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Regional Convergence in the European Union (1985-1999): A Spatial Dynamic Panel Analysis AgEcon
Badinger, Harald; Muller, Werner G.; Tondl, Gabriele.
We estimate the speed of income convergence for a sample of 196 European NUTS 2 regions over the period 1985-1999. So far there is no direct estimator available for dynamic panels with strong spatial dependencies. We propose a two-step procedure, which involves first spatial filtering of the variables to remove the spatial correlation, and application of standard GMM estimators for dynamic panels in a second step. Our results show that ignorance of the spatial correlation leads to potentially misleading results. Applying a system GMM estimator on the filtered variables, we obtain a speed of convergence of 6.9 per cent and a capital elasticity of 0.43.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Growth; Convergence; Spatial dependence; Spatial filtering; Dynamic panels; GMM; Community/Rural/Urban Development; C23; O00; R11.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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