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Cambios en los compuestos volátiles de un concentrado de sabor limón por la presencia de ácido cítrico OceanDocs
Pino, J. A.; Sauri-Duch, E.; Cuevas-Glory, L..
En el presente trabajo se estudiaron los cambios de los componentes volátiles de un concentrado de sabor limón para preparar bebidas de limón durante 6 meses de conservación a 40 ºC. Se identificaron 44 compuestos aislados mediante microextracción en fase sólida del espacio de cabeza en combinación con la cromatografía de gases- espectrometría de masas. El limoneno, γ-terpineno, acetato de citronelilo, acetato de nerilo y acetato de geranilo, disminuyeron su contenido significativamente, mientras que el 1,4-cineol, 1,8-cineol, p-cimeno, p-cimeneno, p-menta-1,3- dien-8-ol, α-terpineol, trans-α-bergamoteno, ar-curcumeno, (E,E)-α-farneseno y β-bisaboleno la incrementaron. El neral y geranial parecen disminuir su contenido, pero estos cambios no explican todo...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Volatile compounds; Stability; Flavourings; Concentrates; Lemons; Spoilage; Citric acid.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Characterisation of volatile compounds produced by bacteria isolated from the spoilage flora of cold-smoked salmon ArchiMer
Joffraud, Jean-jacques; Leroi, Francoise; Roy, Caroline; Berdague, J.
This study investigated the volatile compounds produced by bacteria belonging to nine different bacterial groups: Lactobacillus sake, L. farciminis, L. alimentarius. Carnobacterium piscicola, Aeromonas sp., Shewanella putefaciens. Brochothrix thermosphacta, Photobacterium phosphoreum and Enterobacteriaceae isolated from cold-smoked salmon. Each bacterial group was represented by several strains. In addition, combinations of the groups were examined as well. Sterile blocks of cold-smoked salmon were inoculated, vacuum-packed and stored at 6 degreesC. After 40 days of storage at 6 degreesC, aerobic viable count and pH were recorded, the volatile fraction of the samples was analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). and spoilage was assessed by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Volatile compounds; Bacteria; Spoilage; Cold smoked salmon.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Characterization of the spoilage lactic acid bacteria in “sliced vacuum-packed cooked ham” BJM
Kalschne,Daneysa Lahis; Womer,Rute; Mattana,Ademir; Sarmento,Cleonice Mendes Pereira; Colla,Luciane Maria; Colla,Eliane.
The lactic acid bacteria are involved with food fermentation and in such cases with food spoilage. Considering the need to reduce the lactic acid bacteria growth in meat products, the aim of this work was to enumerated and investigated the lactic acid bacteria present on sliced vacuum-packed cooked ham stored at 4 °C and 8 °C for 45 days by phenotypic and molecular techniques. The quantification showed that the lactic acid bacteria were present from the first day with mean count of 1.98 log cfu/g for the four batches analyzed. The lactic acid bacteria grew rapidly on the samples, and plate counts around 7.59 log cfu/g and 8.25 log cfu/g were detected after 45 days of storage at 4 °C and 8 °C, respectively; storage temperatures studied showed significant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactobacillus curvatus; Lactobacillus sakei; Leuconostoc mesenteroides; Spoilage.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Détection de la flore d'altération du poisson réfrigéré : évaluation d'un milieu de culture ArchiMer
Joffraud, Jean-jacques; Chevalier, Frederique.
