitude. In Southeastern Brazil, around latitude 22°, this faunal transition from rhithron to potamon biocenosis should occur at 500 m above sea level. Eighteen tributaries of the Mambucaba River, at Serra da Bocaina National Park, SP-RJ, Brazil, were studied. The streams were separated into 6 altitudinal zones (zone 1: above...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Altitudinal distribution; Spatial distribution; Taxonomic richness; Benthic macroinvertebrates.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Ascidians at Currais islands, Paraná, Brazil: taxonomy and distribution Biota Neotropica
Rocha,Rosana Moreira da; Faria,Suzana Barros de.
The Currais Islands is a group of a few small rocky islands in the state of Paraná, in southern Brazil, which provides an interesting location for the study of ascidians. Subtidal diversity is very high and the islands have recently been proposed as a Conservation Unit. A field study was established on the largest island to understand ascidian distributions on spatial and temporal scales. Transects, sampled three times during 2002 and 2003, were established on northern and southern locations of the island as well as at three depths. Twenty species were recorded; the most common were Didemnum rodriguesi, Didemnum speciosum and Didemnum granulatum. Three species are possibly new and will be described elsewhere. An additional nine are new records for the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ascidiacea; Tunicata; Taxonomy; Spatial distribution; Temporal distribution.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Atividade reprodutiva de Scinax rizibilis (Bokermann) (Anura, Hylidae) na Floresta Atlântica, sudeste do Brasil Zoologia
Bastos,Rogério P; Haddad,Célio F. B.
The breeding activity of Scinax rizibilis (Bokermann, 1964) was observed in a temporary pond, in the municipality of Ribeirão Branco, in the Southern São Paulo State from February 1993 to January 1994 and November 1994 to February 1995. The reproductive season extended from September to February. Females were larger and heavier (after oviposition) than males. In the choras, the spatial distribution tended towards uniformity. The number of males and females in the chorus was positively correlated. However there was no correlation between the number of males and the estimation of the operational sex ratios. On average there were seven males for each female present in the chorus. The males were apparently selected by females.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hylidae; Scinax rizibilis; Reproduction; Sexual selection; Spatial distribution; Seasonality.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Biogeography and Potential Exchanges Among the Atlantic Equatorial Belt Cold-Seep Faunas ArchiMer
Olu, Karine; Cordes, Erik E.; Fisher, Charles R.; Brooks, James M.; Sibuet, Myriam; Desbruyeres, Daniel.
Like hydrothermal vents along oceanic ridges, cold seeps are patchy and isolated ecosystems along continental margins, extending from bathyal to abyssal depths. The Atlantic Equatorial Belt (AEB), from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Guinea, was one focus of the Census of Marine Life ChEss (Chemosynthetic Ecosystems) program to study biogeography of seep and vent fauna. We present a review and analysis of collections from five seep regions along the AEB: the Gulf of Mexico where extensive faunal sampling has been conducted from 400 to 3300m, the Barbados accretionary prism, the Blake ridge diapir, and in the Eastern Atlantic from the Congo and Gabon margins and the recently explored Nigeria margin. Of the 72 taxa identified at the species level, a total...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of mexico; Barbados accretionary prism; Mussel bathymodiolus childressi; Hydrothermal vent communities; Deep sea vent; Spatial distribution; Family veiscomyidae; Dispersal barriers; Hydrocarbon seeps; Species diversity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Biología, ecología y explotación de la raya platana Atlantoraja platana (Günther, 1880), (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae), del golfo San Matías OceanDocs
Coller, N.M..
La “raya platana” (Atlantoraja platana), es una especie endémica del Atlántico Sudoccidental, habita desde los 22º S (Uruguay y sur de Brasil) hasta los 42º S, región del Golfo San Matías (Argentina). El área de estudio del presente trabajo fue el Golfo San Matías (41º- 42º S y 64º- 65º O). El material analizado (778 hembras y 709 machos) fue colectado durante muestreos mensuales de las capturas desembarcadas por los barcos pesqueros de la flota local (muestreos de desembarque); muestras extraídas a bordo de las embarcaciones pesqueras por el programa de observadores a bordo, durante los años 2004 y 2005 y los meses de marzo, abril y mayo de 2006; y durante la realización de campañas de investigación pesquera (primavera de 2004, 2005 y 2006). Se describió...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fishery biology; Ecology; Feeding behaviour; Age (biological); Growth; Coastal environment; Morphology (animal); Reproduction (biology); Spatial distribution; Population dynamics; Abundance.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Biological control of phytophagous arthropods in the physic nut tree Jatropha curcas L. in Brazil Agronomy
Fernandes, Flávio Lemes; Fernandes, Maria Elisa de Sena; Lopes, Elisângela Novais; Venzon, Madelaine; Diniz, Juno Ferreira da Silva; Dias, Luis Antônio dos Santos.
