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Barriers to Eastern Oyster Aquaculture Expansion in Virginia ArchiMer
Beckensteiner, Jennifer; Kaplan, David; Scheld, Andrew M..
The eastern oyster once provided major societal and ecosystem benefits, but these benefits have been threatened in recent decades by large declines in oyster harvests. In many areas, recovery of oyster aquaculture faces significant societal opposition and spatial constraints limiting its ability to meet expectations regarding future food needs and provision of ecosystem services. In Virginia, oyster aquaculture has begun to expand, concurrent with an increase in subaqueous leased areas (over 130,000 acres of grounds are currently leased). Though private leases must in theory be used for oyster production, in practice, they can be held for other reasons, such as speculation or intentional exclusion of others. These factors have led to large variation over...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea virginica; Oyster aquaculture; Chesapeake Bay; Spatial management; User conflicts.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Designing a Cost-Effective Marine Reserve Network: A Bioeconomic Metapopulation Analysis AgEcon
Sanchirico, James N..
Marine reserves are gaining attention around the world as a tool to both conserve ocean resources and improve the productivity of fisheries. Using simulation analysis, we investigate in a limited-entry fishery comprising nine subpopulations the inherent bioeconomic trade-offs associated with cost-effective designs of marine reserve networks' that is, the trade-offs between the degree of connectedness of a site and the biological and economic heterogeneity. We find in many cases that closing two low-value patches can result in larger biological gains and lower costs than closing one high-value patch. We also simulate biological productivity effects after creation of a reserve and find that under special conditions, aggregate sustainable rents are maximized...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Limited-entry; Marine reserve networks; Spatial management; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q22.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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How do demersal fishing fleets interact with aggregate extraction in a congested sea? ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Desprez, Michel; Vermard, Youen; Tidd, Alex.
The effects of the aggregate extraction intensity and the distance to extraction sites on the distribution of fishing effort were investigated for a broad selection of French and English demersal fleets operating in the Eastern English Channel. The most prominent result was that most fleets fishing near to aggregate extraction sites were not deterred by extraction activities. The fishing effort of dredgers and potters could be greater adjacent to marine aggregates sites than elsewhere, and also positively correlated to extraction intensity with a lag of 0–9 months. The distribution of fishing effort of French netters remained consistent over the study period. However, it is of note that the fishing effort of netters has increased substantially in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial management; Spatial planning; Demersal fisheries; Aggregate extraction; Eastern English Channel.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Modelling the spatial distribution of cetaceans in New Zealand waters ArchiMer
Stephenson, Fabrice; Goetz, Kimberly; Sharp, Ben R.; Mouton, Theophile; Beets, Fenna L.; Roberts, Jim; Macdiarmid, Alison B.; Constantine, Rochelle; Lundquist, Carolyn J.; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano.
Aim Cetaceans are inherently difficult to study due to their elusive, pelagic and often highly migratory nature. New Zealand waters are home to 50% of the world's cetacean species, but their spatial distributions are poorly known. Here, we model distributions of 30 cetacean taxa using an extensive at‐sea sightings dataset (n > 14,000) and high‐resolution (1 km2) environmental data layers. Location New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Methods Two models were used to predict probability of species occurrence based on available sightings records. For taxa with <50 sightings (n = 15), Relative Environmental Suitability (RES), and for taxa with ≥50 sightings (n = 15), Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) models were used. Independently collected...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Boosted regression tree models; Cetacean distribution; New Zealand; Relative environmental suitability models; Spatial management; Species distribution models.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Predicting fisher response to competition for space and resources in a mixed demersal fishery ArchiMer
Girardin, Raphael; Vermard, Youen; Thebaud, Olivier; Tidd, Alex; Marchal, Paul.
Understanding and modelling fleet dynamics and their response to spatial constraints is a prerequisite to anticipating the performance of marine ecosystem management plans. A major challenge for fisheries managers is to be able to anticipate how fishing effort is re-allocated following any permanent or seasonal closure of fishing grounds, given the competition for space with other active maritime sectors. In this study, a Random Utility Model (RUM) was applied to determine how fishing effort is allocated spatially and temporally by the French demersal mixed fleet fishing in the Eastern English Channel. The explanatory variables chosen were past effort i.e. experience or habit, previous catch to represent previous success, % of area occupied by spatial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Effort allocation; Random Utility Model; Spatial competition; Demersal mixed fishery; Eastern English Channel; Spatial management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Seafloor habitat definition for spatial management in fisheries: a case study on the continental shelf of southeast Australia ArchiMer
Bax, N; Kloser, R; Williams, A; Gowlett-holmes, K; Ryan, T.
The importance of habitat to Fisheries production on Australia's southeast continental shelf is part of a five-year study of ecosystem functioning and its implications for a sustainable fishery. Benthic habitats from 40 m to similar to 200 m were studied, based on identification of suitable sites from local fishers' information. Results presented here concentrate on data from a single mesohabitat at 40-60 m depth collected over two days. Macrohabitats within this mesohabitat were discriminated as soft, hard and rough from visual inspection of acoustic echograms. Subsequent analysis of the return echoes using roughness and hardness indices did not significantly improve real-time visual discriminations. Macrohabitats were sampled with an underwater video...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat benthique; Acoustique; Communauté biologique; Vidéo sous-marine; Gestion spatiale; Seafloor habitat; Acoustics; Biological communities; Underwater video; Spatial management.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Spatial management of inshore areas: Theory and practice ArchiMer
Claudet, Joachim; Roussel, S; Pelletier, Dominique; Rey Valette, Hélène.
Coastal uses have deeply evolved these last decades and high anthropogenic pressures on coastal ecosystems have affected the sustainability of these areas with respect to the services and the resources they may provide. Traditional fisheries management has failed to avoid overexploitation of most coastal marine resources. Management measures based on an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are thus required. Spatial management covers various ranges of properties that may enhance usual regulatory means. If spatial considerations are explicitly integrated in fisheries management, the latter may contribute to zoning design in order to balance the economic, social and biological values of natural marine resources. While traditional fisheries management...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial management; Coastal resources; Marine protected areas MPAS; Management ICZM; Integrated coastal zone; Fisheries management; Ecology; Ecological economics.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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