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Additional observations of Spiniferites alaskensis from topotype material 5
Marret, Fabienne; Mertens, Kenneth.
Here we present new observations of Spiniferites alaskensis, a relatively rare species described from the Eemian of the Gulf of Alaska. We show that the species shows a gonyaulacacean tabulation: Po, 4´, 6´´, 6c,? s, 6´´´, 1p, 1´´´´. The surface is finely granulate to scabrate. The species bears characteristic processes: these are exclusively gonal, membranous, perforated and end distally in platforms with stumpy ends. We provide more detail as how this species compares to closely related species belonging to the genus Spiniferites.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Alaska; Chorate; Spiniferites; Processes; Eemian; ODP.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Introduction to Spiniferites Mantell 1850 special issue 5
Mertens, Kenneth; Carbonell-moore, Consuelo.
The first chapter of this special issue introduces the proceedings of two workshops concerning the cystbased genus Spiniferites Mantell 1850. The historical background of the cyst-based genus Spiniferites, its closely related genera and the theca-based genus Gonyaulax Diesing 1866 is presented here
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spiniferites; Achomosphaera; Nematosphaeropsis; Gonyaulax.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The dinoflagellate cyst genera Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and Spiniferites Mantell 1850 in Pliocene to modern sediments: a summary of round table discussions 5
Mertens, Kenneth; Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Aydin, Hilal; Bogus, Kara; Bringue, Manuel; Dale, Barrie; De Schepper, Stijn; De Vernal, Anne; Ellegaard, Marianne; Grothe, Arjen; Gu, Haifeng; Head, Martin J.; Heikkila, Maija; Limoges, Audrey; Londeix, Laurent; Louwye, Stephen; Marret, Fabienne; Masure, Edwige; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Mudie, Peta J.; Penaud, Aurelie; Pospelova, Vera; Price, Andrea Michelle; Ribeiro, Sofia; Rochon, Andre; Sangiorgi, Francesca; Schreck, Michael; Torres, Vladimir; Uzar, Serdar; Versteegh, Gerard J. M.; Warny, Sophie; Zonneveld, Karin.
We present a summary of two round-table discussions held during two subsequent workshops in Montreal (Canada) on 16 April 2014 and Ostend (Belgium) on 8 July 2015. Five species of the genus Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and 33 of the genus Spiniferites Mantell 1850 emend. Sarjeant 1970 occuring in Pliocene to modern sediments are listed and briefly described along with remarks made by workshop participants. In addition, several holotypes and topotypes are reillustrated. Three species previously assigned to Spiniferites are here considered/accepted as belonging to other genera: Impagidinium inaequalis (Wall and Dale in Wall et al. 1973) Londeix et al. 2009, Spiniferites? rubinus (Rossignol 1962 ex Rossignol 1964) Sarjeant 1970, and Thalassiphora balcanica...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spiniferites; Achomosphaera; Hafniasphaera; Rottnestia; Pterocysta.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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