Jatropha curcas has a high biofuel oil content, which could replace polluting fuels, and has great potential for large scale monoculture cultivation in the conventional system. We explored the occurrence, spatial distribution and the functional response of the main phytophagous species of this plant and their natural enemies to explore the potential for conservative biological control. We began sampling phytophagous species and predators when J. curcas plants were six months old. The most common species of phytophagous insects were nymphs and adults of Empoasca kraemeri, followed by Frankliniella schultzei and Myzus persicae. Among the predators, Ricoseius loxocheles, Iphiseioides zuluagai, Araneidae, larvae and adults of Psyllobora vigintimaculata and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Predators; Parasitoids; Phytophagy; Spatial distribution; Functional response Entomologia Agrícola.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Bonamia sp. (Protozoa, Haplosporidia) parásito de Ostrea puelchana D’Orbigny, (Mollusca, Bivalvia) en el Golfo San Matías (Patagonia Argentina): Histopatología, identificación e infección OceanDocs
Kroeck, M.A..
Los moluscos bivalvos son organismos sedentarios que establecen una relación íntima no sólo entre ellos, sino también con el espacio que ocupan y con sus condiciones fisicoquímicas. Sus poblaciones pueden ser hospedadoras de múltiples organismos patógenos (virus,bacterias, hongos, protistas y metazoos), cuya presencia es regulada eficazmente a niveles infra, meta y suprapoblacionales en ambientes silvestres, no provocando, salvo excepcionalmente, impactos severos. Los cultivos a escala comercial producen concentraciones de individuos, con la consiguiente alteración del medio y del equilibrio natural en la relación parásito-hospedador, generándose condiciones apropiadas para el desarrollo de enfermedades. Entre los años 1995 y 1996 se instala, en la zona...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fishery biology; Marine molluscs; Parasitology; Protozoan diseases; Histopathology; Spatial distribution; Environmental conditions; Methodology; Examinations.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Breeding activity of Scinax centralis (Anura, Hylidae) in Central Brazil Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Alcantara,Mariana B.; Lima,Leôncio P.; Bastos,Rogério P..
From January, 1997 to April, 1998, we studied breeding activity in a population of Scinax centralis Pombal &amp; Bastos, 1996, in the state of Goiás, inside the Cerrado Biome, Brazil. The behavior of males and females in the choruses, the relationships between environmental variables and the presence of individuals, the spatial distribution pattern, amplexus and clutches were analyzed. The breeding season occurred from November to May. The majority of males began to call when they entered the chorus; they were defending their calling sites against other males. We found a positive correlation between the number of females and males in the choruses, but no significant correlation was observed between the operational sexual ratio (OSR, number of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Scinax centralis; Spatial distribution; Breeding; Aggressive behavior; Central Brazil.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Can regional and local filters explain epiphytic bryophyte distributions in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil? Acta Botanica
Batista,Wanessa Vieira Silva Menezes; Santos,Nivea Dias dos.
ABSTRACT Environmental conditions in distinct tropical rainforest phytophysiognomies can act as regional filters in determining the distribution of montane bryoflora likewise, local filters inherent to phorophyte species can have modulating influences. We analyzed the bryophyte communities in three phytophysiognomies of Atlantic Forest, in order to examine the influences of local (phorophyte species) and regional (forest phytophysiognomies) filters on their distributions. The study was undertaken in the Serra do Mar State Park, Ubatuba, SP, Brazil, using 1 ha plots in three forest phytophysiognomies along an elevational gradient. Four phorophyte species were selected, with three to seven replicates each. The line-intercept method was used on each...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental filtering; Liverworts; Mosses; Phorophytes; Spatial distribution; Tropical rainforests.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Características ecológicas del pulpito Octopus Tehuelchus en tres ambientes del golfo San Matías OceanDocs
Storero, L.P..
