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Estructura y riqueza vegetal de las islas de la costa de Sinaloa, México. 32
Sánchez Soto, Bardo Heleodoro.
Las islas continentales de Sinaloa difieren en forma, geología, topografía, clima y biología, por tanto pudieran ser varios los factores que determinan la composición y estructura de las comunidades vegetales que ahí habitan. Esta investigación, realizada en 16 islas del estado, tiene como objetivos: 1) ajustar modelos especies-área para evaluar la importancia de las variables biogeográficas en la predicción de la riqueza de especies vegetales, con base en muestreo de campo y datos publicados sobre la flora de cinco islas de la entidad, y 2) esclarecer las relaciones entre medio y vegetación en 16 islas, con ayuda de análisis multivariables de clasificación y ordenación. El modelo exponencial y la función potencial, dan valores de R2 entre 0.20 y 0.25,...
Palavras-chave: Relación especies-área; Islas de Sinaloa; Gradiente ambiental; Riqueza vegetal; Factores geomorfológicos y edáficos; Species-area relationship; Islands of Sinaloa; Environmental gradient; Vegetal richness; Geomorphological and edaphic factors; Botánica; Doctorado.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Impacts of data quality on the setting of conservation planning targets using the species-area relationship 5
Metcalfe, Kristian; Delavenne, Juliette; Garcia, Clement; Foveau, Aurelie; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Coggan, Roger; Vaz, Sandrine; Harrop, Stuart R.; Smith, Robert J..
Aim : The speciesarea relationship (SAR) is increasingly being used to set conservation targets for habitat types when designing protected area networks. This approach is transparent and scientifically defensible, but there has been little research on how it is affected by data quality and quantity. Location : English Channel. Methods : We used a macrobenthic dataset containing 1314 sampling points and assigned each point to its associated habitat type. We then used the SAR-based approach and tested whether this was influenced by changes in (i) the number of sampling points used to generate estimates of total species richness for each habitat type; (ii) the nonparametric estimator used to calculate species richness; and (iii) the level of habitat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: English Channel; Habitat targets; Marine Conservation Zones; Marine protected areas; Species-area relationship; Systematic conservation planning.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Mammalian phylogenetic diversity-area relationships at a continental scale 5
Mazel, Florent; Renaud, Julien; Guilhaumon, Francois; Mouillot, David; Gravel, Dominique; Thuiller, Wilfried.
In analogy to the species-area relationship (SAR), one of the few laws in ecology, the phylogenetic diversity-area relationship (PDAR) describes the tendency of phylogenetic diversity (PD) to increase with area. Although investigating PDAR has the potential to unravel the underlying processes shaping assemblages across spatial scales and to predict PD loss through habitat reduction, it has been little investigated so far. Focusing on PD has noticeable advantages compared to species richness (SR), since PD also gives insights on processes such as speciation/extinction, assembly rules and ecosystem functioning. Here we investigate the universality and pervasiveness of the PDAR at continental scale using terrestrial mammals as study case. We define the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conservation biogeography; Habitat loss; Null models; Phylogenetic diversity; Species-area relationship; Strict nested design.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Multifunctional Agriculture: A Framework and Policy Design 31
Lankoski, Jussi E.; Ollikainen, Markku.
We study the multifunctional character of agriculture in a model of endogenous input use and land allocation augmented by biodiversity, landscape amenity, and nutrient runoff. While biodiversity and landscape amenities represent the public good aspects of agriculture, nutrient runoff represents its negative externalities. We show that the private use of fertilizer input is higher and the size of buffer strips lower than the socially optimal solution requires. Also the socially optimal land allocation differs from the private solution due to the valuation of landscape diversity and runoff damages. The optimal policy is to use a differentiated fertilizer tax and a differentiated buffer strip subsidy and to determine their levels by the equality between the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; First-best instruments; Landscape mosaic; Multifunctional agriculture; Nutrient runoff; Shannon diversity index; Species-area relationship; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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sars: an R package for fitting, evaluating and comparing species–area relationship models 5
Matthews, Thomas J.; Triantis, Kostas; Whittaker, Robert J.; Guilhaumon, François.
The species–area relationship (SAR) constitutes one of the most general ecological patterns globally. A number of different SAR models have been proposed. Recent work has shown that no single model universally provides the best fit to empirical SAR datasets: multiple models may be of practical and theoretical interest. However, there are no software packages available that a) allow users to fit the full range of published SAR models, or b) provide functions to undertake a range of additional SAR‐related analyses. To address these needs, we have developed the R package ‘sars’ that provides a wide variety of SAR‐related functionality. The package provides functions to: a) fit 20 SAR models using non‐linear and linear regression, b) calculate multi‐model...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diversity-area relationship; Island biogeography; Species-area relationship.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Status of the globally threatened forest birds of northeast Brazil 84
Pereira,Glauco Alves; Dantas,Sidnei de Melo; Silveira,Luís Fábio; Roda,Sônia Aline; Albano,Ciro; Sonntag,Frederico Acaz; Leal,Sergio; Periquito,Mauricio Cabral; Malacco,Gustavo Bernardino; Lees,Alexander Charles.
The Atlantic Forest of northeast Brazil hosts a unique biota which is among the most threatened in the Neotropics. Near-total conversion of forest habitat to sugar cane monocultures has left the region's endemic forest-dependent avifauna marooned in a few highly-fragmented and degraded forest remnants. Here we summarise the current status of 16 globally threatened species based on surveys conducted over the last 11 years. We found a bleak situation for most of these species and consider that three endemics: Glaucidium mooreorum (Pernambuco Pygmy-owl), Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti (Cryptic Treehunter) and Philydor novaesi (Alagoas Foliage-gleaner) are most likely globally extinct. Some positive news can, however, be reported for both Leptodon forbesi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragmentation; Species-area relationship; Conservation intervention; Protected areas.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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