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Aujeszky Disease Swine: occurrence and spreading in São Paulo State - Brazil 195
Krzyzaniak, Érico Luiz; Gottschalk, Arnold Frederico; Módolo, José Rafael; Padovani, Carlos Roberto; Kieckhöfer, Helmuth; Visentini, Paulo Rogério Saurin.
Aujeszky disease is an infeccions one with wide spreading characterized by development of latent infeccions and reprodutive problems in swine herd resulting large economical damage in agribusiness. A lot of countries descry possible attitudes for erradication plans of disease worried about future intemational marketing restritions. This work presents informations related to herd management method, spacial and temporal distribution of occurrence, population density, intrastate and interstate transit of animals coming from South Region to São Paulo state and other ones, for suckling or slaughter, that need to cross over São Paulo to reach its receiver. It's discussed too its intertwining with other epidemiological factors that may collaborate disease endless.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aujeszky disease; Swine; Occurrence; Spreading; Transit Enfermedad de Aujeszky; Porcinos; Tránsito; Ocurrencia; Difusión Doença de Aujeszky; Suínos; Trânsito; Ocorrência; Difusão.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Does the Use of Adjuvants Alter Surface Tension and Contact Angle of Herbicide Spray Droplets on Leaves of Sida spp.? 87
ABSTRACT: Droplet spreading on plant surfaces may indicate greater efficiency in herbicide application. The aim of this study was to evaluate surface tension and contact angle of the aminopyralid + fluroxypir herbicide droplets associated with adjuvants on the leaf surface of three species of the genus Sida. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, in a 4x2+1 factorial arrangement, with four replications. Four treatments containing two rates of the herbicide (0.04 + 0.08 kg a.i. ha-1 and 0.08+0.16 kg a.i. ha-1) were evaluated, associated or not with the adjuvants vegetable oil, mineral oil and lecthin; and water was used as a control. Surface tension and contact angle of the syringes were measured with a tensiometer. Surface...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aminopiralide + fluroxipir; Spreading; Sida cordifolia; Sida glaziovii; Sida rhombifolia.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Variations in axial morphology, segmentation, and seafloor roughness along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge between 56 degrees S and 66 degrees S 5
Ondreas, Helene; Aslanian, Daniel; Geli, Louis; Olivet, Jean-louis; Briais, Anne.
The spreading rate at the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR) increases rapidly from 54 mm/yr near Pitman Fracture Zone (FZ) up to 76 mm/yr near Udintsev FZ, resulting in three domains of axial morphology: an axial valley south of Pitman FZ, an axial high north of Saint Exupery FZ, and in between, the transitional domain extends over 650 km. It comprises sections of ridge with an axial valley or an axial high and generally displays a very low cross-sectional relief. It is also characterized by two propagating rifts. Two domains of different seafloor roughness appear south of Udintsev FZ: east of 157 degreesW these two domains are separated by a 1000-km V-shaped boundary. West of 157 degreesW, the boundary approximately coincides with Chron 3a or Chron 4. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spreading; Segmentation; Geomorphology; Seafloor; Ridge.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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