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Assessing the Impact of Recent Trade Policy Changes in the Banana Market under Alternative Market Structures AgEcon
Anania, Giovanni; Scoppola, Margherita.
The paper focuses on the importance of the assumptions made about market structure and firm behaviors in empirical trade policy analysis. It addresses this issue with reference to recent changes in the EU import regime for bananas, namely the Economic Partnership Agreements and the December 2009 WTO agreement on bananas. The paper’s contribution to the literature on the issues addressed is threefold: first it develops two original models which incorporate imperfectly competitive market structures in a spatial modeling framework; then it proposes a methodology to assess the degree of market power in international trading which is applied to the banana market and, finally, it assesses how analysis of the implications of the most recent changes in the EU...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Bananas; Economic Partnership Agreements; WTO; Imperfect Competition; Spatial models; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q17; Q18; F13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Does Arbitraging Matter? Spatial Trade and Discriminatory Trade Policies AgEcon
Anania, Giovanni; McCalla, Alex F..
When modeling discriminatory trade policies -- such as targeted embargoes, selective quotas, targeted export or import subsidies, or preferential trading agreements -- failure to explicitly include assumptions about arbitraging behavior may yield to misleading results. Quadratic programming (QP), Non Linear Programming (NLP), and Vector Sandwich (VS) models implicitly set the rules regarding the possibility of simultaneous exporting and importing. The result is that many analysis using these models may lead to poor results because the models contain implicit limits on arbitraging which may be at variance with the actual policies and/or country behavior. The paper introduces an alternative spatial model. Its main features are that countries are allowed to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Trade; Spatial models; Arbitraging; Discriminatory trade policy; Embargo; Preferential tariff; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Economic Partnership Agreements and WTO negotiations. A quantitative assessment of trade preference granting and erosion in the banana market AgEcon
Anania, Giovanni.
Paper replaced 07/29/09.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: WTO; Economic Partnership Agreements; Trade preferences; Preference erosion; Spatial models; Bananas; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Impacts of Population and Income Growth Rates on Threatened Mammals and Birds AgEcon
Pandit, Ram; Laband, David N..
Per capita income and human population levels in a country have direct influences on its environmental outcomes. Countries with same level of income may have different rate of income growth and vice versa, suggesting that the influence of the rate of income growth on environmental outcomes could be different than that of income level. Similarly, the rate of population growth might have different impact in addition to the impacts of sheer number of population. We explore this empirical question using country-level data on threatened species published by IUCN for the year 2007. Controlling for other factors, our model estimates the influences of the rate of population and income growth on threatened mammals and birds across 113 continental countries. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Income; Population; Spatial models; Spatial autocorrelation; Endemic species; Biodiversity; Environmental Economics and Policy; C21; Q57.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Valuing Rural Recreation Amenities: Hedonic Prices for Vacation Rental Houses at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland AgEcon
Nelson, Jon P..
Hedonic prices are estimated for summer and winter rentals for vacation houses located near a lake and ski-golf resort in rural western Maryland. Regressions for weekly rents are conditioned on house size, quality, and recreation features including lakefront proximity and ski-slope access. Percentage effects and marginal implicit prices indicate that access to recreation is reflected importantly in rental offers. Evaluated at the means, lakefront locations command a premium of $1,100–1,200 per week, and the premium for ski-slope access is $500–600 per week. Unit recreation values are about $18 per person per day for a lakefront location with a private dock and $7 per person per day for a ski-slope location. There are small differences in the unit values...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Recreation demand; Environmental valuation; Hedonic prices; Spatial models; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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