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Assessing the genotypic performance of carioca beans through mixed models Ciência Rural
Souza,Yure Pequeno de; Santos,Paulo Ricardo dos; Nascimento,Maxwel Rodrigues; Costa,Kleyton Danilo da Silva; Lima,Thalyson Vasconcelos; Oliveira,Tâmara Rebecca Albuquerque de; Costa,Antônio Félix da; Pereira,Helton Santos; Silva,José Wilson da.
ABSTRACT: Using genotypes adapted to different regions is one of the main ways to increase Brazilian bean yield. The aim of the present study was to assess the genotypic performance of Carioca beans through mixed models. Fourteen Carioca bean genotypes were assessed in four locations in Pernambuco State (Arcoverde, Caruaru, Belém de São Francisco and São João counties) in 2015. The experiments followed a completely randomized block design, with three repetitions. Genetic parameters were estimated according to the REML/BLUP methodology, whereas genotype selection was based on the harmonic mean of relative performance of genetic values method (MHPRVG). The mean genotype heritability had moderate magnitude, high selective accuracy, besides allowing selection...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris L.; Adaptability; Productivity; REML/BLUP; Stability..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Sustainability, Stability, and Resilience Ecology and Society
Ludwig, Don; University of British Columbia;; Walker, Brian; CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems;; Holling, C. S.; University of Florida;
The purpose of this essay is to define and refine the concepts of stability and resilience and to demonstrate their value in understanding the behavior of exploited systems. Some ecological systems display several possible stable states. They may also show a hysteresis effect in which, even after a long time, the state of the system may be partly determined by its history. The concept of resilience depends upon our objectives, the types of disturbances that we anticipate, control measures that are available, and the time scale of interest.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Bifurcation; Multiple stable states; Resilience; Stability..
Ano: 1997
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