The study submitted in this paper intendent to assess the ability of a culture medium for the detection and counting of chilled fish spoilage flora. Some authors used a medium allowing the detection of the whole spoilage bacteria on the basis of H2S production but this medium as been only used for cod flora analysis (Gadus morhua) coming from north sea or baltic sea. Therefore this study aimed to assess the efficiency of medium on withing flesh (Merlangius merlangus), gadidae of temperate sea water, on the one hand and salmon flesh (Salmo salar), aquacultural salmonidae, on the other hand. During this study, about 120 bacterial strains (half of them being H2S producing) were isolat respectively from whiting and salmon flesh stored in air or under vacuum....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteriologie alimentaire; Alteration du poisson; Flore d'alteration; Refrigeration; Food bacteriology; Spoilage; Fish; Spoilage flora; Chilling.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Development of a quality index scheme and shelf-life study for whole tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) Acta Amazonica
SILVA,Márcio Luís Bernardo Pontes da; LOPES,Jane Mello; VIEIRA,Sidely Gil Araújo; ARAUJO,Thaís Danyelle Santos; CALVET,Rodrigo Maciel; PEREIRA,Alitiene Moura Lemos; FOGAÇA,Fabiola Helena dos Santos.
ABSTRACT The study developed a sensory scheme based on the Quality Index (QI) and estimated the shelf-life for whole tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818), stored in ice, assessing and determining the most appropriate chemical, physical, bacteriological and quality sensory parameters and their changes during storage time. Ninety six fish were evaluated at 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19 and 22 days of ice-storage. The developed quality index (QI) showed four main quality attributes with a total of 29 demerit scores. The skin mucus and odor, as well as general appearance and ventral elasticity had a great importance for the statistical model applied, while eyes, gill mucus and dorsal elasticity showed lower significance for tambaqui QI. The pH showed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Food quality; Storage time; Spoilage; Sensory parameters.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effect of bacterial interactions on the spoilage of cold-smoked salmon ArchiMer
Joffraud, Jean-jacques; Cardinal, Mireille; Cornet, Josiane; Chasles, Jean-sebastien; Leon, Sandrine; Gigout, Frederique; Leroi, Francoise.
Cold-smoked salmon is a lightly preserved fish product in which a mixed microbial flora develops during storage and where the interactive behaviour of micro-organisms may contribute to their growth and spoilage activity. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the bacterial interactions between the main species contaminating the cold-smoked salmon on bacterial growth, chemical and sensory changes, and spoilage. First, Carnobacterium piscicola, Photobacterium phosphoreum, Lactobacillus sakei, Vibrio sp., Brochothrix thermosphacta and Serratia liquefaciens-like were inoculated as pure cultures on sterile cold-smoked salmon. All bacterial species grew well; Vibrio sp. was the fastest and L. sakei strains developed very rapidly as well with a high...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spoilage; Interaction; Microbial flora; Cold smoked salmon.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effect of lactic acid bacteria on extention of shelf life and growth of Listeria monocytogenes in beef steaks stored in CO2- rich atmosphere BJM
Djenane,Djamel; Martínez,Luis; Blanco,Domingo; Yangüela,Javier; Beltrán,José A.; Roncalés,Pedro.
Beef steaks were inoculated with one or other of two protective strains of lactic acid bacteria (bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus sakei CTC 372 or the uncharacterized Lactobacillus CTC 711), and stored under modified atmospheres (20-40% CO2). Inoculation of meat with LAB inhibited growth of the spoilage bacteria. Neither CO2 in the pack atmosphere or inoculation with protective strains, nor a combination of both, affected formation of metmyoglobin or the development of off-odours. The formation of metmyoglobin in meat pigments and the sensory odour scores were compatible to those of fresh meat which had not undergone either oxidative deterioration or microbial spoilage. Listeria monocytogenes was inhibited in broth by meat surface microbiota containing the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fresh meat; Modified atmosphere; Preservation; Lactic acid bacteria; Spoilage; Listeria monocytogenes.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Lactic acid bacteria selection for biopreservation as a part of hurdle technology approach applied on seafood ArchiMer
Wiernasz, Norman; Cornet, Josiane; Cardinal, Mireille; Pilet, Marie-france; Passerini, Delphine; Leroi, Francoise.