Coastal marine ecosystems are highly variable and the inherent biotic and abiotic factors of these environments can influence the bio-ecological characteristics of the living cephalopods. The presence of the small octopus “pulpito” Octopus tehuelchus in the coastal environments of San Matías Gulf has been exploited by artisanal fishermen for more than 60 years. The aim of this study is to evaluate the variations in the life cycle of the pulpito, and the factors that could account for these variations in three different coastal environments of San Matías Gulf, with differences in the physical, ecological and fisheries characteristics. This study was developed in San Antonio bay, El Fuerte and Islote Lobos. Monthly samplings (October 2005-2007) in the...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fishery biology; Cephalopod fisheries; Artisanal fishing; Coastal zone management; Coastal environment; Environmental conditions; Population dynamics; Sex composition; Spatial distribution; Morphology (animal); Life cycle; Feeding; Size-at-first-maturity; Age determination; Growth; Reproduction; Reproductive behaviour.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Caracterização estrutural em uma floresta de terra firme no estado do Amapá, Brasil PFB - Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira
Batista, Anderson Pedro Bernardina; Aparício, Wegliane Campelo da Silva; Aparício, Perseu da Silva; Santos, Vanessa Silva dos; Lima, Robson Borges de; Mello, José Marcio de.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a composição florística, estrutura e distribuição espacial das espécies arbóreas em uma floresta de terra firme no Estado do Amapá. Foram coletados dados dendrométricos e florísticos em 200 unidades amostrais terciárias, sendo analisadas as árvores com diâmetro a 1,30 m do solo (DAP) ≥ 40 cm. Foram calculados parâmetros fitossociológicos, distribuição espacial e índice de diversidade de Shannon. No levantamento foram amostrados 4.030 indivíduos arbóreos, distribuídos em 37 famílias e 201 espécies, sendo Goupia glabra (cupiúba) a espécie de maior valor de importância (VI). A área florestal apresenta características de floresta preservada. A amostragem revelou que a vegetação arbórea ocorre com maior proporção de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Engenharia Florestal Fitossociologia; Florística; Distribuição espacial Phytosociology; Floristics; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Cattle influence on the population structure of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in Araucaria Forest Ciência Rural
Stedille,Lilian Iara Bet; Pires,Edicléa Zulian; Gomes,Juliano Pereira; Costa,Newton Clóvis Freitas da; Bernardi,Alison Paulo; Mantovani,Adelar.
ABSTRACT: This study characterized the demography and spatial pattern of a yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil) population covering areas with different use histories (Presence and Absence of Cattle) in a Araucaria Forest. Data collection was performed in three ha, half in each area. The frequency of individuals by height, spatial distribution pattern, diameter distribution (for reproductive individuals) and sexual ratio were evaluated. An inverted “J” pattern predominated, being exclusive to an area with Cattle Presence, a place which presented a lower density of individuals. The predominant spatial distribution pattern was aggregated, and the reproductive individuals have a preferentially random pattern at the shortest distances. Results indicated...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; Demographic dynamics; Ripley’s K-function.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Changes in occurrence and abundance of northern/southern flatfishes over a 20-year period in a coastal nursery area (Bay of Vilaine) and on the eastern continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Desaunay, Yves; Guerault, Daniel; Le Pape, Olivier; Poulard, Jean-charles.
Several works have demonstrated trends in the distribution of fish species relative to global warming. This study investigated whether similar trends have occurred for selected flatfish species on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay. These species were used as indicators and changes in their Populations were studied in a coastal nursery ground,where flatfish juveniles are concentrated as well as on the entire shelf. Previous studies analysing changes in sea surface temperature for the continental shelf indicate that winter warming occurred in the 1980s and 1990s. Sixteen autumn cruises conducted since 1981 in the Bay of Vilaine nursery area and I I autumn cruises since 1987 over the entire shelf provided data on a nearly annual basis for the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Ocean warming; Spatial distribution; Flatfish.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Characterizing and Comparing the Spawning Habitats of Sardine (Sardinops sagax) and Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Northern Benguela Region OceanDocs
Tjizoo,Mbeurora Beau.
Spawning habitats of sardine and anchovy in eastern boundary current systems are characterized in an attempt to understand the fluctuations observed in their abundance. The northern Benguela, as an eastern boundary current system, is characterized by turbulent conditions that seem to govern the variability observed in the abundance of these species. Sardine and anchovy have developed mechanisms that enable them to maximize productivity. In the northern Benguela, spawning intensity is historically known to be high in periods and vicinities where turbulence is reduced. However, it is believed that selection of conditions for spawning by these species may change withfluctuations in abundance of fish.
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Sardine fisheries; Spawning; Anchovy fisheries; Habitat; Ecosystems; Sea surface temperature; Salinity; Spatial distribution; Climatic changes; Anthropogenic factors; Pelagic environment; Circulation; Coastlines.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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