As fragile food commodities, microbial and organoleptic qualities of fishery and seafood can quickly deteriorate. In this context, microbial quality and security improvement during the whole food processing chain (from catch to plate), using hurdle technology, a combination of mild preserving technologies such as biopreservation, modified atmosphere packaging and superchilling, are of great interest. Thirty-five lactic acid bacteria (LAB) belonging to the species Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Carnobacterium inhibens, Lactococcus piscium, Leuconostoc gelidum, Vagococcus fluvialis, Vagococcus penaei and Aerococcus viridans, known to possess interesting antimicrobial activity, were chosen for their potential application as bioprotective agents as a part of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial activity; Spoilage; Screening; Chitosan; Fish juice; Safety assessment.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Lactococcus piscium : a psychotrophic lactic acid bacterium with bioprotective or spoilage activity in food - a review ArchiMer
Saraoui, Taous; Leroi, Francoise; Bjorkroth, J.; Pilet, M. F..
The genus Lactococcus comprises twelve species, some known for decades and others more recently described. Lactococcus piscium, isolated in 1990 from rainbow trout, is a psychrotrophic lactic acid bacterium (LAB), probably disregarded because most of the strains are unable to grow at 30°C. During the last 10 years, this species has been isolated from a large variety of food: meat, seafood and vegetables, mostly packed under vacuum (VP) or modified atmosphere (MAP) and stored at chilled temperature. Recently, culture-independent techniques used for characterization of microbial ecosystems have highlighted the importance of L. piscium in food. Its role in food spoilage varies according to the strain and the food matrix. However, most studies have indicated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biopreservation; Cold adaptation; Lactic acid bacteria; Meat; Seafood; Spoilage.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Occurrence and role of lactic acid bacteria in seafood products ArchiMer
Leroi, Francoise.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in fish flesh has long been disregarded because the high post-mortem pH, the low percentage of sugars, the high content of low molecular weight nitrogenous molecules and the low temperature of temperate waters favor the rapid growth of pH-sensitive psychrotolerant marine Gram-negative bacteria like Pseudomonas, Shewanella and Photobacterium. In seafood packed in both vacuum (VP) and modified atmosphere (MAP) packaging commonly CO2 enriched, the growth of the Gram-negative aerobic bacteria group (predominantly pseudomonads) is effectively inhibited and the number reached by LAB during storage is higher than that achieved in air but always several log units lower than the trimethylamine oxide (TMA-O) reducing and CO2-resistant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lactic acid bacteria; Fish; Spoilage; Biopreservation; Probiotic; Fermentation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pérdidas ocasionadas por insectos en cacao almacenado OceanDocs
Fraga, R.; Carrillo, M.; Pedroso, H..
Se evaluaron las pérdidas que Lasioderma serricorne (F.) y Araecerus fasciculatus (De G.), ocasionaron en el cacao almacenado durante tres meses bajo condiciones controladas de temperatura (28 ± 2 ºC) y humedad relativa (73 %). Se determinó el consumo de materia seca de cada estadio biológico activo y la pérdida de peso, los granos dañados y la producción de polvo, ocasionada por cada especie durante su desarrollo. Los estadios larval y adulto de L. sericorne fueron los que mayor cantidad de cacao ingirieron, alcanzando valores de 6,76 y 0,81 mg, respectivamente. A los 90 días de almacenamiento, la especie L. serricorne ocasionó 20,3 % de pérdida en peso, 31,5 % de granos dañados y 14,8 % de producción de polvo.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Weight; Storage; Temperature; Cocoa beans; Weight losses; Spoilage; Humidity; Pests.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) after irradiation Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT This work evaluated the effects of ionizing radiation on the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the potato cultivar Ágata (Solanum tuberosum L.), including budding and deterioration, with the end goal of increasing shelf life. For this, four groups of samples were harvested at the maturation stage. Three of them were separately exposed to a Co-60 source, receiving respective doses of 0.10, 0.15 and 2.00 kGy, while the non-irradiated group was kept as a control. All samples were stored for 35 days at 24 °C (± 2) and at 39% relative humidity. The following aspects were evaluated: budding, rot, loss of weight, texture, flesh color, moisture, external and internal appearance, aroma, soluble solids, titratable acidity, vitamin C, protein,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation; Irradiation; Potato; Spoilage; Storage.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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